4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 50: Small war

"Hand in."

Just like the usual tone of Lynn spies, Lynn heard a voiceless voice.

In front of the two imaginary people is a weird ‘biological’.

This 'biological' form is like a giant coral outside, but it is not big here, it is only two meters high, and it is full of blue light, and the whole body is not shining with the light. Stopping and shaking, this feeling... is like a three-dimensional image of a virtual person...

It is obviously not an entity, and Lin feels where it came from.

"Hand in, or die."

It is still the tone of no emotion, and the image says another word.

Seeing the appearance of the image, the two virtual people suddenly frightened, the female virtual people ran to the back and picked up two cubs, while the male virtual people said: "No! Please wait! We have decided to join you. The Order!" said, it turned and said: "What are you still doing? Hurry up and give it to the child!"

"No!" The female pushed the two cubs behind her: "I will never give it to you! I want to take them away and step on my body!"

"You..." The male seemed to want to rush to grab it, but it saw the other person's anger, and it also retreated. It had to stand in the same place and said: "Don't you want to live?"

While looking at the situation inside, Lin went around the front of the building.

There is a street in front of the building, but there is no imaginary now, only a strange conical object on the ground.

This thing is black, and at the tip of it has always released a light blue brilliance, which seems to be the source of the image of the virtual family.

This conical object is only one meter high. When the pompom is close to its distance of ten meters. It suddenly turned around. The needle is aligned with the pom-pom.

The pompom is now invisible, but it seems to be able to find the pompon, because its turn, the image of the virtual door disappears...

"Hand in, or die."

It spoke the same words to the pompom, and Lynn felt a strong ray of light on the pompom. It seems to put the light of the stereoscopic image against the pompon.

‘Hey! At the same time, the pompom also shot a small needle, which instantly stuck to the conical object.

Dozens of spiders with only about a millimeter were drilled inside the needle, and they quickly climbed to the only entrance on the cone.

The only entrance is its tip. That is, where the image is shining.

But as they approached the tip, they immediately felt the attack in the first branch.

In a flash, it was turned into pieces, and the body of hundreds of thousands of cells splashed in the air. When Lin felt the pain, he also saw a group of 'enemy forces' in the field of vision.

This group of enemies has the same size as Lin's arms. They look like sapphire shining lights. The olive-shaped body and four limbs form their form. These strange things are unfolding for Lin's troops. charge.

On this tiny battlefield, the troops of both sides launched a battle at the same time. These tiny metals suddenly fell to their bodies as Lin’s troops approached. From the point where they can be called the head, an impact such as an explosion is ejected.

‘Hey! 'Although this is a very subtle explosion, Lin’s group of troops has been crushed by this shock.

In the back, the spiders leaped high and jumped on these ferrous metals. They pierced the other's body with a spider-like hook and a large amount of dissolved liquid.

Although these metals are also black, they are not the strong metal of the giant spears. These metals give Lin a more fragile feeling. Under the attack of Lin, they broke.

‘Hey! ‘But, another explosion sounded, more olive-shaped metal climbed out from the top tip, and the explosion shock they released instantly shattered the spider.

The limbs of the spiders were shattered and splashed under the impact. This group of small metals gained an advantage and killed Lin’s troops to the last few.

And they are also surrounded, these spiders stand back to back, surrounded by black metal olives.

‘Hey! ‘All the shocks come to them...

But before the impact, three silver pillars suddenly appeared around the spiders, and they blocked all the impacts like a giant shield!

That's because the pompom shot three spikes on the cone...

These spikes look like giant pillars at the microscopic angle, and the surfaces of these pillars suddenly split, and some creatures covered in silver-like armor rushed out of them.

They are the 'mini-blazers' made by Lynn, each with a length of only five millimeters, but the appearance is almost exactly the same as the giant one.

‘Hey! The surrounding metal olives once again spurted a strong impact. They hit the pioneers, just like the water polo hit the middle stone...

The Blazers' bodies began to spin rapidly, and they rushed to the nearby metal olives, and the rapidly rotating body instantly smashed the olives into powder.

The weird liquid splashed around with the metal's debris, and the Blazers immediately rushed to the other olives nearby.

The battle was so sharp that the olives were drilled into powder, and the remaining spiders followed them to study their fragments.

Until Lin pushed the olive to the last one, when the Blazers' head was about to smash it, it suddenly slammed into the ‘嘭’, and it flew into the sky.

‘Hey! Once again, an impact was released from the air, and its body rushed to the Blazers and clung to the Blazers with their own limbs.

'boom! ’

A small explosion caused both sides to become crumbs.

No, only this olive was turned into crumbs. The Blazers did not suffer much damage, and the olive forces here did not continue to reinforce. Lin’s troops then looked at the cutting-edge entrance.

"Hand in, or die."

A burst of sound emanated from the tip, and the troops on the scene felt that the whole ground was shaking. The strange flash flashed from the tip, and it looked like it was looking at an angry volcano that was about to erupt.

From the perspective of pompons, this cone is escaping to escape in the distance at a very fast speed...

However, this did not prevent Lin's small troops from drilling in. They quickly climbed to the tip of the position and entered the cone...

And inside, Lin saw a weird place... (to be continued.)

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