
The system once was started again with the instructions.

The ground is slowly receding to one side, and the starfish is hiding in the corner, avoiding falling into the open ground.

Lin, at the feeding mouth, looked at the situation below.

The original starfish room was just above the room where the mech was placed. The ground is now half open enough to see the figure of the mech.

This seems to be the biggest virtual enemy machine that Lynn has ever seen.

The armor is more than 30 meters long and is like a huge arthropod. Its six limbs are bigger than the starfish.

In addition to the size, its appearance looks almost the same as the small mech outside, and on the head of the mech it says the words 'explosive system'...

Why do you want this name? But no matter what the name is, it is estimated that there is a way for the black metal to call out the general manager.

However, it is so big... How does it take the starfish out? It is very difficult to be active in the institute.

Perhaps, there is a channel of sufficient size to allow this mech to leave the institute.

'Boom! When Lin looked at it, the surrounding area suddenly trembled. The starfish fell from the top because there was not enough space for the ground to retreat. It was heavily squatting beside the mech.

At the same time, the group of 'anatomical kings' who had been cutting the walls had already made enough holes in the wall to pass them, and they climbed in one by one and jumped into the room where the mech was placed.

‘Hey! And after a ray of light, an anatomical king fell to the ground and the pompom flew down from the sky. Blocked in front of this group of machinery.

The anatomical king seems to be a little surprised. They stand nowhere from the pompoms.

The pompoms flashed some images at the back. This is called the starfish attacking the mech, because the mech has not been moving, Lin believes that the black metal may not control this mech...

So they need these ‘anatomical kings’ to come in. They are not coming in to catch the starfish, but to operate the mechs.

Because there are so many anatomy kings, there is nothing more suitable for it than it is.

"Hey..." The starfish sent out a voice that said it was hard to bear. It said to Lin that it is difficult to move now.

Is this the case... yes, this is the relationship of the armor worn by the starfish. The armor on it, is there a kind of sphere with black metal mixed in?

It can be seen that the current starfish is struggling to resist the armor on it, and the armor is pressing it, making it impossible to move freely.

At this moment, the anatomical kings standing around suddenly swayed. They unfolded like octopus legs and ran to the mech, and climbed up the arm of the armor.

‘Hey! Another strong flash of light flashed through the control system of an anatomical king on the head, which then fell from a height.

but. The light bulb of the pompom is made temporarily, and there is not much reserve energy in it to kill the remaining... Ten anatomical kings.

'boom! An anatomical king will climb the head of the mech. But a burst of sound rang at the same time, and the anatomical king was suddenly beaten from above.

"Ah! You actually lie to me in this way?" I saw the general manager above, and was holding a weapon to shoot at it madly.

The anatomical kings who were kneeling on the mechs were beaten one by one by the rapid metal bullets, but they quickly climbed up, as if the metal bombs did not cause much damage to them.

There isn't that much in the general manager, and it keeps shooting on any anatomical king who tries to climb up until its weapon makes a ‘咔咔咔’ sound.

"Damn!" The general manager lost the weapon in his hand. It looked at the anatomical king below and climbed up again. The fastest one has opened the head of the mech...

‘Hey! The head of the mech seems to be able to open with a single touch. Lin found a cushion in the head, surrounded by a large number of levers and buttons.

It seems to be quite an 'old' operating system, unlike the current virtual people who like to operate with stereoscopic images.

"Ah! I won't let you succeed!" Suddenly, the general manager yelled at it, and it jumped directly from the feeding mouth!

The anatomical king that was supposed to start operation suddenly jumped back, and the general manager slammed into the cushion on the head of the mech. The elasticity of the cushion flew it a few meters high, and then it After falling back, it was only after two consecutive bombings that the main manager stabilized on the cushion.

It turns out that the thing has such a strong elasticity, which may be designed because the mech is particularly bumpy when driving.

"Ah!" The stable manager issued a scream, and an anatomical king drilled into his abdomen with a drill.

"Get out!" The general manager screamed and punched the anatomical king out.

Lin feels that she should sigh the persistence of the general manager. It seems to be really trying to save the world. Although it is only fighting alone, it never stops working hard.

