Although he decided to leave his hometown, Chu Yu still cares about his "relatives and friends" in his hometown. Before leaving, she informed Gu Miao that she could follow the neighbors she found, follow the vines, and look for other people in the know. In addition, it is necessary to keep Mu Shangqing's mental problems confidential, and she will conduct the questioning secretly, and don't let the conversation leak out.

Gu Miao agreed, and said that she must behave well and make no mistakes, lest her old man is in the inkstone, and she still cares about the heart spanning more than 700 kilometers.

However, Chu Yu is destined to be a man of fate, not only **** children, but also adults. Zhong Yongbao was originally going to rush to Changyan with Wu Ke, Chu Yu assigned him another task-to protect Chu Touching, where did he go, where did he follow, hold him in the palm of his hand, hold him in his mouth, all There is no dead angle in the direction, and it is personally protected.

So Zhong Yongchao likes to mention the role of Chu’s moving bodyguard captain. To put it nicely, it is to protect his safety, and to put it crudely, it is to monitor his every move, restrict his personal freedom, and ensure that his scope of activities is limited to Wangjiang City. In the district, transportation is limited to private cars, and drivers are limited to bodyguard members.

Chu Dongren knew this arrangement very well, knew that Chu Yu did nothing, and had already put him in the key surveillance target. Once this list was on, the case would not be solved, he was afraid that he would not even think about it. However, he used to monitor and investigate others. He didn't expect that after retirement, he could experience the feeling of being "closely looked after". It was also a pleasant surprise.

Facing the mobile prison gift package sent by her daughter, Chu Dongren didn't dare to be angry or speak, but she looked a lot haggard, and she felt lonely and sad that she was abandoned by her cubs.

However, the tone of sorrow is light and thin, and the main manifestation is still the concern for Chu Yu. He passed on to her the five-year peace talisman, "The one who has been opened, keep you safe."

Chu Yu pulled up the safety talisman bag and took a look at it. It seemed that there was a beautiful male body fragrance on it. She thought it could be used as a sachet, so she accepted it: "Thank you, Dad."

After so many days, I finally called my dad. Chu Dongren heard her say "Da Chu" and "You", and thought she was going to sever the relationship between father and daughter. This dad made him feel very excited, and I want to give it to Chu. The more a loving hug.

However, Chu Yu didn't like being held by others, and he knew this well, so he turned his mind into reservedness, raised his hand, waved, and sent an official goodbye to her.

Don't pass by Chu moving, Chu Yu walked to the waiting car behind, a car, an SUV, and an off-road, forming a family car that loves each other and migrates to the iron triangle.

Chu Yu noticed that Xia Yihan was sitting in the sedan, leaning against the window, watching her say goodbye to Chu Dongren, and she looked quite attentive, as if she wanted to come down, and asked for a talisman to participate in the farewell ceremony.

Because Chu Dongren’s identity is now special, Chu Yu didn’t let them come into direct contact anymore. That day, Chu Dongren trespassed into the nursing department on the third floor, leaving her with a violent psychological shadow. It will definitely win, and it will even allow Chu Dong to experience the quality of the ICU service, but at present, Chu Yu is still biased towards Xia Yihan, fearing that she will be bullied, and has the urge to protect her cubs.

In the car, Chu Yu and Xia Yihan sat side by side. The vacant seat next to Xia Yihan is always her exclusive throne. No one dares to **** it. The driver Fang Datuo hopes she can sit in quickly. I always feel that Xia Yihan will not be there without her. Suddenly smashed the car and broke the window to ask her sister.

Everything was ready, the group began to go north, Chu Yu looked out the window.

Today is a good day, the sky is clear, the blue sky is like washing, through the sun film, you can feel the swaying of the sun, the traffic on the street is like weaving, repeating daily activities, they hurried past, I must have never thought about it, beside me In his car, there is a mysterious organization with a super-normal person in it. He has been listed on the national wanted list and may continue to occupy the headlines.

