4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 88: Escape from the captivity

"They are slow to respond."

A creature like a worm, which is about two meters long, moves slowly together with a ball of fluff.

"Look at those jailers, they are now noticed."

Lin and the creator's tentacles came to the passage of the control room before, but this time they did not enter the passage, but observed at the corner.

I saw the center of the channel, and the two light groups entered the control room on the top.

"They have closed the cell again." The creator said: "But I didn't notice that I have left, they are unable to arrest the free things, I have won."

Lynn unexpectedly found this creator to have a lot of words, but maybe they are like this?

But perhaps only in the absence of any conflict, can you communicate with the creator so well.

The pompon said: "You only have a part out."

"Yes, part of it, this part also has perfect ability to do a lot of things, things they can't imagine. Now, we have to leave here." The creator said that he climbed to the other side at the same time.

"You seem to know this very well." Pompon said with one side: "You said, explain the things here."

"Yes, they told me that they made me see it all." Now at a corner, the creator stopped, and the tentacle's head suddenly had a structure like an eye. It looked to both sides. After that, I continued to move forward, and at the same time said: "They are called "the place of record" here, and all the life they encounter, all the ** will be kept here..."

"But for the creatures that are kept. This is the prison. Their freedom is forever imprisoned and will not end."

"Since it is a preserved creature..." Pompon asked: "Why do you have an organ that releases them?"

"There are some special things among them, high-level." The creator said: "These special high-level people will not come to see it in person. They will not observe it in person. They only bring things here and show them to them. So, here The creature can be released."

The reason why prison creatures can be released is because of the ‘high-level’ to watch?

"High-level? Is it a manager here?" asked the pompom.

"No. It's just some higher existence." The creator said: "There are no managers here, and there is no such world."

"You... understand this dream world?"

"You are very interested in this, fluffy, yes... 'dreams'? It's really like, but it is not." The creator said: "There is no manager here, but there is a ruler, here is not something, or The dream of an individual, it is connected by countless 'things'."

"So, nothing can change this. When it is created, the rules are fixed. But it is also similar to a dream, so when it is affected by something powerful enough, there will be some minor changes, but these changes are very fast. It was corrected, disappeared... Stop first." The creator suddenly stopped when he spoke.

"Look, those jailers."

The pompons and creators came to a hall, which was almost a rectangular passageway, and it was rare to see such a spacious hall.

The creator and pompom hide in the entrance to the hall and look at the situation inside.

There was a ray of light in the hall, and several jailers gathered there, as if they were discussing what they were.

"They don't get nervous, they don't have fear, they don't have thoughts. If they find mistakes, they will correct them, but they won't pursue the root causes of those mistakes." The creator said: "So when the arrests flee their sights, They won't catch up..."

"The only thing that makes me feel trouble is... I don't know how to kill."

As the creator spoke, a round object was spit out at the end of his tentacle and then forced to the opposite side of the other channel.

‘啪’ At the moment when the stones rang, the jailers immediately flew all the way to the passage.

"The simple way to be able to deceive simple and complex creatures at the same time, come over, this is our chance to leave." The creator quickly climbed to the center of the hall, and the pompons flew over...

I saw the stone in the center of the hall. The place where the prisoners were surrounded was placed with stones of different shapes.

"From here, their tolerance for the free is over." The creator said: "Even if the free man can escape the pursuit of the jailer, it will be lost in this prison forever, until it is caught again."

"Only those who know them can go out." The creator's tentacles slammed into the pieces, and all the stones on the ground were broken into pieces, and then two smaller tentacles were placed at the end of the tentacle, and those on the ground were The pieces are all arranged.

"Only good strength can make just the right pieces, whether it is quantity, weight, or position. If it is a mistake, it means failure. The stone-cutting person will be imprisoned, but if it succeeds, it will form..."

The creator's tentacles put the pieces of stone together, and countless large and small stones that look like...

"This is the starry sky somewhere?" asked the pompom.

"Yes, fluff." The creator said: "This is the starry sky that can be seen from their homes. I have seen it, I have remembered it." He said, it put the last piece of debris up.

‘Hey! ‘What sounds came from afar...

"The door has now been opened, we only have thirty seconds." The creator quickly climbed in one direction, and the pompoms followed.

“Do they want to go out every time they want to go out?” The pompon asked the creator while he was rushing.

“No, after getting permission, you are free to enter and exit.” The creator crawled on the ground at an extremely fast speed, seeing that the front passage had reached the end, and there was a gap under the wall at the end.

"Accelerate!" The creator suddenly shrunk the tail and slammed it, and its entire figure flew out, and the pompom also accelerated behind it, flying out of the gap under the wall.

Although it is a gap, it is also more than one meter high, and it is not difficult to pass.

"Successful." But when the dark world appeared again in front of Lin, Lin knew that it had come out.

“It’s actually not that much trouble.” Pompon said: “Just wait for a jailer to come out or go in.”

"You just came in? Fluffy." The creator said: "Into, it is possible, but it is not the same as entering and leaving..."

"Now, although I left the prison, there is still a lot to go..." (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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