The long journey is already nearing the destination.

The captain, who has been looking forward to encountering any local creatures, even the smallest possibility, wants to meet. In general, it now feels lonely.

This is just the case...

In general, a lonely individual creature may slowly go mad. If it is a place with creatures, but this place has almost no biological place, it is a big torture for it.

However, Lin's pompoms, and the captain have been in this place for a long time, Lin is slowly growing, and the captain is also building its own base.

And that creature didn't appear much, and the captain certainly didn't receive any signals.

Under continuous loneliness, the captain looks calm on the surface, but it often shows some strange movements, such as mechanical communication with remote controls, or talking to himself.

It watched the movie over and over again, because there was no way to receive new information, it looked at the old things.

While watching the captain's increasingly crazy process, Lin grew up a lot of plants away from its base, slowly occupying the mountain named the dividing line.

The captain also built his own food supply system and built more equipment, but it doesn't seem to want to stay in that place now.

Under loneliness, it decided to leave here... to explore.

Lynn is in favor of this decision, although Lynn has never communicated with it.

The captain once again made a sand cart on the gunboat, and then prepared the food and tools for the expedition, but it hesitated at this time.

Which side is better to explore? It is the side of the night. Still the side of the day? One side is biting cold. One side is a strong sun.

Generally speaking. As a living creature in the sun, the virtual people will go to the side of the light. However, after hesitating, the captain decided to go to the cold side.

It builds something called an elevator on almost vertical cliffs on both sides. This thing is electrically driven. The sand cart is placed on the lift and it can move freely. There is no need to start a gunboat.

Lin also let the three pompoms follow the captain, and as they slowly drifted down the lift.

"There must be something unknown here."

The captain looked at the endless dark plain, and he spoke to himself with a word, and then it twisted the grip of the sand cart, and the whole car rushed out and headed for the dark and cold world...

Three pompons are also behind it.

The mountains behind are getting farther and farther, the surrounding environment is getting darker, and the captain is adding speed faster and faster. Finally. It entered a complete darkness...

The temperature here is extremely low, but it has no effect on the captain with armor. The night vision function in the armor helps it see the surrounding environment.

It is now in a rocky environment.

The strange rock composition is like the shape of a dry tree. It is everywhere here. The captain looks at these things with amazement. It seems to have forgotten his loneliness, but it has a feeling of fear.

The shape of these rocks is so strange that even Lin thinks so.

But they are just ordinary stones, nothing special, but how they become this shape is a mystery.

As the sound of the belly belt of the sand car turned, the captain drove out the weird stone forest.

In front of it is an endless plain, where there is usually no more than thirty centimeters.

However, Lynn calls it the 'Meteor Jelly Wilderness'.

Because Lynn has been here before, but just collecting water, not too deep into it.

The so-called meteor jelly is something that is also found on the pompon. Occasionally, this strange substance can be found in the area where the meteorite falls. It is like a thick paste, usually turned off after touching, even if it is not Touching it can only last for a few hundred seconds, and then it will disappear.

Because it is like a kind of food 'jelly' of the virtual people, it also has the name of meteor jelly.

Here, the jelly does not change, and it is everywhere... This soft object covers the entire ground, which makes the place seem to be covered by heavy snow.

Although Lynn is still not sure whether the ‘jelly’ here is the same substance found in the meteorites on the pompons.

However, the jelly here contains the components of the conveyor. This is the second component found, but there are many, I don't know if I can find it here.

The sand truck left two long traces on the jelly plain while advancing. When he came in, the captain was very surprised at the jelly here. The fear of the past disappeared and replaced with a joy. Excitement.

After a while, it stopped the car, went down and reached for the jelly on the ground. It held the jelly in front of it and then threw it out.

Then, it piled the jelly together and made it into various shapes.

It seems to be very fun. The virtual people liked to play this kind of game when they were young. In the drifting, Linlin had seen similar entertainment.

The captain played for a while, piled up strange shapes one after another, but when it was extremely excited, it suddenly lost, as if suddenly remembered that it is now very lonely.