The air changed from moist to dry, the leaves turned from evergreen to withered, some simply disappeared, the fallen leaves returned to their roots, and the trees were bald. There was no need to worry about hairstyle problems at all, and they clung to both sides of the street and acted as a road. God.

At 7:30 in the evening, I migrated the Iron Triangle to reach Changyan City. The sky was completely dark. There was snow on the street. It was swept to both sides. The road was covered with rut marks. Everywhere I passed, the snow was stained and bright white. The lovely snow-white, crushed by the wheels, turned into black. Under the light of car lights, it looked like Oreo, black in white, white in black.

Chu Yu was in a good mood. She held Xia Yihan's hand. Her palm was already cold. She was covered by Xia Yihan and began to heat up, like sweet potatoes entering the oven, but the aroma was so fragrant.

She looked at the scenery all the way and returned news from time to time. Xia Yihan didn't speak, and took a nap against her, sleeping peacefully without even snoring.

Fang Datuo and Song Qingyang were in front, taking turns driving, keeping their eyes in the rearview mirror.

When we arrived in Changyan City, it was not early, and it was past get off work hours. The temperature outside remained below zero. People wanted to turn on the hibernation mode, and they would go back to their homes after work. Even the stray dogs disappeared on the road, and they went to a corner of the wind to hug themselves. Keep warm.

However, the city government and the Public Security Bureau did not get off work, and the city leaders and the leaders of the Public Security Department warmly welcomed the Superman's Office.

Chu Yu explained in advance that they should be calm, low-key, and not warmly welcomed, so they expressed a warm welcome in a low-key manner. The briefing on the case was cancelled, and the leaders took them to the public security cafeteria and held a reception banquet. The guest house room has been booked. Well, it’s a five-star hotel. The members of the Superman Division can check in with their bags, clean up the dust tonight, and go to Fushan Hospital tomorrow.

The room arrangement is as follows: Song Qingyang and Muyu, Fang Datuo, Wu Ke, and Chang Xiaozhao, Yueyang Chao, Lu Hai, and Cheng Wushuang, and Chu Yu and Xia Yihan.

Chu Yu lay on the bed, and Xia Yihan slept next to her. The two of them were like high school roommates. They were still in luxurious double beds. They were facing each other. They could open the dormitory night talk. They could even climb each other’s bed as they wish, drill each other’s quilt, and open it like glue like a lacquered night. Chat mode.

But Chu Yu and Xia Yihan both slept well. The air conditioner in the room was wildly on. They were dressed in thick autumn clothes and covered with a layer of silk quilt. Not only were they not cold, they also wanted to stretch their arms and legs to dissipate heat.

Chu Yu traveled back to Jinshui Hospital. At that time, she also slept in the same room with Xia Yihan. Xia Yihan slept in a dignified posture, elegantly sleeping, and quietly sleeping. If she did not know in advance that she would sleep with her, she would forget that there was someone in the room.

Tonight is the same, Xia Yihan perfectly interpreted, what is called, wake up like a mad rabbit, sleep like a sweet pig.

But Chu Yu was a little uneasy, turned his head, and with the faint light, he could barely see her outline.

She is obviously right beside her, but she is always not close. Even when she touches her body, she feels that there is only physical touch and lack of chemical changes. The child splashed and crackled, but the two liquids were separated, layered up and down, with a waterproof film in between.

This film is the facts of the case. She cannot be fair and honest, discussing the direction of the investigation with Xia Yihan, and Xia Yihan will not be simple and rude, telling her all the details of the crime.

However, even though there is this layer of film separated, it will not be completely unresponsive. Chu Yu believes that at the moment of holding hands and hugging, her heart beats faster and Xia Yihan releases dopamine. These biochemical reactions are so true that they can't hide.

Muyu and Chu moving words, she didn't come in with her left ear, and she didn't come out with her right ear. When the wind came into her ears, the words were stored in the memory center, and they would be used as a reference when judging actions.

