4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 41: Chasing in the void

In the icy void, the battleship is slowly advancing. . .

Pursuing the traces of warmth, Lynn has already traveled a long distance.

The investigation on the virtual ball is still going on, but Lynn has also found something here, because there is no endless void, and there are always some interesting things to see around.

In front of Lin, there was another piece.

The battleship slowly stopped, reaching out from both sides and grabbing the object in front of him.

This thing can be said to be... scrap metal.

There are tens of meters in diameter, shaped like a square, but purely composed of metal... it should be said to be stacked.

This thing is actually a pile of metal fragments of several meters in size. They are not sticky, they are only hooked together, and some pieces are not hooked, so they float around.

What exactly is this kind of thing? It's still unclear. When I came here, I found a lot of them. After I disassembled them, I found nothing.

But Lynn thinks these things seem to be crushed like this.

Lynn feels that this thing is formed by squeezing a pile of pieces in all directions, extruding it into this square shape, and then...

So, this may be waste.

It is very similar to the way in which the virtual people handle waste. The virtual people also like to compress a large amount of waste and then pile it up in one place.

And this is very similar, but why is it all metal? Is it the pure metal used in their usual time?

However, whether this thing is metal or not is still not clear. It just looks like metal...

... Is that a rock?

A huge object suddenly appeared in front of it. The battleship leaned sideways to the side. The object flew past the battleship and rushed to the distance.

A rock with a diameter of about 100 meters...

Looking at the far-flying objects, Lin felt a bit strange, but Lynn did not chase it, but let the warship continue to move forward.


After flying for dozens of seconds, the meteorite appeared again in front of the battleship. This time it was not a piece, but a lot. Countless meteorites flew over here, feeling like a meteor shower.

‘Hey! The jet on the side of the warship broke out instantly, avoiding the first meteorite, but Lin also found that the warship had entered a large number of meteorites, and two meteorites were flying in front of it.

As soon as the battleship turned and walked between the two meteorites, a meteorite slightly rubbed the tail of the battleship. After leaving a trace, the meteorite continued to fly into the distance...

It seems. Even if you are sailing in the void, you should make the battleship streamlined. The current battleship has many prominent parts, so it is not suitable for avoidance.

However, the meteorite group here looks dense, but there are still a lot of vacancies, as long as you pay attention...

‘Hey! ’

The battleship broke out again in an instant and flew into an open space. At the same time, a large number of meteorites flew around Lin. Looking at these meteorites, Lin felt a little confused...

But now it is not yet time to relax.

A meteorite rushed in front of the battleship.

'boom! And in the next moment, this meteorite was turned into countless pieces, they hit the shell of the battleship, and then flew to the distance.

Occasionally you will encounter some meteorites that cannot be avoided, so you must crush them.

However, it seems that there is no need to do anything...

A large number of meteorites flew by the battleships. This is the last batch. They quickly flew away from the back, farther and farther away from the battleships, and disappeared under the stars...

These meteorites are really strange.

Lynn looked at them with the ‘eyes’ behind the battleship. Why did these things fly in vain in groups? The speed is not very fast, but it will still hurt if you hit it.

Lin feels that these meteorites are not natural flying objects, and there should be something specially thrown out... In this case, Lin should be getting closer and closer to that goal...

But how far is it?

The eyes on the battleship can see quite a long distance, but so far no suspicious things have been seen, and most of the things are blocked by the stars, and some are not necessarily clear.

No... there is something weird there.

Lin’s battleship instantly ejected energy and flew forward, while the thing seen by Lin in the distance also accelerated to escape to the distance.

That thing looks like the shape of a shrimp, but it doesn't have a limb, it's like a shell, but it's quite fast, and it's also sprayed with wonderful colors of energy behind it...

This should be the propeller of the coral.

Chasing behind it, Lin can feel the smell left by the energy it sprays. It is indeed the smell that Lin has been tracking, and its shape and size are also very suitable for setting behind corals...

Moreover, Lin's battleship can catch up with it.

This object is now tens of thousands of kilometers away from Lin, but is slowly being pulled up by Lin, Lin found that this thing has no effect on most of its current detection methods, only the eyes can see it directly.

