"Hey, do you want to visit the ticket for 'Oasis'?"

When the spy walked behind the team that was in the oasis to visit the aircraft, a strange person suddenly ran out, and Lin saw that he had a few things in his hand.

"You want to line up to buy tickets yourself. I don't know how long it will take. I have a few tickets here. How about selling them for five hundred yuan?"

The spy wondered: "...is not one of the thirty virtual coins?"

"I don't know this is common sense? You look at how many rows you have in front of you. You don't necessarily buy tickets when you are in the queue..."

"No need." The spy swayed and took out a thing from his hand: "There is already a ticket."

"Ah?" The virtual people stunned and walked away with a strange expression.

When you see the kind of ticket, you can basically make it.

However, it is correct. Lin found that the team here is not only the ones that are discharged to the aircraft, but also the same number of teams lined up under a building near the center of the square, where it seems to be a ticket.

It is reasonable to say that it will be sold directly in the aircraft. It is also necessary to separate into two places. It is necessary to arrange two teams. It may be that many virtual people do not want to wait for so long. After all, it will be black in the day. Buy this ticket several times the price.

Lin didn't think about queuing. The spy went straight away from the side of the team, then walked to the front of the few virtual people and poked it by hand.

"Ah!" The imaginary suddenly screamed and turned and ran away, and Lin quickly occupied its position at the moment it ran away.

The surrounding virtual people seem to have no opinion on this, not because they have not noticed Lin's 'cutting the queue', but because Lin has made the spy's body size relatively large. When they see it, there is a feeling of fear.

In fact, it is only the extent of ordinary soldiers. However, it is much stronger than the virtual people living under the polluted air of this cue ball. And Lynn also found it particularly easy to move around in crowded places with this type of body.

After the spy squeezed into the aircraft, the aircraft was quickly filled with imaginary people.

This aircraft is specially designed for viewing the scenery. The location of the virtual people at the bottom is completely transparent and can see anything in all directions.

As the aircraft rises, you can see that the lively square below is getting farther and farther away, and the entire aircraft is also rushing over the city.

Although it is an aircraft for viewing, the speed is quite fast. Lin estimates that it wants to fly back and take the next passenger. It flew at high speed over the buildings and rushed to another city near the city, the 'Oasis'.

Soon, I can already see the edge of the oasis.

On the edge of the 'Oasis' stands a huge metal wall with a watchtower on the wall. There are guards on the tower or under the wall, and there are even large cannons on the tower.

The meaning of these guards should be to prohibit the virtual people from climbing into it, but it seems to be a bit too hot, why do you need such a strong guard?

Now, you can already see the scenery behind the oasis.

That is, a huge wasteland.

It is in stark contrast to the city's gray metal and a large number of virtual people. The wasteland without any activity spreads behind the wall, and the aircraft is seen flying directly from the fence. Looking at the huge cannon below, Lin felt that there was a fear of the virtual people...

After flying over the wall, their fearful emotions instantly turned into surprise.

Most of them come from foreign countries or foreign countries, so it is the first time to see this kind of scenery.

Or, it is something in the scenery.

"Look, that's..."

There were a few screaming people beside them, pointing to some of the cracks in the wasteland below, in which there were many things that were barely visible in this world...the earth.

The world of the imaginary people has no soil, because it has been covered by metal and objects that can be translated into cement and asphalt. Only those builders will dig out when they dig down, so many imaginary people have not even seen the soil.

However, during the war, the soil inside was revealed because the ground was covered.

Although it is quite common for Lin to see the soil, it is not easy to see it in this world.

However, it is more than that...

As the aircraft flew deeper, many small green plants grew on the cracks in the surface.

After seeing these plants, the reaction of the virtual people on the ship began to become more excited, and the aircraft became more and more noisy, but the scenery has made them surprised and difficult to speak.

Large greens appear in the field of view below.

Plants like vines are covered with broken stone walls, and various trees stand between rusted traffic machines, where you can even hear creatures.

It seems... already arrived.

