Xu Huaiyu actually noticed that Chu Yu didn't put it into practice in the end. He knew in his hand that most of this matter was related to Chu moving. Even if he was not a murderer, he was an insider, otherwise he would not run away at this point.

However, Chu Dongren is Chu Yu's father. It is natural for her to struggle in her heart. Xu Huaiyu didn't urge her, but allowed her to go back to Superman to rest, and then dealt with the clues to see if she had forgotten.

He invested more police force and participated in the investigation of the Chu Dongren disappearance case, but it was more of a search than an investigation, because the first policeman had been busy for a day and searched Wangda Yifu Building twice and visited. After Chu touching relatives, they almost contacted Chu Yu, but they didn't get any effective information.

Xu Huaiyu suspected that the kidnappers who tried to kidnap Chu Yu were related to Chu Dongren and might be hidden among the lecture audience. So he ordered more than one hundred female participants to be investigated. No suspicious persons have been found yet.

Therefore, as of 12 o'clock on December 9th, the police did not know why Chu Dongren fled, where he fled, and whether he was an accomplice.

Now, Xu Huaiyu focuses on searching for suspects. He ordered strict checks on all stations and airports. The stations that enter the station with a face-sweeping system have an alarm system. Only Chu Dongren dares to show up, and the police will know immediately, but not face-sweeping. For functional small stations, the police platoons to detect city passengers.

Even if you can't find Chu Dongren, you can't let him go out of the market. Xu Huaiyu doesn't want to make the mistakes of the Sophora japonica project again. He wants to kill the crime within the city and not spread across the country!

Chu Yu understood the situation of the police and saw that they were at a loss. She felt very uncomfortable. It was like opening a small fire and boiling Chinese herbal medicines. The overflowing of Chinese herbal medicines was full of bitterness. The longer the time, the more bitter it was. Eventually the olfactory system numbs.

But her sense of smell did not fail, but she became more sensitive. When she smelled the current situation, she couldn't help shivering-this was the same as the history five years ago.

Five years ago, Mu Shangqing disappeared. The superiors attached great importance to it. Xu Huaiyu was responsible for finding and investigating, but he had been busy for several months, and the investigation was extended by the Superman Department for a full year, but nothing was found. Now it is discovered that Mu Shangqing is actually Has long since died and was buried in the ground.

Now, Chu Dongren mysteriously disappeared, and his superiors attached great importance to it. Xu Huaiyu was the commander-in-chief. After two days of busy work, he found nothing...

Chu Yu felt that the "house demolition effect" had effect on her. She was now not afraid of Chu moving and absconding, but she was afraid that he would encounter accidents. It would take four or five years to walk away without seeing people or corpses.

Last night, she had a dream. Behind her yard, she dreamed that there was a long hole in the shape of a coffin. She was lying in it, with her eyes closed. She was so scared that she hurried to pull him, but she pulled it. He actually opened his eyes, patted the dirt on his body, stretched out, and said, "The sun is so good today!"

Then he crawled out of the pit, returned to the room, and cooked her breakfast.

Seeing Chu Dongren's back wearing a waistband, Chu Yu felt horrified and warm.

Including that after she woke up, recalling Chu Dongren's back, the feeling was still the same, fear was mixed with warmth, but the warmth was a bit more lonely, knowing that this was already beyond reach, Chu Dongren might never have the opportunity to give her again make breakfast.

She couldn't help thinking of Xia Yihan's dream. After the mist cleared, a row of old houses appeared. The houses were full of locust flowers, and a man lay in one of the houses.

Chu Yu originally guessed that her dream was the scene of a crime and murder, but the night of Mu Shangqing's accident was November 2nd, and it was almost winter, and there would be no locust petals.

Therefore, this dream seems nondescript.

But she recalled what Mrs. Cai said: Six or seven years ago, Mu Shangqing brought Xia Yihan back to Huaxieting. He pointed to the locust tree and said to Xia Yihan: If I retire in the future, I must be here. Plant vegetables.

At that time, it was summer and the Sophora japonica flowers were falling, and Mu Shangqing probably took Xia Yihan to stroll around under the tree.

Chu Yu could imagine the scene at that time. Six years ago, Huaxieting was on the eve of planning and renovation. The house was crumbling, showing vicissitudes and dilapidated old. The streets were narrow, the boundary between cement and soil was unclear, and the left foot was still straddling. On the street, his right foot stepped into the mud. The grass was scattered with sophora japonica. It was not obvious from a distance, but when it looked closer, it looked like it was snowing. Small snowballs were everywhere, still glowing light blue.

Mu Shangqing may still be holding Xia Yihan under the locust tree, touched the bark, and smiled: "This tree is older than me, it was watching me grow up."

He probably didn't mention Xia Yihan at all. Before he grew up, what he experienced in Huaxie Court, how hard he tried to escape from here, and how terrifying this place was to him.

So at the beginning, Hua Xieting gave Xia Yihan a warm feeling, that is, Mu Shangqing's hometown, until it finally became the scene of the murder.

And that dream should be the combination and overlap of the two images. Witnessing the murder scene left a deep impression on Xia Yihan, but in her subconscious, she hoped that Mu Shangqing was still alive, living in a place full of locust blossoms. In his small house, he would fiddle with the plants in the vegetable plot every day, but in his dream, his closed eyes never opened.

The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable Chu Yu was. When handling the case, he was most afraid of adding personal feelings, not to mention affecting his mood, but also possibly affecting his objective judgment.

