The sky gradually darkened, and String Moon Island ushered in nightfall.

Looking down at the entire island from above, you can see some sporadic fires, which are the fires raised by the competitors.

Yun Xin was cooking a night meal in the shelter, and today she cooked fish and boiled it into fish soup with wild vegetables and fungus, ready to make up for Chu Feng.

Chu Feng was piling up rocks, adding wood to the burning new shelter.

The two returned from taking honey, treated their wounds, and continued to collect wood.

Originally, Yun Xin did not agree, but Chu Feng's hand was much swollen after being rinsed with soapy water, and finally she compromised.

"Two more hours of burning should be about the same." Chu Feng threw the wood in his hand into the new shelter through the stone gate.

Behind him, there was also a pile of wood, which the two had collected before nightfall, enough to burn for two hours.

"I have to go tomorrow." Chu Feng whispered in his mouth.

He was going to use wood to frame the roof, and then use banana leaves, clay and the like to make the roof, all of which had to be collected.

"Chu Feng, you can eat a meal." Yun Xin's voice came from inside the shelter.

"Here it is." Chu Feng patted the dust on his hand and replied.

When he returned to the shelter, Yun Xin had already filled the fish soup in a clay bowl and made a plate of cold wild vegetables with wild berry jam.

Yun Xin handed the chopsticks to Chu Feng and said softly, "Sit down quickly." "

Chu Feng sat on the wooden stool next to the fire and took a sip of fish soup with a pottery bowl.

He chuckled and praised, "The craftsmanship is as good as ever." "

"If it's delicious, you can eat more." Yun Xin said with a smile.

She looked at Chu Feng's hand holding the pottery bowl and asked worriedly, "Chu Feng, how does the hand feel?" "

"It doesn't hurt anymore, you see that the swelling has subsided." Chu Feng stretched out his left hand and shook it.

"Huh? It doesn't seem to be so swollen. Yun Xin took Chu Feng's left hand and looked over and over in surprise.

More than half an hour later, the two sat around the wooden table after eating their dinner.

Chu Feng took out the clay pot containing honey and fished out the honeycomb inside with chopsticks, and what remained in the clay pot was golden yellow and sticky honey, which was as much as one-third of the clay pot.

"It's so fragrant."

Yun Xin shrugged his nose and said, "This is pure wild honey. "

"Soak it in warm water, replenish the sugar, and sleep better tonight." Chu Feng put the beehive on the pottery plate, and used chopsticks to poke the uncracked beehive on it, so that the honey inside flowed out.

Honey is best brewed with warm water, the water temperature should not exceed 60 degrees, too high temperature will destroy the nutrients inside, it is best to keep the water temperature around 40 degrees best.

"Good." Yun Xin nodded in reply.

She brought two clay cups, scooped a little honey into the clay pot with a bamboo spoon and poured it into the clay cup, scooped a little warm water from the clay pot, poured it into it and stirred.


Yun Xin took the pottery cup and took a sip, let out a long sigh, and said with satisfaction: "It's so sweet." "

Girls love sweets, and girls are no exception.

"You can drink a little every day when you go to bed, it's good for the skin, and you have a certain amount of breast enlargement... Ahem. Chu Feng habitually began to popularize science, and when he said that, he quickly braked the car in embarrassment.

Yun Xin's face turned slightly red, and she squinted her eyes and asked suspiciously, "Really?" "

"Ahem, honey water is delicious." Chu Feng coughed twice in embarrassment, drinking honey water and changing the topic.

The girl stared at Chu Feng, then looked down at her chest, and then drank the honey water in her hand in two or three sips.

The audience in the live broadcast room began to boil, and one barrage after another quickly brushed.

"Is what Chu Feng said true? Can drinking honey enlarge my chest? "

"No matter, I'm going to try, I'm going to be a real woman with her head held high."

"Little Lori believes it, it seems that she also cares about her size."

Little Witch: "Shark fin×88." I'll try it first, and then I'll tip a wave when it works. "

"What's wrong with the flat chest? Flat I chest I am proud, I am for the national province cloth. "

"Xiu'er appeared, hurry up and give a seat."


After Chu Feng drank the honey water, he looked at the honeycomb in the pottery plate, the honey inside had all flowed out, and the honey in the plate was poured into the clay pot, leaving a beehive.

"This hive is used to boil beeswax," Yun Xin said, looking at the hive in the plate.

When she was in the orphanage, she saw the dean's grandmother make beeswax, and the raw material was beehives.

"Well, you can." Chu Feng nodded with a smile.

The hive in front of you is a good thing, and it can be eaten after boiled into beeswax, and can also be used as candles.

Beeswax is purified by beehive processing, pure natural beeswax can be edible, has a certain itch and pain relief effect, but also can replenish qi and blood and beauty effect.

It can make people's skin become delicate and the complexion will become more and more rosy.

"I'll get it, I'll do this." Yun Xin raised his hand and said eagerly.

"Okay, then I'll go add some wood to the stone wall." Chu Feng got up and walked out of the shelter.

"This steel pot is still too small, you have to squeeze the hive, otherwise you can't put it down." Yun Xin said in his mouth, picked up the hive with both hands and squeezed hard.

After a while, the hive was pressed into a ball and put into the pot, and the girl added some water to it until the hive was gone.

Yun Xin burned the fire very strongly, and after a few minutes, the water in the steel pot began to boil, and the honeycomb slowly melted, all melted into the water.

The water in the steel pot was originally clear, but now it has turned milky yellow and I colored, and some impurities are floating inside.

"It won't sink until it's cold." Yun Xin said to himself, and the little (Li Li's) heartily picked up the steel pot and put it on the table to cool.

There are many impurities in the hive, and the girl fishes out the impurities floating on the top layer of the hot water, and as long as the hot water cools, the beeswax will solidify.

More than ten minutes later, Chu Feng returned, and he threw all the remaining wood into it to burn for the final firing.

"Yun Xin, what's wrong?" Chu Feng asked curiously.

"When it cools, you can get beeswax." Yun Xin pointed to the milky I yellow I color liquid I body channel in the steel pot.

"Then go wash first, the water temperature will not drop so quickly." Chu Feng looked at the water in the steel pot and said softly.

"Good." Yun Xin replied crisply, collecting wood today also sweated, sticky and uncomfortable.


"Two more,( ̄▽ ̄). Ask for customization, ask for support. "_

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