The island was covered with snow, and when his feet fell, he fell into the snow, and the snow had reached the position of his ankles.

"If it takes a few more days, it will be difficult to walk." Liu Yimeng muttered, raised her foot and put it down, leaving a string of footprints behind her.

It had been more than half an hour since Chu Feng and the three left the camp, looking for a place with wild vegetables.

"Go this way, there were a lot of wild vegetables there before." Chu Feng said softly, turning around and walking towards the jungle on the side.

"It's white everywhere, and it's hard to see any green." Yun Xin said softly, and was pulled by Chu Feng's hand and walked forward.

"It's snowing, can you still have wild vegetables and forage?" Liu Yimeng was a little worried.

She pouted slightly, her eyes scanned the hand held by Chu Feng and the girl, pulled out the foot wearing rabbit skin shoes from the snow, and followed the two people step by step.

"The snow has only been falling for more than a day, and there are still some wild vegetables, and I am afraid that there will not be in a few days." Chu Feng said softly, his eyes recognizing the direction.

Snowy days are when everything withers, and many plants are frozen to death.

This is because snow, resulting in too low temperature, the plant's cell fluid freezes, the volume will increase, resulting in all cells ruptured, causing cell death, plants naturally cannot survive.

Only when spring comes, when the snow has melted, the sun shines, and the temperature slowly rises, will the hidden seeds or rhizomes germinate again.

"Then let's find a little more today, otherwise I won't be able to eat wild vegetables for a month, and I will go crazy." Liu Yimeng said quickly.

"It shouldn't be difficult to eat wild vegetables in winter." Chu Feng muttered, thinking that if the cultivation room could be set up, wild vegetables might also be grown.

"Chu Feng, what did you say?" Yun Xin asked with a side head in confusion.

"Nothing, here we are." Chu Feng said softly and stopped in front of a small open field.

"It seems to be all buried." Liu Yimeng shrugged her face and said, wanting to find wild vegetables means gouging the thick snow covering it.

"It can only be dug up." Yun Xin also sighed softly, the gloves had not yet had time to make it, and shaving snow was a torturous thing.

"Let's get to work." Chu Feng said helplessly.

He put down the bamboo basket he was carrying, took out the bamboo pieces from it, squatted down and began to gouge the snow.

The girl and Liu Yimeng also squatted, and the three of them squatted in a row, digging forward together, gouging the snow behind them, revealing the increasingly stiff soil below.

After a while, Chu Feng dug out a wild vegetable, the leaves had been frozen to the point of stiffness, and the moisture inside was frozen, as if it had been kneaded fiercely.

In this case, when the ice melts, the leaves will become soft and rotten.

"I found one too." Yun Xin flicked her little hand that was frozen red, pried open the stiff soil with a piece of bamboo, and dug out a wild vegetable that was also frozen.

"It's a good start." Chu Feng said softly, reaching out and rubbing the girl's reddened hand.

"Ahem..." Liu Yimeng coughed twice, pouted and looked at her equally red hands, and muttered in her heart: My hands are also cold, and they don't help me rub them.

"That, let's go ahead." Chu Feng snorted, burying his head and continuing to planing the snow.

The girl's face turned blushing shyly, and she turned slightly sideways and continued to get busy.

Time passed little by little, and after more than two hours, all the snow in this open area was cleared, and the wild vegetables found were only half a bamboo basket, and there was a lot of forage for rabbits and deer, and there was a large bundle.

"Let's go, let's go over there." Chu Feng picked up the bamboo basket and said softly.

"Good." Yun Xin and Liu Yimeng answered in unison, carrying the bamboo basket and following aside.

The three of them walked for more than ten minutes, and Chu Feng stopped again and looked sideways at a few trees not far away.

"Chu Feng, what's wrong?" Yun Xin asked curiously.

"Found something good." Chu Feng chuckled and saw a familiar tree.

He walked towards the trees, which were only calf-thick, but ten meters high, and the leaves on them had fallen, leaving only bare trunks and branches.

"Chu Feng, this is what you said about good things?" Liu Yi was stunned, isn't this an ordinary tree?

"Of course, this is the laurel tree, and its skin can be dried to make spices, that is, cinnamon." The corners of Chu Feng's mouth raised, and he reached out and patted the trunk, it was not easy to find a laurel tree on the island.

"Huh? Is this how cinnamon came about? Yun Xin was surprised, reaching out and touching the laurel tree to look.

"Well, some cinnamon is made from the bark of a laurel tree." Chu Feng said softly.

There are several kinds of trees that can make cinnamon, laurel is only one of them, cinnamon, also known as cinnamon, official cinnamon or fragrant cinnamon, belongs to the Lauraceae plant, is the general name of the bark of Tianzhu cinnamon, yin fragrance, fine leaf cinnamon, cinnamon and so on.

"Chu Feng, you know more than me." Yun Xin said softly, the other party obviously read fewer books than himself, but he seemed to know everything.

"I saw it on TV science and education programs." Chu Feng chuckled.

He took out a firewood knife from the bamboo basket, cut a hole along the trunk of the laurel tree, then cut the bark, pried it with a firewood knife, and slowly peeled off a complete piece of bark.

He looked down and sniffed the laurel bark in his hand and said with satisfaction: "The appearance is not bad." "

"I smell." Liu Yimeng said curiously.

She took the bark handed over, looked down and sniffed, a faint cinnamon fragrance drifted into her nose, and was surprised: "It's really the fragrance of cinnamon." "

"It's best for stew." Yun Xin also sniffed, and was already thinking about how to make food with cinnamon.

"Then peel more back, you can use it in the future." Liu Yimeng took out a firewood knife and was enthusiastic about ready to help.

"After all, cinnamon is a seasoning, you can't eat more, just eat some occasionally." Chu Feng chuckled.

"Good." Liu Yimeng nodded.

The three of them hugged around a few laurel trees for a while.

More than half an hour later, Chu Feng flicked the bark in the bamboo basket, which was enough for four people for a year.

He put away the firewood knife and said softly: "Enough, continue to look for wild vegetables, it's not early." "

"Good." The two women put away their knives and came out for more than three hours, and it was time to go back to lunch in a while.

Chu Feng walked in front, his eyes kept observing the surroundings, wanting to see if he could find other spices.

"Huh?" His eyes lit up, and there was a row of footprints on the snow not far away.

"It looks like a pheasant's footprint." Liu Yimeng was pleasantly surprised.

She knew this kind of footprints, and she had seen them when she went camping in the wild with the people from the archery club before, and there were some differences from the footprints of domestic chickens.

"It seems that luck has come, and it can't be stopped." Chu Feng chuckled, because of the snow, the traces of some animals became obvious.


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