4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 7: World covered by metal

Borba Babe, 2551, extinct...

Hammerhead Julong, 2517, extinct...

It turns out that it is like this...

The spy is now somewhere, watching the information displayed by the virtual people.

The place is sunny, with beautiful sunshine and blue sky, vast grassland, small white clouds floating in the fresh air, and many happy little friends.

Although the 'sunshine' is actually simulated with lights, the clouds and the sky are simulated with stereoscopic images. The grass seems to be something that can be translated as 'plastic', and the clear air...the distance is not There is a 'clear air release device' in the distance.

Here is a place called the underground college, where the spy is located in a school.

There are quite a few colleges in this college, and there are a lot of virtual children who are learning, and the spies have also made a baby to enter this place. The part of the baby is making 'material' from the last time it was stolen. Obtained by the virtual people.

Because the college is currently enrolling students, it can be visited in advance, so Lin asked the big spy to be the 'parent' of the cub spy, let the cubs come in and visit.

Such places in the college were originally built on the ground, but many of the virtual people later felt that the land was too large, because the cub activities required considerable space, so they turned underground.

Of course, the outside air is not good, and it is also a disadvantage to the growth of the young ones. If placed indoors, they can more easily control the flow and filtration of the air, which is much easier than the ground where the dust is often raged...

Therefore, there are suggestions from the virtual people. Simulate the sun and blue sky in the ground. Then let the pups live happily in the underground environment. At the same time, it does not occupy the position of the ground. How good is this?

This proposal was recognized by many high-level people, so the colleges that were originally on the ground turned to the ground, and the place where they were originally built many tall buildings.

Because the people's mouth is too crowded, do you want to save space?

However, although the cubs here are underground, they are still very happy, beside the cubs of the cubs. There are a lot of young children playing with joy, it seems that only the spy cubs are watching the information here.

The education method here is exactly the same as the drift number.

Originally, the virtual people used adult imaginary people to teach the young, but now they are all useless. They stuff all the information into the stereoscopic image device and search for the baby.

The pups can learn all the materials according to their own interests, or they can play all day without any fun. Basically, they can say that they have been carefree here. Once they reach adulthood, the cubs will join the group without emotions. Among the imaginary people... It can be said that the puppet stage and the adult stage of the virtual people are two extremes.

The information reviewed is divided into several levels, after learning the first stage of the data. It will be able to rise to the second level, and even if it is over, it will be ‘graduation’. Every time you upgrade, you will check to see what the baby has learned.

The pups who have been playing will be asked to learn useful things and start to re-enter the whole process. If they don’t return three times, they will ‘early graduate’ and they can only be used as manual handymen or handymen.

Lin’s cubs are in the first stage of the classroom. There is a lot of information that needs to be more advanced to watch. At the same time, when viewing a certain material, for example, viewing the information related to 'construction project', there will be a suggestion about construction next to it. The occupation of the project, as well as the demand rate of these occupations, and so on.

However, those are just things related to various jobs, and a lot of historical information can be seen in the first stage.

Spy cubs are here to search for news about wildlife, jungle, and more.

These messages have popped up in a flash, and many of them can be said to be dense.

The spy is constantly looking at the data of these creatures, they all have detailed classification, body type introduction, as well as a variety of pictures, biological living places and so on.

However, most of them have something in common. Basically, each creature introduces the last sentence as ‘extinction’.

Most of Lin’s current species are similar to the imaginary people. They are generally called 'Bone Bone Creatures'. They are widely distributed in the world. Some are like the jade on the pompons. The size ranges from a few centimeters to a few. Ten meters, very rich.

Of course, there are only a few creatures left in such a rich creature, except for a few creatures they raise.

There are more than 10,000 kinds of other kinds of 'Bone Bone Creatures', and Lin has turned all of their materials over, and all of them have been extinct.

Moreover, during the period of accurate extinction, most of them were extinct hundreds of years ago, and the number of extinctions appeared 200 years ago.

Part of it is the murder of the imaginary people, or because the building continues to expand, and these biomes can not continue to live. Many imaginary people see the creatures living in some valuable places, they will immediately drive these creatures and build buildings at the site. ......

