Yun Xin looked at Chu Feng's busy appearance, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

The sisters of the Liu family glanced at each other and couldn't help pursing their lips, and there was envy in their beautiful eyes.

Chu Feng took out another steel pot containing the herbs and dried wild vegetables he needed, and turned around and went into the toilet I to clean it.

A few minutes later, he returned to the fireplace with a steel pot, took out the herbs and wild vegetables, put a small half-pot of water on the fireplace and boiled, and then put the hard-to-cook materials in first.

"Yunxin, do you still eat?" Liu Yiqiu asked softly.

She and her sister had already eaten enough, there was still a lot of meat left in the clay pot, and the girl had only eaten a little.

"No, I'll drink wild vegetable soup later." Yun Xin smiled like a flower, looking sideways at the busy figure, and the smile at the corner of his mouth did not stop.

"Let's take the rest for lunch." Liu Yimeng chuckled, covered the unfinished meat, and placed it on the wooden table next to the support column.

Liu Yiqiu cleaned up the pots and bowls, turned around and went into the toilet I to clean.

Chu Feng put the last herb into the steel pot, stirred it with a spoon, then turned around and went to the wooden frame, scooped some honey into the steel pot, and finally put some wild boar oil, continued to cook for a few minutes, and the pot of food supplement was completed.

He carried a steel pot to the earthen kang, placed it on a low wooden table, and shouted sideways: "Yiqiu, Yimeng, you can also come and eat." "

"No, we can't eat." Liu Yiqiu's voice came from inside the toilet I.

"Uh-huh... Can't eat anymore. Liu Yimeng quickly waved her hand, turned around and went into the toilet I to help her sister wash the dishes.

Chu Feng raised his eyebrows, turned around and said softly, "Eat while it's hot." "

"Good." Yun Xin nodded with a smile, took the spoon and scooped up the food supplement in the steel pot, gently blew a breath and stuffed it into his mouth.

Her beautiful eyes lit up and she said in a muffled voice: "It's delicious as always." "

"Then you'll eat it all." The corner of Chu Feng's mouth hooked and said softly.

"Good." Yun Xin nodded with a smile and waved his hand, "You go and get busy with yours." "

Chu Feng got up and got off the earthen kang, collecting the cakes left over from last night's squeezed tail oil.

After the second pressing, the cake made of oil beans can no longer be squeezed out of oil, leaving the dregs of hard I bangbang, which can also be called bean cake.

Liu Yimeng came out of the toilet with the pot and bowl, placed it on the wooden shelf, and asked sideways: "Chu Feng, are these still useful?" "

"Useful, can be steamed as a staple food." Chu Feng said softly, knocked on the hard I Bangbang's bean cake, the pressed bean cake is very hard, it is best to steam it again, the taste will be better.

Bean cakes like this, the bamboo basket next to the wooden rack is filled with two baskets, and can be eaten for a long time.

"Hey, then don't dismantle these sackcloths first, and then dismantle them when you eat them, and make them clean and hygienic." Liu Yiqiu said softly.

The bean cake was still wrapped in sackcloth, and it was late after pressing the tail oil last night, and after washing, I fell asleep on the earthen kang.

"Well, you can." Chu Feng nodded lightly and put the bean cake in his hand back into the basket.

Liu Yimeng glanced at the clay pot next to the fireplace and asked softly: "By the way, can you use the grass and wood gray water you soaked yesterday?" "

"Now there are no eggs, and there is no way to measure how much alkali there is, you can try it with a small amount to see if it can be successful." Chu Feng said softly.

"Okay, so you tell me how?" Liu Yimeng said eagerly.

"First use vegetable oil..." Chu Feng explained the soap method in detail, including the details that need attention.

"I see." Liu Yimeng nodded thoughtfully, turned to squat by the fireplace, and looked down at the grass and gray water in the clay pot.

The grass and wood ash water in the clay pot has been settled, the upper layer is clear water, and the bottom is covered with unmelted grass and wood ash.

Liu Yiqiu carefully picked up the clay pot and poured the upper layer of clear water into another empty clay pot for later use.

Then she found an empty pottery bowl and began to make soap according to the method Chu Feng said.

"I knew I left a wild egg two days ago." Yun Xin said softly, the wild eggs found last time had all been eaten.

She rubbed her belly, and after eating most of the wild vegetable soup, she moved her body to get off the earthen kang, ready to clean the steel pot.

Liu Yiqiu hurriedly walked over, took the steel pot in the girl's hand, and said softly: "Yunxin, I'll wash it." "

"Sister Qiu, how embarrassing is this." Yun Xin's face was slightly red, and this wild vegetable soup was only drunk by himself.

"It's okay, you have a good rest." Liu Yiqiu said softly, carrying the steel pot and turning into the toilet.

Yun Xin was a little embarrassed, but his current body was really inconvenient for strenuous exercise, so he had to lean against the wall and watch several people busy living.

"Chu Feng, this should be okay." Liu Yimeng said softly, the wooden stick in his hand stirred the pottery bowl, and the vegetable oil and grass and wood gray water inside had been fully stirred.

"Well, almost, when this piece dries, use it for washing dishes, and you can make another piece for bathing." Chu Feng said softly.

"Good." Liu Yimeng answered enthusiastically and put the pottery bowl by the window, where the temperature is relatively low, which will make the soap condense faster.

She took another empty clay bowl, cleaned it briefly and continued to make soap.

Chu Feng turned around and rummaged on the wooden frame, and it didn't take long to find the herbs he needed, rinse them with water and put them in the bamboo tube to mash.

After Liu Yiqiu washed the steel pot and placed it, he squatted next to him and said softly: "Chu Feng, this is the big flying grass." "

As soon as she glanced at it, she recognized the herb that Chu Feng was taking, and she had seen it in the teaching courseware.

"Well, it can be put in soap, and it can relieve itching and dampness when bathing." Chu Feng nodded, and it was the big flying grass that was mashed inside the bamboo tube.

Da Feiyang grass, also known as Da Feiyang, Feiyang, Immortal Seat Grass, Milk Grass, etc., it has twenty or thirty other names, is a common Chinese herbal medicine.

It is mainly used for pulmonary carbuncle, dysentery, diarrhea, eczema, skin itching, boils and swelling, postpartum less I milk, etc.

Chu Feng planned to make a medicinal soap and use it when bathing, which could relieve some skin problems very well.

"Great idea." Liu Yiqiu said softly.

"Let's try it first to see if it can be successful." Chu Feng chuckled, pounding the wooden stick in his hand, pounding the big flying grass and squeezing out the juice.

"Chu Feng, okay." Liu Yimeng said softly, the wooden stick in his hand was still stirring, but the grass and wood gray water had been fully fused with the grease.

"Good." Chu Feng replied casually, tilted the bamboo tube, and poured part of the herbal juice into the pottery bowl.

Liu Yimeng quickly stirred, and the soap in the pottery bowl that had not yet solidified slowly turned pale green.

"Well, I'll know if it can be used when it solidifies." Chu Feng said softly.


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