Chu Feng and Liu Yimeng sat down on the earthen kang and skillfully placed the chess pieces in the corresponding position.

"Rock-paper-scissors. Liu Yimeng said seriously.

"Good. The corners of Chu Feng's mouth were vibrant, and he casually stretched out his hand and clenched his fist, and came out of the stone.

"Damn, lost again. Liu Yimeng pouted and glanced at the index and middle fingers stretched out in her right hand.

She frowned and stared at the chessboard slightly, thinking about how to take the first step.

Liu Yiqiu and Yun Xin sat on the side and watched, looking like they wanted to talk and stop, obviously wanting to help with chess.

"The yellow cauliflower is cold. Chu Feng said with a wry smile, it had been almost five minutes since he tangled the first move.

"No? Then let me come. Liu Yiqiu pursed her lips.

"Down, I'll get down, go cannon. Liu Yimeng pouted and shouted, the first step was to take the 'cannon'.

Chu Feng grinned, thinking about it for so long that it was still this step in the end, and reached out and moved the 'car' forward two steps.

"That's it again. Liu Yimeng frowned and thought about moving the 'horse' out of place.

The two sat on the earthen kang and played chess, more than ten minutes later.

"No, you should go this way. Liu Yiqiu made a straight face and reached out to help her sister correct the chess.

"I think it would be better to walk here. Yun Xin pointed his chin and thought about pointing to the checkerboard on the chessboard.

"Really, how did you end up under you?" shouted Liu Yimeng angrily.

In this way, the three women played a game of chess together, in order to win Chu Feng's game.

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth rose, and he said confidently: "Let the horse come, it will be you who lose." "

"Don't talk too much, what if you lose?" asked Liu Yimeng, tilting her head slightly.

"Otherwise, the loser has to do one thing for the winner. Chu Feng chuckled.

"No problem. The three women looked at each other and nodded, not thinking that the three would lose to Chu Feng in the next game.

"Then go ahead. Chu Feng said with a smile.

"What's next?" asked Liu Yimeng softly with a sideways head.

"Go the 'horse' and block his 'horse' feet. Liu Yiqiu said softly, reaching out and pointing to the chess pieces that fell in the corner.

"Yes. Yun Xin and Liu Yimeng nodded at the same time.

"It's your turn. "Chu Feng casually moved the 'car' directly across the Chu River Han Realm and landed next to the horse.

The three women discussed nervously again, and only after a while decided what to do next.

The four of them played this game for nearly half an hour.

"You guys lost. "Chu Feng eliminated the last chess piece other than 'handsome'.

"How did I lose again. Liu Yimeng pouted and shrugged her face.

"Say, do something. Liu Yiqiu pursed her lips.

Looking at the chessboard, Chu Feng still had half of his chess pieces not eliminated, which was a defeat.

Yun Xin's face turned slightly red, and he said seriously: "Don't go too far." "

Chu Feng raised his eyebrows lightly and asked, "What kind of excessive?"

"It's just..." Yun Xin's face became more and more red, and he lowered his head slightly and couldn't say why, but some strange pictures appeared in his mind.

"Just what?" Chu Feng bent down slightly, put his hands on the wooden table, and looked at the girl with a smile.

"Or let's help you press I, it will be a punishment for losing." Liu Yimeng stretched out his hand, a little worried that he would mention a strange request.

"Yes, press I for you. "

Yun Xin sighed in relief and nodded again and again, agreeing: "Today is also a tired day, it is time to relax and relax." "

Liu Yiqiu also nodded, very satisfied with this solution.

"Yes. Chu Feng chuckled, leaning on the wooden table and waiting for the three women to wait.

Yun Xin came over, reached out to help him squeeze his shoulders, and asked softly, "Is this strength okay?"

"Yes. Chu Feng closed his eyes and prepared to enjoy the service of the three daughters.

Liu Yiqiu reached out and pinched Chu Feng's other shoulder, while Liu Yimeng clenched his fists and hammered his legs.

The barrage in the live broadcast room brushed quickly.

"What an imperial enjoyment, envy and jealousy. "

The red bold barrage with a colored tail reappeared, which was a super fan of Chu Feng's live broadcast room.

"Hey, enjoy it too, is this still not survival in the wilderness?"

"Accompanied by three extremely high-quality beauties, I can survive in such a wilderness until death." "

"Don't laugh, on this snowy day, you are afraid to starve three women to death." "


After more than ten minutes, Chu Feng waved his hand and said, "Okay, I'm almost asleep when I press it again." "

"Are you sleepy?" asked Yun Xin with concern.

"It's fine. Chu Feng replied with a chuckle.

He got off the earthen kang and stretched his waist, went to the fireplace and squatted, added a few pieces of wood to the fireplace, and then got up and reached out to turn over the oily beans dried on it.

"Are you done?" asked Yun Xin as she leaned in.

"Well, put it away first, and continue to squeeze the oil tomorrow." Chu Feng nodded, dialed the oil beans on the fireplace into the clay pot, filled several clay pots and placed them next to the wooden shelf.

"Then you go take a shower first, and then we will play chess." Yun Xin said with a smile, took Chu Feng's towel and a change of clothes, and helped hang it on the hook in the toilet I.

Chu Feng took the sapper shovel and shoveled the stones, picked up the clay pot and filled it with water and entered the toilet.

In about ten minutes, he came out wiping his wet hair, and the three women were still playing chess around the earthen kang.

"Okay, which of you will go take a shower first. Chu Feng urged softly, put down the clay pot and sapper shovel, turned and walked out of the shelter and towards the cultivation room.

He added wood to the fireplace in the cultivation room, then checked the cultivation rack with mycelium, lifted the hay to check the humidity of wood chips and the growth of mycelium in the bamboo trough.

"If you continue like this, mushrooms will soon grow. Chu Feng whispered to himself, the effect of the mushroom culture liquid is very good, and the mycelium is still growing.

He turned and observed the breeding rack planted with wild vegetables, most of the seeds had germinated, the fast-growing shoots were already a centimeter long, and soon the first young leaves would grow.

"Soon you will be able to eat the first fresh wild vegetables. Chu Feng clapped his hands in satisfaction, turned around and pushed open the wooden door of the cultivation room and went out.

When he returned to the shelter, the sisters of the Yanagi family were still playing chess on the Tokang and the girl was taking a bath in the toilet.

After a while, Yun Xin wiped his face and came out of the toilet I, hung up the towel and climbed onto the earthen kang, waving his hand and urging: "Sister Meng, you go wash it, I'll go down." "

"Well, you can't lose. Liu Yimeng hesitated, stood up and said.

"Don't worry. Yun Xin said with a smile, looking at the chessboard seriously and thinking about what to do next.

Chu Feng leaned over and looked at the chessboard, pinched the girl's hair with his hand, and shaved and rubbed her neck.

"Hey~~ Don't, it's so itchy. Yun Xin blushed and said strangely.

"That's not how this step goes. Chu Feng chuckled, the blushing girl was also very tempting.


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