4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 3 Chapter 33: The end of art and the discovery of the brain

Chapter 33—The End of Art and the Discovery of the Brain

The mad bee is close to this 'meat group'. Lynn is very curious about what the creature is. The carapace has no crystal carapace. It seems very soft, and it is constantly making a sound of ‘咕咕’.

There are many fungi around the meatballs. Are those babies feeding it? What is the point of this?

Very strange.

Lin decided to take this meat group for research and study. This meat group is not big, only one meter long, and it is totally unsuitable to live in such a large crystal disc.

There are two crystal discs with a large number of pipes connected, and another Lin also went to see it, but there is only a lot of fungi in it.

Now that the whole place of the Chibha worm has also killed almost, then you should go.

Lin let the mad bee dissolve the pipe connected around the crystal disc. When the pipe breaks, the entire disc also falls to the ground, because it is in a very low position, so there is not much damage when it falls.

Lin asked the troops to dissolve the disc and drag the meat out of it to let the crusher carry it.

Then, you should go.

Looking at the corpse of the Chibha worm that was trampled on the ground, Lin felt that it had done almost. The battle was quite simple. The opponent was quite weak. In fact, Lin prepared more arms and troops. In order to guarantee the victory of the battle.

However, Lin’s real idea is that it never thought about 100 victories. Before entering here, Lin did not know the strength of Chib’s worms, and did not know the quantity and various information. Lin also used a lot of flying people. Or the infiltrator tries to investigate, but every time it is found to kill.

Therefore, the battle with Qibucha is basically fighting the unknown enemy, so it is difficult to guarantee the odds, but Qibucha is a threat and must be resolved.

Although the win was very easy, Lin still learned a lot. Before the battle, I shouldn’t think about how to build more powerful units. Instead, I should have better means of investigation. After seeing the information of the opponent, it will be very easy. The ability to restrain each other.

After a small summary of the battle, Lin plans to leave here, but there is something to do before that.

Lynn must confirm that no Qibcha worm survived, except for the meat ball that it took away.

It is absolutely impossible to leave something like 'after suffering'.

Thinking, Lin let the troops spread out and enter the other passages connected to this crystallized wormhole to find out if there are any other worms.

Then, Lin let the collectors behind the troops come and devour all the corpses of the Chibha worms here. At the same time, Lin made a thorough study of the cave.

The pipe filled with 'crystal wormhole' is obviously a system for transporting food. It feels nothing strange. The most important thing is the cave of the whole crystal. The wall is always emitting light, which is enough to illuminate the whole cave. .

After research, Lin found that a large number of crystal **** with a diameter of about ten centimeters were placed on the wall of the hole. These **** would shine. Lin speculated that the odd cloth would take the crystal ball to the surface to absorb the light, and then take it in. illumination.

The hardness of these crystals is very similar to that found in Lin Biao on the sea floor, but it has shortcomings and cannot prevent the solution.

It's not that the solution dissolves the crystals, but Lin can make a lot of solutions. Lin usually doesn't give them a name. One of them has a strong corrosive effect on crystallization, and many other organisms secrete it. So, Lynn does not intend to use these crystals on the armor.

In addition, the caves on the wall almost all lead to the surface, while others lead to water. Chibucha relies on this piping system to introduce water into the crystallographic wormhole.

Among these caves, only a few odd cloths were found, which were easily solved.

In addition, this crystal wormhole is nothing special. Although Qibucha is an interesting creature, it is a pity that they regard Lin as a threat. There are many species that threaten Lin as a threat, but they will retaliate. Attacked, Lin has only seen this kind of Qi Bucha.

So it must be disposed of.

The collectors can't eat the Chibucha worm here, because there are too many collectors. There are not enough collectors in Lin, and if they can't be cleaned, there may be a strange cloth to survive.

Therefore, Lin specially created a unit.

Said to be a unit, actually a large bomb, the body of the bomb is spherical, about three meters in diameter, the body is filled with explosive mixture, it has strong muscles can compress a large amount of gas, although it can not move, but it can not move Can be acted by attaching an appendage.

In fact, there is no limit to the size of the bomb, but the more it is consumed, and it is difficult to recycle, so Lin usually does not make too much.

However, this is the most powerful bomb that Lin is currently making, hence the name ‘Art Creator’.

Lynn let the ‘art creator’ go to the center of the crystallized wormhole and let the troops return to the cave.

Then, prepare to detonate...

The huge bombs began to compress the gas in the body, boosting the power of the explosion to the highest.

Breaking the crystals here, Lin can also collect better.

In general, Lin may build a base here, but Lin wants to completely kill this species.

However, at the time of the preparation for the explosion, Lin felt the feeling she had had a long time ago... ‘sympathy’.

Why is this? Lin began to understand something. It seems that when she completely kills a species, it will produce this kind of mood, and it has nothing to do with the behavior of the other party.

That is to say, after the artistic creator detonated, the odd cloths here may be completely destroyed.

Then blow it up!

This time, compassion did not hinder Lynn.

The bomb that has been compressed to the limit suddenly expands rapidly. Under the roaring explosion and shock waves, the entire crystallized wormhole begins to tremble. Numerous crystal pipes collapse and collapse, and huge cracks begin to appear on the wall. These cracks Increasingly, breaking open, the entire cave began to collapse and collapse.

The caves that Chibha worms dig have a characteristic: the overall appearance of hexagons, this structure is quite resistant to pressure, so they can construct this cave deep in the ground, but can not resist the impact of internal diffusion.

Lin calculated that the cave when it came in would not be affected, as long as the structure was not damaged, it would not collapse.

Under the impact of the explosion, the entire crystallized wormhole was turned into a ruin of mixed soil and crystal debris, and all the clear and clear have disappeared. Lin’s feeling of being called 'sympathy' is also replaced by an end. The sense of pleasure.

Then... go back.

In fact, the Qibucha worm did not completely destroy, and Lin also took the thing found from the crystal disc - the creature that looks like a meatball.

This meat group has been making some screams when Lin let the smasher carry it. The strange thing is that it always changes the tone to make a sound, just like trying to communicate.

'communicate with'?

Lin suddenly realized this thing. In addition to the symbiotic relationship that has been lived together for a long time, can we communicate directly like this?

Lin only found some information exchange between species of the same species or those that have reached a long-term symbiotic relationship, but this is the first time I have seen...

Yeah...it’s not impossible, as long as the intelligence is enough...

Lin brought this strange meat mass back into the original nest, put it together with the eye worm brought back from the Inca worm, and began to try to interpret the information contained in its voice.

Lin also wants to get a brain reader, but Lyne doesn't know where its brain is. In order not to accidentally kill this problem, we must first understand the structure of this creature.

The meat mass has stomata and mouth, but its mouth is very small, located under the body, and it is usually invisible.

Lynn released some micro-arms into the body of the meat and conducted a complete study of its structure.

In the body of this meat group, Lin felt a lot of surprise. The body of this creature is almost all of the brain, or a structural cell like the brain, which means that the 'meat group' is actually a huge brain?

With such a huge brain, the level of intelligence is certainly not simple, so it will try to send information to Lin?

Its brain is much more complicated than other creatures. If you want to study it completely, it takes a long time, so Lynn intends to directly understand the sound it makes. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe, reward, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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