However, she has always been confident and upward, and she is full of energy for work every day. Even if her clothes are getting wider, even if she can’t eat, she relies on her natural beauty and is often busy like a dog, and it is difficult to resist the burning in her heart. The flame continues to glow and heat.

So even if this time there are many difficulties, the Sophora japonica project and the series of unsettled cases are mixed together, and the difficulty factor is a little too much. Chu Yu still remains unresolved. Believe in yourself and believe that her brothers can solve the case together. The deceased and the victim were fair, and finally embraced the beauty and brought Xia Yihan home.

In the gentle night, Chu Yu's mind was romantic for a while. Instead of sorting out clues and analyzing the case, her perceptual thinking prevailed. She was thinking, what to do for Xia Xiaohua, who is going to wash her hands in the "Golden Basin" in the future. What style of skirt to eat, and to try makeup on her face in the future. She always thinks that she can’t draw eyebrows well. Later, she can draw on Xia Yihan’s face first. It's a great idea to avoid the scene of the car accident!

All kinds of beautiful things in her brain have been shown in theaters one after another. Maybe because of too beautiful thinking and too active brain waves, Xia Yihan was noisy. This quiet roommate finally spoke.

"Sister, tell me a story."

Chu Yuzheng was excited, his lips were in an active state, and he responded, "Okay, what do you want to hear?"

Chu Yu now claims to be a little master of storytelling. In the villa, while coaxing Xia Yihan to sleep, she was able to bring out the story of "Cinderella and the Seven Dwarfs". Anyway, Xia Yihan couldn't tell what was wrong, so she went all the way. Make up, as much as you can make up.

For this reason, Chu Yu was still complacent. He felt that he was talented, and he felt that it seemed to be the case.

Xia Yihan gave her a lot of face, and listened calmly, with a focused appearance, followed her blindly intoxicated.

Generally, what Chu Yu said and what she listened to, but this time, she tried to order: "I want to hear more brutal stories."


"It's the kind, scary, horrible, transformed into a monster, and people listen to it, and I want to find someone to sleep with, otherwise I will be afraid of it!"

Chu Yu received a little call from her, and what appeared in his mind were all "119 Broken Corpse Case", "Mountain City Red Boy Case", and "Guangzhou-Kowloon Railway Advertisement", "Beijing 330 Bus" and other supernatural events.

It was terrifying. She had a wealth of inventory in her mind, and she took it easy, but she wouldn't tell Xia Yihan that, and she would tell a slightly scary fairy tale.

In the end, she searched her intestines and scraped her intestines. She really didn't meet the standards. She simply used her creative talent and opened her mind to open a "Chu Family Nights" program.

In the luxurious two-person room, everything is silent, and the furniture and decorations are all transformed into well-behaved listeners, listening to the night story column with ears.

The anchor Chu cleared his throat and began to edit directly on the spot with a circumflex tune.

"A long, long time ago, in a small mountain village, the fire suddenly went out. The wood did not burn, and the stones could not be rubbed. The villagers could not cook or keep warm. Survival became a problem. Then they heard that it was deep in the mountains and forests. There is a witch who lives there. She has a gem, born in the fire, crystal clear, with the sun, you can make a fire.

"So the villagers put together and sent someone to steal gems from the cave. A girl named Frida was selected because the villagers discovered that she was born with a peculiar physique and was not afraid of fire. Once, her mother's hands were unstable and she dropped her. In the fire plate, she hugged her up in a hurry, only to find that her trousers were burnt out and her **** was exposed, but her **** was intact and there were no traces of burnt.

And Frida likes to play with fire. She can put her finger into the flame and lift the flame away from the candle, but her fingers are safe. Her special physique allowed her to take on the glorious task of stealing fire gems from the cave. Frida's newborn milk goat was not afraid of tigers, so he carried a small cloth bag and went into the cave.

"When she went to the cave, she found that it was black and black, with no hairs, not even moss, and all bare stones. Compared with other caves, this is the strangest cave she has ever entered. Walking inside, she saw the light. In an altar-like stone room, she saw a pile of flames in the middle. The color was pure and translucent, but there was no fuel underneath. That is, the flames grew out of thin air, enduring for a long time, and seemed to never go out. .