Then, it climbed into the car and continued to drive forward.

The original jelly seems to be endless, but their shape is constantly changing.

Before, it was basically a flat plain, but there were a lot of hills here, and a pile of jelly gathered together to form a hill of three to five meters high.

The captain drove the sand truck to the front of a small hill. It looked at the hills, and the emotion of the previous play came out.

"Wow!" Suddenly, it screamed and spread his arms on the hills made up of jelly. The soft feeling seemed to be extremely comfortable.

"Ah!" But in the next second, the captain suddenly screamed, and it forced himself from the jelly, and Lin found that it had a strange thing on her head.

This is... a creature!

The creature's body is snow-blue-white, about a meter long, looks like a worm, and it bites into the captain's helmet, and the captain pulls it hard.

It slammed the creature and threw it on the ground. The moment the creature landed, it immediately plunged into the jelly on the ground, but it only got a little bit and found that its body was pulled.

Pompon, grabbed it with fluff.

The creature didn't hesitate, it slammed out and turned back, but it didn't bite the pompom, but was entangled by the more fluff of the pompon.

The captain did not see this scene at all. After he got rid of the worm, he jumped into the car and headed back in the other direction...

Lin's other pompoms chase up, and the remaining two are here to detect the worm.

This worm...Lin found it seems to have seen this creature.

Yes, this is where...

'boom! When Lin thought about it, there was a loud noise in the distance, and the captain’s scream came.

I saw the ground in front of it suddenly cracked, and there was a crack that was several meters wide. A large amount of jelly fell into a sudden crack.

The captain immediately speeded up, and the sandmobile rushed straight from the crack, and then it rushed away.

'boom! And near the crack, more cracks spread, and Lynn caught the worm and flew in the direction of the captain...

The captain added the sand truck to the top speed, which is just faster than the crack.

When it rushed out of the cracked area, it kept looking back. In the huge cracks behind it, the jelly spurted like a spring, and the cracked ground was picked up...

I saw a huge object crawling out of the cracked earth. The object is covered with an ice crystal shell. The shape is somewhat like a starfish, but it has a body that is more than ten meters in diameter. It uses the thick 'toucher' around the body. Lifted up the body and rushed over here!

Although the figure is huge, but the speed is quite fast, the speed of this creature can almost catch up with the speeding sand truck. The shocking pace makes the jelly on the plain tremble. The captain scares the weapon and points it to the back. Mad, metal bullets hit the creatures and stirred up countless fires.

But it did not slow down its pace.

However, it did not keep going, the captain's sand truck drove out of the jelly plain, and after entering the strange stone forest, the creature suddenly stopped.

It seems unwilling to enter the stone forest, but to stay on the edge of the stone forest. Although it has no eyes, it seems to be staring at the captain who is farther and farther...

Lynn feels that this may be the relationship of temperature.

The temperature of the stone forest is obviously much higher than that of the jelly plain. This kind of creature may not be tolerated.

It was not until the captain’s sand truck drove a few kilometers away that the creature went back from the edge of the stone forest.

It didn't seem to notice that there was a ball of fluff floating above its body...

The pompoms followed the creature back to the original place, and the creature's crack from it came back, and the pompom flew in behind.

Here... seems to be a cave.

At the moment of entering, Lin saw a wonderful underground environment, just like the ground, there are white jelly everywhere, but not only on the ground, on the walls, on the top of the cave, all the places are these soft things.

And this huge creature walked over a jelly heap, slowly slamming the 'abdomen' against the jelly heap, and a large amount of jelly was squeezed out of it.

It seems... I plan to rest.

That's just a matter of studying its body structure, but first, the worm should be returned to it, because this may be its commensal species. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks~Dare to teach all Saints to lower their eyebrows~

Thanks ~ the tears of the Lich ~ Tuyun Long ~ Star Breeze Silver Moon ~ advancer18 ~ my name is Qi Qi ~ monthly ticket ~

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