'boom! With the screams of the imaginary people, the spy fell from the sky, and then slammed into the ground, becoming a pile of bones and minced meat.

Because the aircraft is more than a hundred meters high from the ground, it is a matter of course.

‘Hey! Hey! After the spy jumped, the aircraft immediately turned around and flew back, and there was a loud noise at the same time on the wall. Under the wall, five chariots and a large number of soldiers suddenly rushed over here.


But after rushing, the soldiers of the imaginary people found that there was nothing in the position where the spy fell down...and there was no blood.

"Are you sure it fell here?" A imaginary soldier yelled inside with a small square in his hand.

"OK! There are still a lot of passengers who have seen it before, and the video has been taken, and it is now passed to you."

At the same time as the sound in the box, a stereo image popped up, showing the whole process of the spy falling off the aircraft.

"Weird..." The imaginary soldier wondered: "It is clearly this position, how could it be?"

"Maybe being dragged away by the beast?" Another soldier said.

"Which is so fast, then it will not drag the bloodstain away..." The soldier said: "Forget it, wait until later to go in and search. Now retreat first, anyway, it will definitely not survive."

After that, the soldiers returned to the wall together with the chariot.

Why wait until later to search again? Lynn is a little curious about this matter...

Now, the spy is in the woods not far from the point of the fall. The previously disintegrated body is now being assembled little by little, while feeling the atmosphere around it.

Here, compared with the city of the virtual people, the difference is too far.

Green creatures are everywhere, and the clear air, the spy has not smelled this smell for a long time.

However, there is another feeling here, that is the feeling of radiation... Although it is not very strong here, the feeling inside will definitely be stronger.

It is because of these things that the virtual people can't live here, otherwise this place must be the same as other places, all become metal.

Therefore, it is called the only oasis here. There are many imaginary people in the world who come here to visit all kinds of hard-to-see things. The city has also earned a lot of virtual coins in this way.

However, they have no way too close to the inside.

The original route of the aircraft was to circle around the entire 'oasis' and then fly back to the square. They prepared quite a few planes so that one ship just fell when it was flying, and even recently seems to be nearby. Build a sightseeing track.

But no matter what, they can't get in, because the radiation inside is too strong.

The soldiers wear protective clothing, but it is said that there is no way to support the protective clothing, so the spy has to jump in from above to enter.

The spy's body is almost ready to be assembled. Although they are all broken, almost every cell has a certain ability to exercise. They can be combined to form a large multicellular organism, and then slowly bonded. Form a complete spy.

However, the size of the spy is smaller than before, because it will still lose a lot of energy.

Now, it seems to be complete, but still an arm.

Because that was eaten by a creature...

Although there are no virtual people here, there are many non-virtual creatures.

Not far from the spy, there is a group of creatures that are almost as long as their arms are eating spy arms.

These creatures are somewhat like reptiles, but the mouth can shake quickly so that the meat can be removed from the bones.

Sure enough, there are very interesting creatures here.

The usual wildlife is much more resistant to radiation than the imaginary, which has been seen in the data before.

The virtual people originally had a facility called 'Zoo'. This facility was used in many countries, but then the pollution of the air became more and more serious, and the creatures that were raised inside were unbearable.

When the imaginary people discovered that the plants in the radiation area had grown up, they put many creatures in the zoo into the place. Some creatures succeeded in breeding here, and the number gradually increased. Now, it has become wilderness. almost.

Many imaginary people also want to see creatures that are not visible outside, and take a flight to visit.

However, Lin's main purpose is not just to visit the creatures here.

The virtual people built a 30-meter-high wall near the entire area, built a cannon, and even a chariot and a large number of troops stood by in the wall, as if they were able to catch back the virtual people who ran in at any time. of.

Why are they so strict? It should not be to prevent the injured people from being injured. Even if there is a radiation dust that has been dyed by a virtual person, it will not cause much impact.

These troops must be guarding something special... (to be continued.)

Ps: Thank you ~ A gas ~ monthly ticket ~

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