When Chu Feng and Yun Xin returned to the shelter, the sun had disappeared into the sky, leaving only the sunset in the sky, and the clouds reflecting the sky looked particularly beautiful.

"I haven't seen a sky like this in a long time." Yun Xin raised her head and looked at the sky obsessively.

I don't know when I started, rushed to school, hurried home, just didn't stop and looked up at the sky.

"Don't worry, you can see such a view in the future." Chu Feng took advantage of the fact that it was not very dark, took the sapper shovel and began to dig the pit.

"Click, click!"

The sound of sapper shovels colliding with stones made people hear goosebumps.

"Then I'll start making dinner." Yun Xin said softly, she also felt a little, life still has to go on.

"Good." Chu Feng answered and piled the dug soil on the edge of the pit, so that he could backfill some of it after going to the toilet.

It's just a temporary toilet, and when enough food is found, planning for a new shelter, as well as water, etc. begins.

"Huhuhu..." Chu Feng's work slowed down a lot, so as not to sweat again.

He secured the cage and began digging a waterproof ditch along the perimeter of the shelter to divert excess water so that it would not penetrate the ground inside the shelter.

"Done." Chu Feng lit small fires around the shelter to illuminate, and worked for another half an hour before he completely completed the waterproof ditch.


Suddenly, there was a thunder in the sky.

Chu Feng looked up at the night and saw that it was pitch black, and he didn't see the moon in the sky.

He frowned and sighed, "It shouldn't be raining tonight, right?" "

In the distant sky, a flash of lightning suddenly crossed the sky, fleeting, followed by thunder.


"It looks like it's already raining in the distance." Chu Feng was not nervous at all now, the two of them had shelter to block the rain.

He took a sapper shovel to extinguish the small fires around the shelter and made sure of this before returning to the shelter.


When Chu Feng arrived at the door of the shelter, he smelled a trace of meat and the sound of boiling water.

He saw Yun Xin sitting by the fire, looking down and struggling to take a firewood knife to sharpen wooden sticks to make chopsticks, while a pair of sharpened chopsticks had been placed next to him.

"Got it?" Yun Xin raised his head and said softly, putting down the firewood knife and flicking his slender wrist.

"Let me come." Chu Feng stepped forward to get the firewood knife.

"No, you taste it first." Yun Xin said and pushed Chu Feng's outstretched hand away.

Chu Feng did not force it, and when he opened the lid of the pot, he saw the stew inside, that is, wild vegetables with snake meat.

He took the chopsticks next to him, picked up a piece of snake meat, blew a few breaths, and opened his mouth to take a bite.

"How?" Yun Xin's black pearl-like eyes were full of expectation.

This picnic meal is still the first time to cook, there is no technical content, and the ingredients are not at all.

"The taste is okay, thanks to these wild vegetables that make the fishy smell of snakes disappear." Chu Feng chewed the snake meat lightly and commented, looking like a gourmet.

"That's good." Yun Xin breathed a sigh of relief.

"Here, you taste." Chu Feng handed the bitten snake meat to the girl's lips.

The tips of Yun Xin's ears were red, he opened his mouth to bite the snake meat, just chewed twice, his slender brows furrowed, and said bitterly: "The taste is a little bitter." "

"It's okay, bitterness is also a flavor." Chu Feng said disapprovingly, at least the taste was not fishy.

Yun Xin was also not entangled, and said: "It's been stewed for half an hour, take it down." "

"Good." Chu Feng took the steel pot off the wooden hook and put it on top of the stone next to him to cool it. He waited for the girl to cut her chopsticks before eating game dinner together.

A few minutes later.

"Chu Feng, you eat meat." Yun Xin said with disgust, picked up a piece of snake meat plug and handed it to Chu Feng's lips.

"You eat, I've eaten several pieces." Chu Feng said softly, and before the girl could react, he picked up the steel pot and drank the soup.

"I'm not blind." Yun Xin muttered softly, wrinkled his nose, and when Chu Feng put down the steel pot, he reached out and stuffed the snake meat into his mouth.

"You..." Chu Feng's expression was stunned, and then he chewed the snake meat with a smile.

"You eat more, and you will have the strength to work tomorrow." Yun Xin muttered, scooping up wild vegetables and eating them.

She had found out from just now that Chu Feng had been giving her snake meat to eat.

"Okay, I'm full, and the rest is for you."

Chu Feng threw the snake bone into the fire, stretched his waist and said, "You eat all this, so as not to attract bears at night." "

You must know that bears have a strong sense of smell, can smell blood from twenty kilometers away, and if it is a hungry bear, then good luck.

"You..." Yun Xin pouted and looked at Chu Feng, dissatisfied: "You need to eat more meat, I want to lose weight." "

"You'd better reduce it next time." Chu Feng didn't have a good airway, such an excuse was too bad, and if he lost weight, bones and skin would remain.

Seeing what the girl still wanted to say, he soothed: "I'm really full, I've eaten a lot of wild vegetables and soup, and the meat can't be eaten anymore." "

Yun Xin complained in his heart: Chu Feng's excuse was still so bad.

"I don't like meat."

She stared at her black eyes and said in a difficult tone: "I hate eating snake meat. "

"Poof..." Chu Feng almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood, and the girl's ability to open her eyes and say nonsense became more and more powerful.

He stared at the remaining three pieces of snake meat in the pot, quickly picked up one piece and stuffed it into his mouth, and said in a vague voice: "Don't push it, the remaining two pieces are yours." "

Yun Xin still wanted to say something, but was glared at by Chu Feng, and obediently held the steel pot and ate it.

This daily life is often staged, when renting a house, the two are fighting wits to let each other eat more meat.

Chu Feng quietly watched the girl drink the soup, there was a faint sense of warmth, for orphans, perhaps such a scene is the most beautiful.


"Two more,( ̄▽ ̄). More than a decade ago, such scenes were staged in many families, asking for collection. "

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