Yun Xin turned his head and asked curiously, "Chu Feng, what's wrong?" "

"It's okay, expect what the big lobster tastes like." Chu Feng turned around and waved his hand.

"Hee-hee, me too." Yun Xin smiled like a flower and looked sideways at the Liu family sisters who were busy in front of the fireplace.

"Let's wash the lobster first." Liu Yimeng recalled the steps the girl said.

She reached out and pulled away the snow in the clay pot, revealing the splendid lobster buried underneath, covering the snow to ensure the freshness of the lobster.

Liu Yimeng picked up the splendid lobster, poured out the snow in the clay pot, scooped some water into the water tank again, and then washed the lobster with hay, from the tail to the head.

"It should be fine."

She muttered softly, flipping the lobster to examine.

Yun Xin remembered something, and said softly: "By the way, Sister Meng, remember to put sea urine first." "

Liu Yimeng was stunned, and asked suspiciously: "Sea urine?" What is it? "

"It's the urine of a lobster." Yun Xin explained.

There is lobster urine in the body of the large lobster, and it needs to be put clean so that it will not affect the taste of the lobster meat, otherwise there will be a strange smell and will lose its original umami, so the lobster urine will be cleaned before doing.

"Huh? Do lobsters still have urine? Liu Yimeng was surprised, flipped the splendid lobster to look at the abdomen, and then lifted the lobster tail to check, she wanted to see what part of the lobster peed.

"I'm not ashamed." Liu Yiqiu muttered softly and rolled her eyes.

"In fact, it is very simple to deal with lobster urine, first use..." Yun Xin covered her mouth and snickered, and then explained the process in detail.

First flip the lobster to expose the tail part, and then use chopsticks to insert I from the middle of the base of the tail until the head of the lobster, and at a fast speed, so that the urine I fluid will flow out with the chopsticks.

After repeating this action several times, the urine I fluid can be drained quickly, and finally it is rinsed again with clean water.

"I see." Liu Yimeng nodded, turned around and took a chopstick from the wooden frame.

According to the method the girl said, she stabbed the chopsticks hard from the position of the end of the lobster's tail, submerged the entire chopstick, and then pulled out most of it and went deeper again.

"Tick tock..."

The body of the splendid lobster trembled, and a large amount of urine liquid flowed out along the chopsticks and fell into the clay pot.

"It's a lot of pee." Liu Yimeng muttered, shaking the splendid lobster on her hand.

She waited for the urine to flow clean, then changed a basin of water and cleaned the lobster again.

There was a steel pot on the fireplace with water boiling in it.

"Sister, let's change another steel pot, ours is a little small." Liu Yimeng turned her head and said softly, holding the freshly cleaned splendid lobster in her hand.

The steel pot they brought was much smaller than Chu Feng's, and the lobster couldn't put it down at all.

"Good." Liu Yiqiu replied softly, turned around and found another steel pot from the wooden shelf, poured the water of the steel pot, and set it on the fireplace to continue cooking.

Liu Yimeng held a few pebbles on the bottom of the pot to prevent the lobster from being directly soaked in the water and affecting the meat quality.

She then put the lobster in, then put the prepared wild ginger in the steel pot, covered the lid and began to steam the lobster.

"Normal fire steaming for about ten minutes, this is in the wilderness, the time is not easy to grasp." Liu Yimeng muttered, crouched down and added a few pieces of wood to the fireplace.

She began to count in her mouth: "1...2...3..."

"Don't count, do you still want to count six hundred seconds?" The corners of Liu Yiqiu's mouth twitched, and her sister's operation was always so grounded.

"It's not about precision." Liu Yimeng said with a smile, got up and clapped his hands, and then had to deal with abalone and sea cucumber, tonight's dinner was destined to be rich.

"I'll go get the dip." Liu Yiqiu said softly, the steamed lobster must be dipped in the dipping sauce to be delicious.

"There is not enough wood, I'll move some back." Liu Yimeng clapped her hands and stood up, casually picked up the torch on the side, pushed open the wooden door of the shelter, and walked towards the warehouse.


Outside the camp, the cold wind was blowing.

"Qingyue, hold on a little longer." Qi Weiting tensed her face, carried Wu Qingyue, who had fallen asleep, and stepped on the thick snow and walked forward.

She kept talking, wanting Wu Qingyue to wake up, and she had already fallen asleep with a high fever.

Qi Weiting's eyes scanned the surroundings, it was already dark, and she couldn't tell how to go ahead.


Her eyes suddenly lit up, and a faint light flickered not far away.

Qi Weiting gritted her teeth and stepped on the thick snow towards the place where the fire flickered, which should be today's destination.

The fire seemed to move slowly and disappear after a while, but it didn't take long for the fire to reappear, moving a short distance and disappearing completely.

Qi Weiting looked in the direction where the fire disappeared, avoided the surrounding trees and bushes, and finally approached her destination after walking for nearly ten minutes.

"It's finally here."

She secretly breathed a sigh of relief, reached out and knocked weakly on the door in front of her.

Inside the shelter, Liu Yimeng just put down the wood to check the lobster in the steel pot.

"Yunxin, it should be okay, the lobsters have turned red."

She lifted the lid, and the originally colorful splendid lobster in the steel pot turned ripe red.

"Yes, the meat will get old after cooking." Yun Xin quickly responded, sitting on the earthen kang and sticking his head, just enough to see the red lobster in the steel pot.

"Whew... So hot. Liu Yimeng reached out and pinched the tentacles of the lobster, quickly picked up the whole lobster, and placed it in the prepared clay pot.

"Be careful, don't burn it." Yun Xin said with concern.

Liu Yimeng blew her hands and said indifferently: "It's okay." "

She shook her hand, carried the water in the steel pot and poured it out, added half a pot of water to boil, and muttered softly: "It's time to cook seafood soup next." "

It's not enough for four people to eat a lobster alone tonight, even though that lobster is huge.

"Chu Feng, are you there?"

Outside the camp, helpless shouts suddenly sounded.

Chu Feng frowned, looked sideways at the gate of the shelter, and said to himself suspiciously: "Who is outside?" "

"What's out there?" Yun Xin asked suspiciously.

All she heard was the sound of Liu Yimeng muttering about the steps of the seafood soup, and other than that, there was only the 'crackling' sound of burning wood.

"There are people out there." Chu Feng said firmly, quickly got up and got off the earthen kang, put on rabbit skin shoes and walked towards the gate of the shelter.

"Anyone out there?" Liu Yiqiu and Liu Yimeng stopped the movement in their hands at the same time, looked at each other, got up and followed behind.


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