At night, the sky over String Moon Island is full of stars.

Chu Feng and the others, who had finished eating the seafood meal, were resting on the earthen kang.

"It's not very cold tonight either. Liu Yimeng pushed open the door of the shelter and came in.

She had just gone to feed the rabbits and deer, and although the cold wind in the yard was strong, it now felt much better than the cold before.

"It could be that winter is coming to an end. Chu Feng said softly.

"It's only been less than two months, and winter here is really short. Yun Xin muttered softly.

"It's good to go early, so you don't have to hide in the shelter every day to keep warm." Chu Feng chuckled, he preferred the three seasons of spring, summer and autumn to winter.

Yun Xin nodded in agreement, his hand boredom played with the chess pieces on the table, and muttered softly: "I don't know what happened to those plantain trees, there is no banana bark to make sackcloth." "

The girl was a little bored during this time, and the bark of the plantain trees she had collected before had been used up, and all of them were woven into twine and linen.

"Let's go over there later. Chu Feng said softly.

He thought about it, got up and got off the earthen kang, rummaged through the bamboo basket to find the can he picked up today, and then returned to the earthen kang with his saber.

"I've always been curious, what use can this can be?" asked Yun Xin as she leaned over and asked curiously.

"You'll find out later. Chu Feng said softly.

"It's mysterious again. Yun Xin pouted, holding the wooden table with both hands and tilting her head to watch.

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth rose, and he gently pulled off the pull-in ring attached to the can.

This is a double-ring inverted pull ring, which is a newly reformed style in recent years, and can be called the second generation of easy pull rings.

The first generation of the pull-out ring is a direct pull-out design, and its disadvantage is that because the pull-out ring has a small force point, it is easy to pull off, so that the can cannot be opened.

Moreover, the open pull ring is easy to lose, resulting in secondary waste of resources, which is not conducive to recycling, and has a great impact on environmental health.

The second generation of the pull-out ring is much more convenient, just gently break the pull-up ring, using the lever principle, you can easily open the can.

This design avoids the problem of cutting hands and the loss of the small pull-ring after all, it is connected to the tank.

However, the double-buckle inverted pull ring also has the disadvantage, that is, the lid of the pull-pull ring is in direct contact with the outside world, and the lid will be directly immersed in the can after opening, which is very unhygienic.

So now many people will wipe the lid of the pull ring with a wet paper towel before opening it, which is sometimes very inconvenient.

Chu Feng put the can aside, treated the pull ring with a saber, and wasted a lot of strength before he cut a hole in one of the rings.

He made the opening sharp, and then broke it outward to make a hook.

"Hey, Chu Feng, did you make a fish hook?" Yun Xin's eyes lit up, probably guessing what Chu Feng was going to do.

"Uh-huh, yes. Chu Feng replied softly, it was very simple to pull the ring to make a fish hook, and it was completed by cutting a hole and cultivating it into a sharp shape.

"Can it really be used for fishing?" asked Liu Yimeng in amazement, can a hook made of a pull-out ring really be used?

"Just try it tomorrow. Chu Feng chuckled, as for whether he could catch a fish, it depended on his technique and bait.

He picked up the empty can and cut the mouth of the can along the edge with a saber.

The edge of the can mouth is very hard, which is also the part that mainly supports the shape of the can.

"What is this going to do?" asked Yun Xin curiously.

"Or make a fish hook. Chu Feng said softly, using his saber to treat the edge of the circle of fillings and shaving off the excess tanks.

He then painstakingly straightened it with stones, then found a firewood knife and cut it into two sections with one knife, which could be made into two fish hooks.

Chu Feng forcefully bent the edges of the two cans, slowly made the appearance of a fish hook, and made a round hole for tying the rope at one end.

The audience in the live broadcast room brushed the barrage.

"It's really a life to learn, and the pull-up rings and cans can be used as fish hooks. "

"Can this really be used for fishing? "

"Just drank a bottle of drink and it happened to have a pull ring, I'll try it. "

"Brain: Got it;

Eyes: Yes;

Hands: Wasted. 【Manual funny】"


"Okay, let's try it at the beach tomorrow. Chu Feng looked at the three fish hooks in his hand with satisfaction, which were about the same size.

"But there is no fishing line, how to fish. Liu Yiqiu asked softly and curiously.

"Use twine, the toughness is enough, as long as the fish does not weigh more than six or seven pounds, it should be fine." Chu Feng said softly, no fishing line can only be replaced by thicker twine.

He was thinking about what to use as bait to avoid attracting those large fish to bite, otherwise the hook would be scrapped, although there are other ways to make a hook, but compared to this it will be a lot more laborious.

"Twine, there are a lot of them. Yun Xin said softly, got up and got off the earthen kang, rummaged through the wooden frame and took out a stack of twine and handed it to Chu Feng.

"Let's take it to the beach tomorrow." Chu Feng nodded lightly, and tried to pull the twine with his hand, with his current strength, it was naturally easy to tear off, but it was enough for fishing.

"Good. Yun Xin took the twine and put it in the bamboo basket in case he forgot it tomorrow.

She took out the bamboo basket, took out all the mountain weeds inside, put it in a bamboo basket and hung it next to the wooden frame.

"Let's all go to the bath, and tomorrow you can get up early and go to the beach." Chu Feng said softly, the sooner the sea is rushed, the better, if not for the wilderness in the wild is too dangerous, in fact, going to the sea in the middle of the night can also be a great gain.

"Good. The Liu sisters replied softly, getting off the earthen kang to pack up and change clothes.

Chu Feng got up and got off the earthen kang, pushed open the wooden door of the shelter and walked to the cultivation room, adding wood to the fireplace there before leaving.

More than twenty minutes later, the Liu sisters and the girl had finished taking a bath and were chatting on the earthen kang wrapped in sleeping bags.

"Chu Feng, go wash quickly, the clothes will help you hang in." Yun Xin said softly sideways.

"Good. Chu Feng replied softly, using a sapper shovel to shovel the hot stones into the toilet.

Then there was the sound of water hitting the ground in the toilet, and a few minutes later he got dressed and came out, and the whole person looked refreshed.

Chu Feng hung up his clothes and towels, then added some wood to the fireplace, turned around and climbed onto the earthen kang, and got into the warm sleeping bag.

As always, the girl came over like an octopus, wrapped her arms around his strong waist, and her inner sense of security exploded.

Chu Feng stretched out his hand to brush away the girl's long hair that hung down, and asked softly, "Can you sleep comfortably like this?"

"Well, Shu I. Yun Xin's faint mosquito moaning voice sounded, and her cheeks slowly blushed shyly.

"This will flatten the front. The corners of Chu Feng's mouth rose and said softly.

The girl's body shook for a moment, and her face turned red and then rolled over.

"Don't move, just sleep like this. "

Chu Feng quickly stretched out his hand to put his arm around the girl's waist and chuckled, "Just kidding, go to sleep quickly." "

"Hate..." Yun Xin pouted, then closed her eyes and slept peacefully.


"Two more,( ̄▽ ̄). It was also after checking that I knew why the previous pull ring was changed. "

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