"And at the top of the flame, there is a gem that is clear and bright, with a red border on the periphery, the gem is flushed around, reflecting the color of the fire, and it looks hot and hot. Frida believes that this is the fire gem that the villagers need.

"She was about to get close to the gem, but a cave wall suddenly opened, and a man in a black robe walked out of it. The robe was fat, obviously not in line with her figure. The hem covered the toes, and the hat covered her face. She had a sharp chin, but she could see it, walked up to Frida exactly, and asked her: Who are you?

Frida remembered what the villagers taught her, so she said: I'm lost, cold and hungry, and want to rest here for one night.

The witch said: I only like to live alone, you can't live here.

Frida didn't know how to answer, because she couldn't see the witch's expression. What if she was so angry that she ate herself?

While hesitating, she saw three stone statues standing around the round altar. The statues all had pointed ears. They were tall and held bows and arrows in their hands. Although they were carved from stone, it could be seen that their eyes were big and big. Clear, blue faint.

"Frida had an idea and said: You are now beside the stone altar, there are three elves, in the east, west, and south, but the position facing the entrance of the cave in the north is one short. I can be the elves guarding the altar.

"The witch's voice sounds low, like a double bass solo: But these three stone elves have been tempered by fire. They can't be broken with fire, stones can't be broken, bows and arrows can't be pierced, you are not forged by fire, you are not worthy.

"Frida was very happy when she heard that. She put down her cloth bag and linen coat, walked into the fire in the center of the round altar, opened her hands, and let the flame burn her whole body. After a while, her clothes were burned out. , The trousers were gone, and even the shoes were burnt without a trace, but she was intact, she was standing in the flames with her bare buttocks, her snow-white skin glowing with a warm red light.

"The witch witnessed this scene through the black hat. She didn't say a word and acquiesced to Frida to stay in the cave.

"Frida stayed in the cave. When the witch was there, she stood by the round altar, facing the entrance of the cave, motionless. As soon as the witch left, she took the opportunity to get close to the flame and wanted to take the fire gem. But she tried. Many times, without success, because every time she moved her hands, the wall of the cave opened and the witch was about to come out, so she had to slip back under the round altar and act as the fourth elf.

"Slowly, the witch began to talk to Frida. Frida discovered that she still made clothes, but the clothes she made were all black with no patterns at all. When she wore it, she became the little girl next to the old witch. Witches. Witches also make food. The food is placed in stone bowls, round, square, oval, and some weird shapes.

"In the beginning, Frida did not dare to eat. She felt that the witch caught the poisonous snakes, reptiles, and lizards in the cave and turned them into food. Up animals.

"But she was hungry. She hadn't eaten for many days, and she couldn't stand still. She broke the round bread and put it on the ground. After smashing it with a rock, she put it in her mouth carefully and swallowed it down. To her surprise, the bread tasted good, and after eating it, there was nothing wrong. The belly was bulging, but nothing was moving.

"In this way, Frida wore clothes made by witches, ate bread made by witches, lived in the witch's stone room, and listened to the witches. Day after day, she gradually got used to it, and she forgot to steal gems. I don't know if it was the witch who used the magic, or because of the fire, she lived very comfortably, and completely forgot the purpose of coming to the cave.

"And she felt that the witch liked her more and more, as if she really regarded her as an elf guarding the altar. She herself thought that she was an elf in the cave, born and grown in the cave, fabricated by the witch, and the cave is hers. Family.

"But one day, she heard the sound of conch playing, melodious and agile, passing through the long cave, reaching the bottom of the cave, and reaching her ears. Frida woke up suddenly, and she suddenly remembered her mission.

"Before setting off, the villagers were afraid that the witch would use magic and confuse people's minds, so they agreed with Frida that the sound of conch is the signal. They played in her ears all night to let her remember that this is to wake her up and let her return. The voice of home.

