4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 52: Defense army

In a world where millimeters can also be called giants, a small war is unfolding.

Through a period of preparation, Lin will gather together the pioneering cells and micro-arms scattered on the ground, and these cells become a larger micro-arm by polymerization.

And this tiny team is now in action.

They are collectively referred to by Lin as 'infectors', but the species are different, mostly ant-type and spider-like. Lin feels that the insect form is the closest to 'perfect', whether it is combat, rushing, lurking, almost A variety of things can be perfectly adapted.

The micro-team leaps between boulder-like dust, and they target the nearest crystallizer. This one-centimeter-high creature now looks like an incomparable peak, shaking the body of sparkling crystals. I have been playing around under the wall and I don’t know anything.

Lin's infector, close to its crystal-covered tail.

Lynn is not sure whether this thing has the function of a tail, but it does protrude from the back of the crystallizer like a tail. When viewed, it looks like a towering cliff.

Lin's troops slowly climbed up to its tail, because the first time they approached the creature, they needed to be cautious.

Its tail is not smooth, and there are many small protrusions around it, which feels like coming to a crystallized cave.

However, Lin hasn't seen anything on the entrance that can be drilled in. It doesn't have things like pores or stomata like normal creatures.

Lin felt that its structure was also very strange. Lin asked several infectors to collect some debris on its surface and analyze the substance. Lin found that it was something similar to metal. It is not like the crystal on the pompon.

Maybe it can't find any entrance to the whole body. I got out of the hole at the top of the head, but Lynn felt that she didn't have to climb up. Let's try a hole in it.

Thinking, Lin asked several infectors to start to open holes on the ground, that is, the tail of the crystal larvae. These infectors were equipped with powerful smashing scorpions, as long as they opened to the limit and then merged...

'Snapped! With a small voice, a lot of debris flew up. The epidermis of the crystal stalk was bitten out of a crack...

They began to increase this crack, just like digging a cave. Lin made the cave bigger and bigger. At the same time, Lin found that the crystal squirrel did not seem to feel it.

'Snapped! Once again, the infector slammed under the force of a large amount of debris, and Lin saw the structure behind the crystal-like skin. It looked like... Jelly?

From the outside, the sub-structure of the crystal larvae is somewhat like the 'jelly' of the starfish's body, but it is black. The starfish is white because it is a sticky gelatinous state. So it won't spurt out like blood.

What is this sound?

Lynn suddenly heard a lot of shattered sounds from the surroundings.

Along the infectors' forces, there were many small creatures, all of which were completely black and looked like metallic luster.

The size of the body and Lin's arms are almost the same. Lin's infectors are made up of tens of thousands of cells, and these things, Lin feels that they are completely free of cells.

They are like sea urchins, and their bodies are covered with spikes, but these spikes have a joint that can be bent and run with a thorn.

It feels so wonderful... they can be so small that it seems to have reacted to Lin’s wounds here, and they suddenly rushed up when they discovered Lin’s troops...

Lin’s troops also launched a counterattack.

'Snapped! A sea urchin was smashed by the invaders, and all its thorns slammed into the invaders, and both sides died at this moment.

These small black sea urchins have a metal-like structure, and their sharp thorns can penetrate Lin's arms. As long as they are mixed together, almost one side is bitten and one side is pierced...

Therefore, Lynn used another method.

Most of the infectors in the front began to harden their bodies quickly. They can accumulate a large amount of material on the epidermis and harden in a short time, making it impossible for sea urchins to pierce them.

‘Hey! And some of the invaders in the back launched bombardment.

These spider-type infectors sprayed a tiny bomb from their mouths, which stuck to the target and exploded. Under this subtle roar, many sea urchins that were still attacking the hardened target were suddenly blown out. The thorns on them also fell off a lot under the impact of this burst.

Some infectors squirt mucus and stick the sea urchins that have been rushed in the distance to the place where they cannot move.

However, the number of these sea urchins is increasing, and they flooded from the surrounding, enveloping Lin's infectors, and Lin let the long-range attacking forces lean against each other to face the enemy forces from many sides. And the hardened troops are defending around.

At the same time, the surrounding sea urchins have once again launched an attack, and a new round of war will be...

'boom--! ’

A giant object that fell from the sky interrupted the war.

This object is like an inverted mountain. It traverses at high speed on the ground. Countless sea urchins are bounced on the sky or crushed directly into debris.

But in fact, it is the crystal scorpion turned around and scratching his tail with his fingers. It seems that it is playing too much here, so it makes it feel itchy?

But it seems to have caused counter-effects. A large number of sea urchins flew out under its scratching. The army that surrounded Lin was less than half of the time in a few seconds, and the surrounding troops were still being hit by its fingers. Fly out.

And it never scratched the position of the invaders' troops. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin asked some infectors to inject a large number of micro-arms into the crack that had just been made.

These arms like amoeba are composed of single cells, which are larger than normal cells, and have strong mobility. The most important thing is to move without relying on water. Lin can use it to detect these non-cellular structures, even in the body. Water creatures.

A large number of arms were placed in the cracks and began to move in the space of the crystallized body resembling black jelly.

But when they were about to spread out, Lin found that they were surrounded.

These seem to be the defense system in the body, the long and the outer sea urchin is exactly the same, but the size is smaller, only one thousandth of the outside, just the size of the cell.

It seems that this creature's defense system... is very comprehensive. (To be continued.)

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