"Oh..." The general manager glared at the abdomen that was bleeding, and worked **** the mech, but it didn't seem to operate the thing, so he pulled it around and pressed it, expecting the mech to move.

"Damn! Give me a move!" Looking at the other anatomical kings and climbing up again, the general manager slammed a button in front of it, and the mech suddenly issued ‘oh! With one click, its head instantly merged.

Did you press it right? Lin also thought that the general manager would be dissected by the dissecting king.

However, let it take this mech, it should be no problem.

At the same time, the mech sounded a female virtual voice: "The heavy-duty combat mech 3000 - the 'explosive system', is now activated."

Lin found that they like to use the female voice as the notification sound of the system. It should be that the virtual people think that the female voice is better.

With the voice, the whole mech was shining all over the body, and the huge left arm of the mech was slowly raised...

"Now, I can still save it all!" The excited voice of the general manager rang in the head of the mech, only to see its high-lifted arm slamming to the left, hitting the starfish on the side.

"Hey!" The starfish sent out a voice of anger, and it was still in the same place.

"As long as you kill it, you can save the world!" The manager seems to be encouraging himself to speak to himself, and the mech is also active...


When the mech was moving, one arm suddenly slammed, and the whole mech fell to the ground with a bang...

Sure enough, as Lin thought, it has nothing to worry about.

I just hit the starfish, it is because it just happened to be correct, but it is impossible to operate the mech full body activity.

Now, the whole mech is like struggling on the ground and generally swinging six limbs, but it is no way to stand up, and the anatomical king next to it is dangling, as if looking for a chance to climb to the mech.

"Ready to open the hatch."

Suddenly, the mechs that struggled on the ground suddenly came up with a word.

'boom! At the same time, there was a loud noise on the roof, only the wall on the roof above slowly opened...

Did the general manager press the strange button and start some kind of agency?

With the opening of the wall, a large number of starfish have been smashed down with feed and various machinery. A huge machine slammed heavily around the pompoms and made a loud noise.

The room originally used to feed the food was gone, and almost everything fell out. However, the process of opening the roof was not over yet, and Lin found that the roof of the upper floor was continuously open.

So, the reason for using mech is this?

It is estimated that this has been designed long ago, the floor of all the upper floors will slowly open, and finally to the ground, which will give the mech a passage through the ground.

Then... does the mech climb up again?

Although the strength of the mech is very powerful, because it is usually designed to carry heavy objects, Lin feels that it is impossible to drag a starfish that is about the same size as a vertical wall.

Or, the ground here will rise?

Lin feels that it is unlikely. This place is too big and has a diameter of about 100 meters. It is too difficult to do such a large institution with the technology of the former people...

Looking at the opening of the upper floor, a large number of objects continually fell from the inside, and Lin suddenly thought of it.

By the way, in fact, there is no need to bring the starfish out. Just let it open here, because in the underground research institute, the transmission of the starfish is not stable, although it can be transmitted, but it will not necessarily succeed.

Therefore, the imaginary people want to use the same as the cannon. The thing called the 'transmitting the radiation tube' transmits the energy of the starfish. However, due to the accident that the coral came in, the ‘transmission tube’ has been blocked...

Because the blockade is not so easy to open, so the black metal wants to use this mech to open this underground research here...

Lin found that the anatomical kings around him didn't move, and they were more convinced of this... They didn't want to let the mechs take the starfish out, just want to use the mech to open the door to the ground...

Now, the room above is completely open, and there are a lot of things falling from it. The strong sunlight and the wind with strong radiation enter the room at the same time. The creatures and machinery here can't help. Look up together and look up.

The direction that Lynn looks at is where the starfish is.

At the moment when the starfish was illuminated by the sun, it seemed to be stimulated. The transmitted energy rushed out of its body and went straight to the sky.

If you use colored eyes, you can see very clearly, and in the transmission point of the void, those huge corals that have been there for a while have also responded.

It seems that the plan for black metal has succeeded... (to be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ Liu Yan ~ rewards ~

Thank you ~ engineering technician ~ monthly ticket~

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