Chu Feng led the women towards the jungle, and through the bare branches, he could still see the small hills.

The crowd followed the footprints left by the deer herd on the ground, carefully keeping an eye on their surroundings along the way.

Nearly an hour has passed, and the entrance is still white.

"This herd of deer should not go to the other side of String Moon Island." Liu Yiqiu rubbed his knees, his physical strength was not very good.

"Let's rest in place for a while." Chu Feng stopped and said softly, the snow was too thick, and all the women consumed a lot of physical strength.

"I'll boil some water to drink." Yun Xin stopped and took out the flint from the bamboo basket, as well as a small handful of hay with him.

Qi Weiting helped collect branches around while others helped clear the snow, and soon a fire was raised in the clearing, and steel pots were set up to melt the snow and boil water.

"Yunxin, cook some lunch, you need to replenish the calories you consume." Chu Feng said softly, there was a lot of bacon brought with him this time.

"Okay, I'll cook it." Yun Xin replied casually, turning around and rummaging through the bamboo basket for bacon and seasonings.

Before going out, the bacon has been processed, cut into pieces and put into burlap bags, and now it is just poured into a steel pot and cooked directly.

"Let's eat some bean cake first." Yun Xin untied another burlap bag inside the bamboo basket, which contained bean cakes steamed before going out in the morning.

"Hard I state, it's kind of like eating northern bread." Liu Yimeng grinned, biting the hard I Bangbang's bean cake, and finally bit down on the next piece.

"The conditions are limited, so I can only eat like this." Yun Xin covered her mouth and snickered, Liu Yimeng's current appearance is a little funny.

"You can eat it in broth later." Chu Feng also grinned, eating bean cake in the snow, it is estimated that he will knock out his teeth.

"Lamb puff bun?" Liu Yiqiu's eyes lit up and asked softly, the bacon brought this time was smoked with wild goat meat.

"It's kind of similar, but it's not that kind of steamed bun, and it's a lot less ingredients." Yun Xin pointed his finger at his chin and said softly.

"Try it, or you won't bite." Chu Feng chuckled.

"Good." Yun Xin nodded lightly, took the saber and wasted a lot of strength to cut the bean cake into small pieces, and then put all of them into the steel pot, stirring with the wooden spoon he brought.

After more than ten minutes, a pot of steaming bean cake boiled wild goat meat is complete.

"Taste, first time cooking like this." Yun Xin handed everyone the bowls and chopsticks.

"Hey, it tastes good." Wu Qingyue held the pottery bowl, clamped a piece of soaked bean cake and stuffed it into her mouth, her mouth felt much softer, and she had the taste of mutton soup in one bite.

"Well, delicious." Chu Feng nodded in agreement, and drank a mouthful of mutton soup, and his body warmed up a lot.

"That's good." Yun Xin breathed a sigh of relief and ate it with the pottery bowl.

The capacity of the steel pot brought was limited, and the cooked food was only enough for one bowl per person, and after more than ten minutes, everyone finished lunch.

"Let's go, go some further distance, and return without finding anything else." Chu Feng stood up and said softly.

"Good." All the women answered in unison, helped clean up the pots and bowls, simply scrubbed the dishes and steel pots with snow, and then folded them and wrapped them in sackcloth and put them in a bamboo basket.

Chu Feng picked up the bamboo basket behind him and walked in front to open the way.

The girl and the sisters of the Liu family followed behind, chatting and paying attention to the situation around them.

Another hour passed, and Chu Feng suddenly stopped, with a surprised look on his face.

"Chu Feng, what's wrong?" Yun Xin asked suspiciously.

"Have you noticed that the temperature around you has risen?" Chu Feng asked softly with his head sideways.

He suddenly noticed that it didn't seem so cold, and the temperature was a little higher than an hour earlier.

"Yes?" Yun Xin frowned, reached out and rolled up his sleeves, feeling the temperature outside.

"There is no change, could it be that you are too sensitive." Liu Yimeng also rolled up her sleeves.

As soon as the cold wind blew, she quickly pulled down her sleeves, and her body couldn't help but shiver.

Qi Weiting was also puzzled, and did not feel the change in temperature.

"For me, there is only one word, and that is 'cold.'" Wu Qingyue rubbed her arms, the warmth of the warm storm jacket was limited, but it could still make her feel the cold.

"Go this way, maybe there will be gains." Chu Feng carefully felt the change in temperature, and then walked in the direction to the right.

The women were puzzled, but they still stepped closely behind Chu Feng.

For more than ten minutes, the women obviously noticed that the temperature had really risen, and they had rarely noticed the heat.

"Huh? What's going on? Liu Yimeng said in amazement, slowly loosening the collar of the storm jacket to let the body breathe.

"The snow here is much thinner." Liu Yiqiu was surprised softly, and only went down with one foot, and the snow only flooded her ankles.

"I probably know something, go on." The corners of Chu Feng's mouth rose, and he continued to walk ahead of him.

"God is mysterious." Yun Xin pouted and was pulled forward.

After walking for more than ten minutes, the snow on the ground had disappeared, and black soil gradually appeared, and occasionally shrubs and weeds with green leaves could be seen.

"It's so warm here." Yun Xin sighed, pulling the hem of the stormtrooper with both hands, and was about to take off the stormtrooper.

"Attention, and drones." Chu Feng said softly, reaching out and quickly pulling the animal skin clothes that the girl was wearing inside, avoiding being brought up together when she took off the storm jacket.

Yun Xin's face turned blushing shyly, and she said with a sigh of relief: "It's much more comfortable." "

"I want to take it off too." Liu Yimeng pouted.

"I'll pull it for you." Liu Yiqiu pulled the corners of her mouth, reached out and grabbed her sister who was about to step forward.

Liu Yimeng pouted, unbuttoned her storm jacket, and took off her clothes.

"Chu Feng, do you know what's ahead?" Wu Qingyue asked curiously.

"It should be a hot spring, you can see it after walking a little longer." Chu Feng chuckled, the current phenomenon can only be explained by hot springs.

"Hey??? hey"

Wu Qingyue's eyes widened, and she said in amazement: "There is a hot spring here? "

The sisters of the Liu family are also surprised, there will be hot springs on the island?

"If nothing else, there should be." The corners of Chu Feng's mouth rose, and he took the girl's hand and continued to walk forward.

"Natural hot springs, available in many places." Qi Weiting said softly, she had been to some hot spring villas for vacation before, and the hot springs in them were natural hot springs.

"That's right, we'll just take a look." Chu Feng nodded.


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