It was really uncomfortable to stay in the place, so she went out and went to Huaxieting. Of course, Xu Huaiyu's approval is required in advance. After Xu Huaiyu knows, she sends members of the action team to protect her. She has now been promoted to the next "potential victim". Xu Huaiyu dare not take it lightly. , He will go crazy directly.

Chu Yu actually came to Huaxieting not to investigate the case, she wanted to come to Xia Yihan.

She always felt that Xia Yihan would come back again, perhaps living nearby, even if she couldn't talk to her, it would be nice to take a look from a distance to calm her restless mood.

At noon, Chu Yu sat in the restaurant and looked at the opposite street. The original locust tree was gone, the earth dam became a flowerbed, and the original brick house became a teahouse, but the business was not so good, and the facade was kept closed, no Know if it is ready to transfer.

After spending two or three hours in Huaxieting, Chu Yu went to Youhe Hotel on Chongli Street and checked into Room 212 again. It was here the day before yesterday. She speculated that Mu Shangqing was buried in Huaxieting. , Is a major development, the mystery of the motive of the Sophora japonica project was solved at once.

This place has become her inspiration laboratory, so she wanted to stay in the room for a while to see if she could make new breakthroughs.

Like last time, she wrote the key points in order on the tablet, but last time they were arranged by clues, this time they were all doubtful points.

1. On the five murder weapons, why only four have blood? (Guess: someone did not commit an attack, or was blocked when he was about to commit an attack)

2. Mu Shangqing originally fought with the assailant on the roof of a migrant worker, but finally disappeared mysteriously. How did the assailant move him away without being discovered by anyone?

(Speculation: not available)

3 Before disappearing, Mu Shangqing sent a text message to Chu Dongren, saying that he would die with the murderer. Who is the murderer? Why did he single-handedly face the murderer?

(Speculation: not available)

4. Xia Yihan hated the five perpetrators, so he cut every one of them. It was the sword of Mu Shangqing and carved acacia flower, but she kept the control properly and did not let the perpetrator die. Why?

(Guess: She asked Xue Jinping two questions. The second question is: Who instigated? That is, she thinks the five people are just accomplices or puppets, and the culprit is the behind-the-scenes messenger, so she didn't kill them.)

5. When inquiring about Gong Yanhua, Gong Yanhua was not disgusted with Mu Shangqing, and even said: He is a good father and protects Xia Yihan very well. why is that?

(Speculation: not available)

6. Unlike other perpetrators, Gong Yanhua asked others to carve acacia flowers for her and committed suicide. She took a knife and stabbed her in the chest. Since she is not afraid of death, she is certainly not afraid of going to jail, why she still refuses to tell the truth.


(Speculation: The five people sheltered Xia Yihan and refused to tell the truth. Besides they killed people themselves and wanted to protect themselves, there were other reasons)

7. Xia Yihan once asked: If your father is a bad person, would you still like him? When Chu Dongren was giving her a test, she suddenly stood up and walked towards him. What did she want to do? Does she think Chu Dongren is a bad person?

(Speculation: Xia Yihan believes that Chu Dongren is the manipulator behind the scenes)

8. Chu Dongren once went up to the third floor, met with Xia Yihan alone, and talked for a while, what did he say? Is this conversation related to Xia Yihan's unusual behavior at Fushan Hospital?

(Speculation: not available)

9. Chu Dongren has never wanted Superman to investigate a series of outstanding cases, and has not cooperated in the early stage, but has always reminded me in the later stage: pay attention to Xiaohan

(Speculation: He knows the truth, at least part of the truth, and knows that Xia Yihan is close to my purpose)

10. When Xia Yihan faced me and Xue Jinping, the amount of dopamine released increased. Is it because Xue and I were both her targets?

(Speculation: when she faced Xue Jinping, she had an excited reaction, it should be because she wanted to attack her, revenge and killing excited her)

11. Five years ago, there was a sixth deceased. The deceased Xia Yihan, also known as Xiaomei, was convicted of accidental death by the police. However, Xia Yihan once wrote an anonymous letter to the police. She believed that Xiaomei did not die in an accident. When Xiaomei died, It's a period of frequent unsuspecting cases

(Presumably: Xiaomei's death was related to class teacher Wang Tong, and only from external investigations, no doubts could be found)

12. Huang Nan, Xia Yihan's birth mother, changed her temper after marriage. To be precise, she became lonely and indifferent not long after Xia Yihan was born. He first played peek-a-boo with Xia Yihan, got close to her, and then ignored her. , Even with Mu Shangqing, very indifferent to them

(Speculation: Huang Nan has some kind of psychological disorder, which was only exposed after childbirth)


At the end of the writing, Chu Yu directly pressed the lock screen button and didn't want to read it anymore. Each text came into my eyes. The more I read it, the stranger it became. He wanted to become an alien text, and he didn't know any of them.

After a while, the amount of information swarmed, and her mind was about to explode. She thought that writing out all the doubts would make it easier to find the links and break them one by one, but after reading it a few times, she quickly saw through the screen, but found that they seemed to be nothing. There is no connection, each of them is independent, and if you twist one out separately, it is enough to become an unresolved case independently.

Chu Yu gave up struggling and looked up around the small room. It seemed that it was not always effective. She had already squeezed out the aura, and there was no chance for a flash of light.

She didn't want to sit there, and decisively shifted her position, called Song Qingyang up, and went straight into Chu's moving nest.

Song Qingyang asked, "What are you going to do?"

"Go and see, can my mom provide some key information."

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