"After Frida awakened, she rushed to the raging fire, removed the fire gem, and ran towards the entrance of the cave in the direction of the sound of the conch.

"Without the fire jewel, the cave suddenly became cold and frost formed on the wall. The witch hurried out. She saw Frida run away and wanted to catch up, but she couldn't leave the circle of the altar, so she just On the road to the cave, a number of venomous snakes conjured up, and they spit out the snake's letter, blocking Frida's way, and pretending to bite her.

"Frida was frightened and took a few steps back, but she heard the sound of conch again. She remembered the villagers’ warning: Don’t be afraid. The monsters you see are all witch’s magic, not real. All you have to do is follow the sound of the conch and walk straight forward, and that's it!

"Frida bit her scalp and rushed forward. It was safe and sound, and her poisonous tongue disappeared. So her courage became even stronger. Seeing that there was no effect, the witch turned into a baby on her way forward. She was naked, crying, purple from the cold, and stretched out her hands, wanting Frida to hold her.

"Frida couldn't bear it, stopped, and was about to hug the baby, but the sound of the conch sounded again, allowing her to return to normal, and she saw through the magic of the witch. She moved on, and was approaching the sound of the conch. At the entrance of the cave, the witch suddenly came out and she blocked the entrance of the cave.

"Frida was shocked when she saw her, holding the fire jewel, and stepping back. She knew that she could not beat the witch, but this time she could not escape. The witch pressed her step by step, her voice was hoarse and low, like a life With the rusty saw and sawing the wood, she said: You can't go, you can't leave me, you are my guardian spirit, I am most proud of the guardian spirit!

"Frida hugged the fire gem and looked at the witch. Her vision became increasingly blurred. She ran for too long and was exhausted. She couldn't run anymore. She felt that she might be trapped in the hole for the rest of her life. When she was about to fall, the conch sound rang again, because it was close to the entrance of the cave, the sound was loud and loud, and the penetrating power was extremely strong, which suddenly awakened Frida.

"She opened her eyes and looked directly at the witch in front of her, and suddenly found that the witch was shaky and trembling as she walked-she realized that it was magic, and it was not a threat at all. So she riveted, She kept rushing out, she penetrated the witch's body, rushed out of the cave, and saw the sunlight again.

"She turned around and saw that the witch's apparition collapsed and disappeared quickly. The villagers were waiting at the entrance of the cave, with clothes and dry food, waiting for her triumphant return.

"Frida took off her black robe and put on a bright linen dress, and returned to the village with the villagers. On the stove, she lifted the fire gem, the sun passed through the gem and lit the stove, so there was flame in the village again. Everyone sang and danced around the stove, and started a new happy life."

After speaking in one breath, Chu Yu was satisfied, full of suspense at the beginning, ups and downs in the middle, and joy at the end. It was a fairy tale for dinner.

After she finished speaking, she turned her head to Xia Yihan. She couldn't see her eyes clearly in the dark, and she didn't know if she was asleep, but she didn't say a word, as if she was in a sleepy stage. Chu Yu didn't speak any more and turned around. Body, ready to sleep.

After a long while, there was a soft voice from behind, although the volume was lowered, it still sounded crisp and sweet.

"What about the witch, what happened to her in the end?"

Chu Yu scratched his ears. The work had already ended perfectly, but at the request of the audience, he had to start the broadcast again, turning his perspective to the "villain".

"Witch, when she saw that the magic was unsuccessful in the end, Frida ran out alive, and became furious, jumping and yelling, because she jumped too high, her hat was crooked, showing a hideous face and red With her big nose, I wish I could eat Frida raw."

Xia Yihan lay down on the pillow, "What is she scolding?"

"Her voice is hoarse, like a broken speaker, and she scolds: If I knew you would leave me, I should turn you into a stone statue and stay on all sides of the altar; if I knew you would not belong to me, I would An arrow should pierce your chest and make you lose the sign of breathing; if I knew you would never see me again, I should put the fire gem into your heart so that you can never leave again, and always be in the cave. Sun!"

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