Inside the shelter, Chu Feng and the others sat around on the earthen kang, and Liu Yiqiu cooked wild ginger soup.

"Much more comfortable." Liu Yimeng sighed, and a bowl full of wild ginger soup was drunk.

"Tell me, how did you meet the wolf?" Yun Xin and a few others quickly asked after drinking the wild ginger soup.

"I said, it scared me to death." Liu Yimeng had fear on her face, and described the process and encounter of this outing in a loud and colorful voice.

In the process of listening, Wu Qingyue, Liu Yiqiu and the girl all had shocked faces on their faces.

Liu Yiqiu stood up and thanked very formally: "Chu Feng, thank you for saving Yimeng." "

"We are partners, as we should." Chu Feng waved his hand and said indifferently.

Liu Yiqiu pursed her lips, if there was no Chu Feng when she went out this time, the consequences would be unimaginable, and it seemed that she owed a great favor again.

"It's too dangerous, Chu Feng will go out less in the future." Yun Xin said with a serious face.

"Got it." Chu Feng said with a bitter smile, and the secret path in his heart was indeed so.

"No kidding with you." Yun Xin pouted, reached out and pulled Chu Feng's sleeve, with a trace of fear in his eyes.

"I know, I won't go out if there's nothing to do." Chu Feng said softly, reaching out and scraping the girl's pretty nose.

He knew that Yun Xin was worried about himself, and he could only rely on this repeatedly emphasized way to gain a sense of security.

"Chu Feng, do you say that the wolves will not find here?" Yun Xin was still not at ease, and finally the bear hibernated in winter, but now a pack of wolves ran out.

"It's hard to say, you should be more careful when you go out to the fence in the future." Chu Feng said softly, judging from the knowledge in his mind, this area may be included in the territory of the wolves.

"I hope I don't find it." Liu Yimeng clasped her hands together and prayed.

"Don't be nervous, they can't get in with a fence." Chu Feng chuckled, Liu Yimeng was a little scared by the wolf today.

In other words, it is estimated that it is difficult for anyone to maintain their composure at such a close distance.

Several people sat around the earthen kang to rest, relaxing both mentally and physically.

After more than twenty minutes, Chu Feng stood up and got off the earthen kang, picked up the empty water tank by the fireplace and walked out of the shelter, filling the yard with snow, ready to be used to clean the oil and beans after it melted.

Yun Xin rolled over and got off the earthen kang, carried a small wooden stool and sat down by the fireplace, began to process the root whiskers of the oil beans, plucked the tubers on it one by one, and put them in a bamboo basket on the side.

"I can do that too." Wu Qingyue came to the girl's side and helped process the tubers of the oily beans.

"Sister Qingyue, aren't your heads dizzy?" Liu Yimeng asked softly with a side head.

She also sat on a wooden bench, handling the root whiskers of the beans in her hand.

"Well, not so dizzy." Wu Qingyue responded with a smile, and was also surprised in her heart, after drinking the medicine and pressing it, she woke up feeling much more comfortable after sleeping.

"That's good." Liu Yimeng was relieved.

The five women sat around the fireplace and dealt with the oil and beans, chatting with a smile and talking about their own embarrassments when they were children.

Although there are many oily beans, it took nearly two hours for all the tubers to be picked and spread by the fireplace after cleaning in the water tank.

At this time, Qianyue Island also slowly entered the night, and the visibility outside the shelter was also decreasing.

Chu Feng squatted under the eaves with a firewood knife and began to deal with the dead wolf, first skillfully plucking off the gray fur of the wolf, rubbing it for a while, and then soaking it in the prepared grass and wood gray water.

He then processed the wolf's body, cutting off all the edible parts, and cleaning up some of the internal organs.

With his hands stained with blood, Chu Feng held the liver and wolf head that he didn't want, and came to the gate of the fence, listening to the movement outside.

It took a while before he pushed open the gate of the fence and walked out.

The night was already dark, and Chu Feng's eyes scanned the surroundings, and his vision was improved, and he could see the surrounding environment clearly.

He walked outside the camp, cut through the snow and buried the wolf's head and internal organs, then covered it with a thick layer of snow, and after doing this, turned back to the shelter, and closed the gate of the fence with his backhand.

Inside the shelter, Qi Weiting squatted by the fireplace, fiddling with the cleaned oil beans with bamboo slices to dry them as soon as possible.

Liu Yimeng and Yun Xin were busy preparing dinner, and tonight they cooked seafood stew.

The girl cleans abalone, sea cucumber, pearl oyster, conch, etc., and puts the seafood into the clay pot in the order of difficult to cook first and easy to cook later.

"Let's put some fungus and mushrooms." Yun Xin said softly.

"I'll go wash it." Liu Yimeng turned around and rummaged on the wooden shelf, and soon found dried mushrooms and fungus, soaked them in hot water, cut them into pieces, and poured them all into the clay pot.

Wu Qingyue pursed her lips and asked sideways, "Can I eat seafood today?" "

"You can eat a little." Chu Feng chuckled, turned around and buttoned a little soap on the windowsill, dipped some water and washed his hands.

The soap is made with vegetable oil, and both bowls are successful, especially the medicinal soap, which smells faintly medicinal.

"Chu Feng, can you make two pieces of soap for us to bring back." Wu Qingyue asked with a smile.

"Yes, or you can try to make soap yourself." Chu Feng said softly, rinsing his hands with cold water, and the blood stains between his fingers were cleaned up.

"Great idea." Wu Qingyue was eager to try, watching Chu Feng's live broadcast, he had long wanted to make a piece of soap himself, but he never had a chance.

After drying his hands, Chu Feng squatted by the fireplace, grabbed a handful of oil beans and pinched them, and the moisture on the surface had been dried.

He put down the oil and beans and said softly: "It can be crushed in a while." "

"Let's go ahead after dinner." Yun Xin said softly, holding the clay pot in his hand, turned around and placed it on the low wooden table.

She turned around and got off the earthen kang again, turned out two bean cakes on the wooden frame, and said softly: "Steam some bean cakes, otherwise it's a little inadequate." "

"Uh-huh, I ate it as a staple food, I don't know how it tastes." Liu Yimeng's eyes were full of expectation.

The girl poured a little water into the large steel pot, set up a few pieces of bamboo, put the bean cake on it, and then covered it with a lid made of bamboo sheets mixed with linen.

This was made by Yun Xin in the shelter today, originally for steaming oily beans, but now it is used as a lid for steamers.

After more than ten minutes, a large amount of hot air from the lid came out along the gap.

Yun Xin used bamboo slices to pick open the lid, and then used bamboo clips to pinch out the bean cake and place it in the prepared pottery plate.

She greeted sideways, "Let's all go to the kang, you can have dinner." "


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