Maybe it has any special ability, wait until it catches it and study it again... What is going on?

Just as Lin thought, the figure of the distant propeller suddenly disappeared.

Strange, it seems to shut the back of the jet, and it is invisible.

If there is no way to detect it with other methods and the eyes can't see it, then the target is lost...

No, Lin suddenly found out that if I look closely, I can see some strange sights in the distance. Lin can see that the light of a star suddenly disappears, and then it will appear again after a while, sometimes it can be seen. A larger star is replaced by a smaller star...

It turns out that this is the case... This propeller may change the outer casing to reflect the light, just like a mirror.

After knowing it, it is still very easy to see where it is. Therefore, Lin’s warship did not stop, but maintained its previous speed and rushed to it.

And the propeller, although it can continue to fly after stopping the jet, but the speed is still slower than before.

Lin is close to it little by little, and the distance of tens of thousands of kilometers is getting closer and closer. In the end, there are only a few thousand kilometers, hundreds of kilometers...

As the distance gets closer, this thing seems to react and hides no effect. It starts to spray again and suddenly accelerates and sprints.

However, it is impossible to escape.

‘Hey! ‘Lin’s battleship once again brought the distance closer, and now the warship is only a few hundred meters away from the thruster.

Moreover, this distance is getting closer and closer, and the battleship slowly flies side by side with this thing.

Lin maintained the same speed as the other side of the warship, and then the warship's side opened a large number of openings, a large number of tentacles shot from it, hooked the propeller around.

The size of the propeller is more than 100 meters. There is no such thing as a warship. There is no weapon, but Lin doesn't know... it will not blew itself, so it needs special care.

Suddenly, a large amount of energy was ejected in front of the propeller, and its speed began to drop rapidly. Lin immediately learned its action to slow down the battleship. Soon, both sides stopped in the void.

What did it suddenly stop to do?

Although it was strange, but the warship did not stop, the tentacle began to release a large number of small arms on the propeller. These worm-like arms were equipped with excavation ability. They were attached to the propeller and crawled around, looking for a drill that could be drilled. s position.

This propeller seems to be made of the same material as the spears in the 'coral' core. It is the kind of black metal, but does this metal have the ability to reflect like a mirror?

And its surface is very smooth, as if there is no place to get in, the only thing that can enter is the place where it sprays energy...

It can not be sprayed at the end, but also has a jet on the side of the body, although it has not been used.

And Lynn also found that its head has a peculiar structure that fits perfectly with the circular trace of the coral tail that was previously discovered.

This thing really is a propeller. In fact, Lin has not confirmed it yet, but...


Suddenly, Lynn heard a strange voice.

This voice...not Lin’s simulation.

In the battle of the void, Lin often simulates the sound in her thoughts, achieving similar effects in the void, but this sound is from the propeller...

Its body... is shaking like a trembling.

Therefore, the tentacles that Lin placed on it also felt the same vibration, because there was an acoustic sensor in the touch, so it could be transformed into the voice of Lin.

And this kind of sound is like ‘嗡——’ seems to have a lot of bugs flying in the air, but also changing the frequency from time to time.

What is it doing? Is it in communication with Lin?

However, this language Lin does not understand.

And it is continuing its vibration, it constantly changes the frequency, as if changing the tone during communication, but Lin's arms did not stop, and some units began to drill in from the jets on both sides.

With the movement of the arms, its vibration is getting faster and faster. At this moment, Lin felt a strange feeling...

This feeling was uploaded from other detector officials.

Lin has a lot of things to detect on the battleship, the original detectors of the virtual people, the detectors commonly used by the spiral creators, and the detection of the original biological organs.

The spiral biological detector has now reacted, and Lin has seen a huge object in front of her eyes...

After seeing this object, Lin understood that the shock just now may not be to communicate with Lin, but to summon companions. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks to ~123zsf~ 流颜~'s reward~

Thanks ~ white paper heart ~ flying winter ~ Sakura snow 喵 ~ magical cells ~ monthly ticket ~

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