
At night, the cold wind blows.

Yun Xin put the clay pot containing oyster soup on the wooden table, then turned around and brought two plates of stir-fried dishes.

She clapped her hands, took out the bowl and chopsticks from the wooden rack and shouted softly: "I want to stop being busy, I can have dinner." "

"Good." Liu Yiqiu put down the broom in her hand, washed her hands and sat on the wooden bench.

"What about Chu Feng?" Liu Yimeng was holding oyster soup, her eyes scanned the shelter, and she did not see him.

"He went to the nursery and added some wood to the fireplace." Liu Yiqiu said softly.

"Then I'll call him." Yun Xin put down the pottery bowl and was about to leave the shelter.


At this time, the wooden door of the shelter was just pushed open, and Chu Feng braved the light snow to walk in and pat away the snowflakes stuck to his body.

"Sit down, it's time for dinner." Yun Xin said with a smile, tugging on Chu Feng's sleeve and sitting on the wooden bench.

The four of them sat around a wooden table, eating dinner and chatting about the sky.

In the live broadcast room of the observers, He Ming and several people came to the live broadcast of Chu Feng's four people on time.

"Chu Feng, they are eating again." He Ming sighed, secretly touched I's stomach, it's not yet time for them to eat, the box lunch is still being prepared.

"Why does their shelter look messy, is it going to be remodeled?" Wu Qingyue leaned forward, and through the camera in the shelter, she saw a pile of rubble in the corner and cement slabs all over the ground.

"It looks a little familiar..." Wang Lin's brows furrowed in thought.

"Audience friends, do you know what that is?" He Ming raised his eyebrows and began to interact with the audience to increase the watchability of the program.

The barrage in the live broadcast room brushed faster, and many of them were fans of Chu Feng's live broadcast room, they squatted for a day, and naturally knew what was built inside the shelter.

Wu Qingyue leaned forward, looked at the barrage and whispered: "Chu Feng, they built an earthen kang." "

Among the rapidly brushed barrage, several red bold barrages with colored tails slowly floated by.

This is a privilege recently made in the live broadcast room, as long as the gift in the live broadcast room exceeds 50,000 Chinese dollars, the barrage font issued will be bold, and there are colorful tails, which is extremely eye-catching.

"This is all Chu Feng's super powder." He Ming smacked his tongue and said, the few colorful barrages that floated by were all from Chu Feng's live broadcast room.

Now Chu Feng's live broadcast room popularity is already the first among all the contestants, and the popularity is stable at around 50 million every day, second only to the observer's live broadcast room.

"It turned out to be a clay kang, no wonder it feels familiar." Wang Lin said softly.

In his old hometown, he slept in earthen kang, so it now looks familiar.

"What are those on the ground?" He Ming asked in amazement, survival in the wilderness to make earthen kang?

"Cement board."

Three red bolded barrages with colored tails floated by.

"Cement? Did Chu Feng make cement? Wu Qingyue was surprised.

The barrage brushed quickly, and the audience explained the matter one by one.

"Grass and wood ash for cement?" Several observers were stunned, grass and wood ash can still be made into cement?

"Looks like you'll have to see a cut once." Wu Qingyue said softly, curious about how cement was made from grass and wood ash.

Each day's live broadcast is edited into a cut version and then broadcast on TV.

"Chu Feng's wilderness lifesaving is becoming more and more hardcore." He Ming sighed, I didn't expect that cement and earthen kang were made, so what can't be done next?

"He's awesome." Qi Weiting also felt impressed.


In the shelter of Chu Feng and the others, several people had already finished dinner, packed up and sat around the fireplace to keep warm.

"How do you sleep tonight?" Yun Xin asked softly.

The position that Liu Yiqiu cleared out is only enough to put a large bed, and there are water tank wooden frames and so on in other places, and there is no extra place to put another large bed, unless all the cement boards are taken away.

"I want to think." Chu Feng's brows furrowed slightly, the space in the shelter was indeed not enough for a second bed.

He looked at the big bed, hesitated and said softly: "Or you can only sleep sideways, and then four people squeeze into a bed." "

The large bed is two meters by one meter eight, and it is horizontal enough for four people to lie side by side.

"Yes, you sleep on the side." Yun Xin said with a smile that she wanted to sleep next to the sisters of the Liu family.

"Or we sleep on the floor, or the incubation room." Liu Yiqiu was a little embarrassed.

"No, the bed is big enough." Yun Xin shook her head, got up and started to make the bed.

"It's going to be a night or two, and when the cement dries, you can sleep on the kang." Chu Feng said softly.

"It's already good." Liu Yiqiu quickly waved his hand.

If this is all about to happen, then what was it on the bamboo forest side before?

"I'll help you." Liu Yimeng stood up, moved the hay and quilt over, and placed them horizontally at the end of the bed.

A few minutes later, the bed was made, and the girl sat back by the fireplace, picked up the wooden needles and twine, and continued to make animal skin pants, which were made for Chu Feng, using larger pieces of deerskin.

The deerskin was cut off a small piece and sewn together with the jackal's fur, just long enough to make Liu Yimeng's pants, which Liu Yiqiu was sewing.

"I'll go to the incubation room." Chu Feng stood up, pushed open the wooden door of the shelter and went out.

"You sleep honestly tonight." Liu Yiqiu whispered in her sister's ear, with her sister's virtue of sleeping, I am afraid that Yun Xin and Chu Feng will be scared.

"I can't control myself again." Liu Yimeng muttered softly, recalling the picture of hiding from a blizzard in the cave with Chu Feng two days ago, and his face involuntarily turned red with shame.

Liu Yiqiu squinted her eyes slightly, and asked suspiciously: "Why is your face so red?" "

"No, nothing." Liu Yimeng replied seriously.

Liu Yiqiu stared at her sister for a while, and then instructed again: "Remember to lie flat and take care of your hands and feet." "

"Got it." Liu Yimeng pouted.

She looked at her hands and muttered softly, "It's time to be safe tonight." "

More than ten minutes later, Chu Feng pushed open the sheltered door and came in, turning his hand and closing the wooden door.

He said softly: "Okay, after a busy day, let's rest early." "

"Uh-huh." Yun Xin fixed the twine in his hand, and one of the legs of the animal skin pants was ready, and the rest could be completed tomorrow.


"Brush your teeth and wash your face, and sleep." Liu Yimeng stood up and yawned, took a toothbrush and toothpaste and went into the toilet.


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