
Chu Feng walked forward in the thick snow, leaving a winding footprint behind him.

Liu Yimeng half-squinted, stared at the back of Chu Feng's head, and asked embarrassedly, "Is it heavy?" "

She didn't dare to look anywhere else, the snow was so white that the sunlight was uncomfortable for her eyes.

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth hooked, and his belly was black: "It's not heavy, it's much lighter than a wild goat." "


Liu Yimeng pouted, resisting the urge to give him a mouthful of his shoulder, and said speechlessly: "Chu Feng, you will not have a girlfriend like this." "

"Hahaha..." Chu Feng smiled brightly, vaguely remembering that someone said that he would cook for him for the rest of his life.

"How long do we have to go?" Liu Yimeng asked speechlessly.

Chu Feng quickly stopped his smile and said softly, "I should walk for another two hours, and I can return to the camp before dark." "

On the tree trunks around him, he saw the marks left by his arrival, and it was still not a short way from the camp, and so far he had not even completed half the distance.

"Let me come down and go by myself, it will be faster." Liu Yimeng struggled.

"No, be honest." Chu Feng clenched his hand.


Liu Yimeng's pretty face immediately turned red, and she honestly lay on her stomach and did not move.

The corner of Chu Feng's eyes twitched, and he subconsciously regarded her as a girl.

He coughed lightly twice and asked in a low voice: "Ahem, are you okay?" "

Liu Yimeng rolled her eyes and pouted, "It's okay." "

"That's good." Chu Feng chuckled and concentrated on hurrying.

More than half an hour later, he suddenly stopped and saw a bulging snowdrift in front of him, with a strange shape.

How to say it? It looks a bit like the shape of an animal.

"Chu Feng, what's wrong?" Liu Yimeng asked suspiciously, half-opening her eyes a slit.

"You come down first, I'll see what it is." Chu Feng said softly.

"Good." Liu Yimeng quickly replied, released the hand that wrapped around Chu Feng's neck, jumped off his back, and stepped on the soft snow.

Chu Feng carried the firewood knife and carefully approached the strangely shaped snowdrift, and there was no warning of danger perception.

Reassuringly, he used a firewood knife to cut open the snow layer above, revealing what was covered underneath.

Chu Feng's eyes lit up, and he chuckled: "This is not considered to be a place to break through iron shoes, it doesn't take any effort to get it." "


Liu Yimeng fumbled over, half-squinted and looked down, and then exclaimed in amazement: "This is a deer?" "

Under the snow layer that Chu Feng had cut open, a beast leg was exposed, and judging from the fur texture on it, it belonged to a deer.

"Already dead." Liu Yimeng reached out and poked, the deer's body was completely frozen, and the dead could no longer die.

"There's one more foot here? Plane it all and see. Chu Feng said softly, taking the firewood knife and continuing to get busy, cleaning up all the snow on the top.

"Chu Feng, and jackals." Liu Yimeng exclaimed, and under the cleared snow, there was a jackal.

"Interesting." Chu Feng frowned and thought.

The jackal bites the deer's forelimbs with its mouth open, a position that is maintained until both sides die?

"What's going on? Why did they all die here? Liu Yimeng said puzzled.

"The jackal was injured, it should be when hunting the deer, and the deer accidentally kicked the leg, and the result was just when the snowstorm came, and they couldn't escape." Chu Feng frowned and analyzed.

He looked at the hind limbs of the jackal, the shape was irregularly curved, and it was obvious that it had broken bones, probably caused by the deer kicking with all its strength when it was bitten.

Only this explanation is reasonable, which is why the jackal caught its prey and ended up taking its own life.

"It's also too... Dreamy a little. Liu Yimeng was stunned.

The audience in the live broadcast room all brushed the barrage.

"Groove, is this okay?"

"It's really luck, I can't stop it, I can pick up meat while walking."

"Luck girl is online again, I should really go buy a lottery ticket."

"I urge other competitors to go out and walk more, and maybe they can pick up deer in the event of a snowstorm."

"It seems that if you want to become rich overnight, the best way is to marry Liu Yimeng, maybe one day you will buy a lottery ticket and win millions."


Chu Feng patted the jackal's body and chuckled, "Our pants have fallen." "

"Hee-hee... The peeled fur is enough to make our pants. Liu Yimeng said with a smile, and the depression of not hitting the prey was also swept away.

"Well, that's enough." Chu Feng nodded.

"I'll help move it, you won't have to carry me." Liu Yimeng half-squinted and said, although it is not very clear to see the road in this state, at least it will not hit the tree trunk.

"No, make a sled, let's pull it back." Chu Feng chuckled, holding the firewood knife and walking towards the jungle on the side, preparing to take materials on the spot and start making sleds.

"Huh? Chu Feng, do you still make sleds? Liu Yimeng asked in surprise.

"It's very simple, you don't have to do it very exquisitely, you can make a thing that can pull things." Chu Feng replied casually.

He picked two arm-thick trees, cut them down with a firewood knife, and then cut them into pieces of wood of about one meter.

Chu Feng found rope, tied every three wooden segments together, and used six wooden segments to make the 'legs' of two sleds.

This is because in snow, the larger the force area, the less likely it is to get stuck in the snow.

He then used the remaining sticks to hang sideways on his legs to make a cargo rack that could be used to herd deer and jackals.

Liu Yimeng half-squinted, unable to see the truth, and could only squat on the side and wait helplessly.

She still feels her eyes tingling when she looks at the snow now, and she needs to rest well.

"Go back and apply some herbs to you early, it will get better soon." Chu Feng tilted his head and said softly.

"Good." Liu Yimeng nodded obediently.

After more than half an hour, Chu Feng finally finished the sled and tied two ropes at one end to pull the sled.

He dragged the sled to the carcasses of the deer and jackal, reached out and forcefully broke open the jackal's frozen mouth, and released the deer's forelimbs.

"Click..." Chu Feng directly broke the jackal's mouth in half with a force, revealing the tongue that was frozen hard inside.

He casually dropped the jackal on the sled, then lifted the deer as well, put it on it, looped it twice with a rope, and fixed them to the sled to prevent them from falling when dragged.

"That should do." Chu Feng muttered softly.

He tried pulling the rope on the sled, making sure the deer and jackals didn't fall as they dragged.


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