The imaginary people have tried to protect some creatures before, but those protectors can stop hunting at most, there is no way to stop the increase of the population and the expansion of the building, etc...

However, the most common cause of extinction is because of air pollution...

Almost all of the vehicles used by the virtual people use electricity, but in the past they used a kind of energy called 'burning energy', which would emit a lot of polluted air, resulting in a wide range of air. Deterioration.

In addition to this, there are various factories that cause what is happening, although most of the virtual people have now changed the previous use of these energy sources, and instead use tools that emit only a small amount or do not emit pollution.

But even then, the pollution they released before has not disappeared, and now, although the displacement is small, there are still some, plus the plants that are not responsible for purification, the pollution has been continuously increasing, so the virtual people must bring filter……

Many creatures are extinct because they can't withstand the more and more deteriorating air, and not only they, but before the virtual people invented the filter device, there were tens of millions of people who died because of long-term pollution of the lungs, etc., which caused a lot of sensation.

Later, the virtual people supported it, but there are no creatures to accompany them...

Some of them are extinct in the wild, and the breeding is slowly extinct, which is basically the cause of air pollution.

More than 10,000 kinds of extinctions are just ‘skin bone creatures’.

If you want to see other kinds, there will be more, plus plants, and a variety of creatures, Lin found that there are also limbs, and most of them are written extinct.

When they add up, there are millions of them. This information is enough to be as dense as a worm, but each one ends with the word extinction.

This also includes the types in the sea.

There are many industries in the virtual world that capture marine life, but there are also many industries that discharge waste into the sea, causing the ocean's water to deteriorate.

After most of the sea creatures were extinct, the imaginary people who could not catch anything in order to continue to have something to eat, and turned to a large number of feeding algae for food, not only the last time they saw it, it seems that all the coasts of the world are covered with those A plant that raises algae.

Only the only kind of algae, the virtual people call it ‘wild algae’, the splitting speed is fast enough, they can feed the virtual people here...

Most of the causes of extinction of plants are not related to air.

It seems that most plants can withstand heavy pollution, but because the original demand for wood is quite large, the virtual people originally used wood for construction and various supplies.

As a result, a large number of plants are consumed, and the remaining ground plants are also flattened by metal buildings.

After losing the plant, the imaginary people used a large number of metal objects, and at the same time began to manufacture a lot of oxygen synthesis plants, which were built in the city center.

At the same time, things like air filters, air purifiers, etc. are also produced in these factories. Nowadays, in every virtual home, there are various buildings equipped with air purifiers. Prices are also different. Usually, purifiers are more expensive. It seems that these things were originally only filtering the air. Later, they added various functions, such as adding other kinds of scent smells... Of course, the price is more expensive.

All of this is to be a virtual coin. It can be said that a virtual person without a virtual coin can't even breathe.

Despite these filters, the imaginary people often inhale a small amount of polluted air, and their physical fitness is getting worse. Lin has tested some of the virtual physique on the streets. Lin believes that if it is a free-handed duel, a healthy virtual person will at least It can solve five polluted people.

It turns out that it is...

At the beginning, when these creatures became extinct, there were also many people who had opinions. They protested and established the 'Bio Conservation Association'. But after a long time, the virtual people began to slowly forget the previous things, continue to live like this, many new A generation of imaginary people do not even know the word 'jungle'.

So when they went to the pompon, they looked at the environment on the pompom without any special feeling.

After Lin came here, he could only see the rich species in this stereoscopic image device.

Watching countless extinct creatures, Lynn felt a special emotion.

This sentiment is... sadness, Lin used to like sympathy.

However, it’s almost... How long have you not felt it...

Because after some things happened on the pompon, it has been a long time since the extinction, and Lin thought that there would be no such feeling.

It seems that there is nothing on the pompom.

However, nothing can be done now.

In the once rich world, there is only metal left, and there is a creature that can make metal. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ even if you take the name, 588~

Thanks for the monthly ticket of ~12gfdf~~

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