4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 109: Continue before

"Do you look at the criminals, it seems strange?"

"Yeah, how are they all in a daze?"

This is the island of prison. Although the storm has passed, the sky of this world will never be clear, and under the gloomy sky, we can see the strange phenomenon in the prison.

All the criminals seem to be in a daze, standing in the prison and looking in one direction, and they are motionless.

This phenomenon has been noticed by the prison guards.

But they don't know... what happened here.

"What exactly is going on?"

In prison, those criminals also found these situations.

"What's wrong with you? Speak!" Many criminals found that their companions suddenly stopped and did not do anything at all, as if they had become plants...

That's because they are no longer empty people, but one of Lynn's ‘spy’.

Not long ago... From the depths of the earth, Lin slowly occupied this place, using the fluff that had been pierced into them, slowly swallowing the entire imaginary, and then creating a spy to replace it.

Now, Lin’s power has spread here, and it will not take long to occupy the whole place.

This place is quite big, and it has a place... Jean Lin is very concerned.

Darkness...wet...the seawater is seeping through the cracks in the wall.

There is an unstable space in Lin’s vision.

Here is a place on the ground floor of the prison, it seems that the location also reached the edge of the island.

The criminals here always want to escape from here. So they dig underground. But because it is an island. No matter how you dig, you can't leave from here.

However, there is another special idea in the boss here.

This is the memory of it when it is swallowed up. It uses the tools here to create a device that can be contacted outside and not found. It uses this thing to call a ship called 'submarine'. Transportation. And prepare to completely dig through this day and night, then take the submarine to leave.

The plan seems simple, but the boss has been working on it for quite some time, with countless details in the middle, and plans for many years.

However, after planning so much, but because of Lin’s pompoms, there is no way to implement it...

But it has nothing to do with Lin. Now Lin wants to transform this place and make it a base under the sea.

At the same time, Lynn found something special here.

On the cave wall here. There is a small creature crawling everywhere, they are like fish. However, the fins are very strong and can crawl on the walls of the cave.

I don't know how they appeared here, but Lynn found a special ingredient in the body of this fish, whose rods can filter out the pollutants in the water.

Lin has seen this fish in the data of the imaginary people. They have long been considered to have been extinct because of pollution.

But now there are varieties that are resistant to pollution, and that should mean they can live here.

Moreover, this kind of fish will produce a substance at the time of death, which will make the meat of the whole body deteriorate at a very high speed. For the virtual people, this meat taste will become 'single and vomit' and therefore cannot be eaten. Lin feels that They should be the first species to recover on the ocean of the virtual ball...

Nowadays, this kind of fish only lives here. It is estimated that there are too few foods in the sea, but as long as they wait for the opportunity to come, they can spread them out...

At the same time, on the other side.

"We are facing a huge threat, friends, we must face together."

The general’s global conference was reconvened, but this time is different from all previous conferences.

"Yeah." "That's right!" "We really should unite and argue that we can't solve any problems." "My country is willing to help!" "We are also." "And we are."

Above the meeting, there was no dispute, and the new ambassadors from all countries were united and all agreed to help the war.

After the previous ambassador was assassinated, it seems that no country has found out who the real behind-the-scenes are. The general has also won the support of all countries.

Seeing this, Lin found that the general's power was indeed very large. In fact, these countries had supported it, but because they were hindered by the ambassadors of the brain, they had no way to unite...

"Thanks to the support of all countries, the world is now united again, and we will completely drive out the threat of alien stars out of the world!" The general stood up in his seat, while talking about the words, while on the little things in his hand I took photos of the ambassadors of the countries present. This time, no ambassador has an abnormal reaction...

"I will never forget your contribution to this planet." After the meeting, Lin's pompom received such a message, "After the victory, let us celebrate peace together, our planet will be forever Welcome."

After the victory...?

What will happen after the victory, it is hard to say.

However, the troops of the imaginary people did move very quickly. With the cooperation of many countries, the troops that had been completely destroyed before were re-established, and the surrounding countries supported the refugees to go to them to live in refuge, and also gave The general’s massive economic support and various problems have been well resolved...

After uniting, I really feel that the whole is different.

And this unit once again targeted the black metal.

And above the ruins, black metal seems to be repeating things before...

The pompoms flew over the ruins and saw the changes in the center of the ruins. The once smashed black metal walls once again stood in the center of the ruins.

And those black buildings are also built up in the walls.

When the troops of the black horned dragon and the iron bat returned to the ruins, they began to work with the crystal owl to continue the previous action. What is the significance of these buildings? It is completely unclear at the moment.

And they are also specially built in the center of the ruins, which is completely for the virtual people to play.

If you keep letting them continue, don't know what will happen, probably building an army? Or what strong weapon to prepare?

These walls, as well as the materials of the building, were transported in with the newly acquired transfer energy. Although Lin thought that they only got a small amount of energy, they still passed in a lot of materials.

Therefore, their urban construction is bigger than before, and the black-horned dragon's troops are all hidden under the wall, and no black-horned dragons can be seen outside.

They must be hidden inside, will they increase the amount inside?

The imaginary people did not want them to continue to build cities here. After the military united, the generals decided to do what they had to do before - using the missile to clean the base of the black metal.

Lin is also planning to do something with this opportunity.

"The nearby bases are all ready! Generals can launch at any time."

At the end of the meeting, a few days and nights have passed, and the general looks at the image in front of his command room, and all the bases in the city near the ruins are displayed.

And their reports have also been shown together, each base is ready for their missiles, and now they are waiting for only the general's command to launch.

Lin, at the same time, is ready. Lin wants to take this opportunity to the black metal city. So, on the missiles that are about to be launched, many small arms are glued.

These units are themselves a sturdy sphere made of special materials that can withstand the impact of high heat, but they will split before the missile explodes, and a huge amount of micro-arms will be launched from it into the Black Metal City. The army came to observe the situation in the black metal city, which is what Lin wants to do.

After observing the overall situation, the general issued an order.


"Yes! Open the silo!" Under the command, all the bases of the virtual people will open the silo...

'boom! With the violent roar, Linden felt that all the arms on the missiles rushed to the sky, and some of the units attached to it had eyes, and Lin could watch the missile's flight.

The general is also in the command room, watching the process of missile launching. In the image, countless red dots rush to the center of the map... the location of the Black Metal City.

It’s coming close... What methods do they have to fight against?

The eyes attached to the missile's head are staring tightly at the front, and the distant city has already appeared, because it is launched from a nearby base, and the distance is quite close.

'boom! ’

At this moment, Lin suddenly felt a violent roar and cut off contact with this eye...

This is... was hit?

"Is it hit?"

In the command room, the general also cried at the same time: "What happened?"

I saw the red dots on the image disappearing one by one at a very fast speed.

On the outside, the sky above the city is like a fireworks. A large number of missiles suddenly explode in the air, and the roar of the roaring sounds over the city.

It is a few kilometers away from the ruins of the Black Metal City.

However, none of the missiles were able to enter the ruins, they all blew up over the city, and Lin’s plan to look at the opportunity to see the black metal was not achieved.

The missile was intercepted, something that had long been thought of, but I did not expect it to be intercepted in such a far distance.

How did they do it?

Before the missile exploded, Lynn saw something...

“How are they intercepted?” In the command room, the general is also asking the surrounding operators.

"Now is explaining the reason, the general! According to the data before the explosion, the missile first hit something, only after the explosion... But there is nothing on the scene..." (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated Faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ 流颜~飓羽~'s reward~

Thanks ~ Huaxia's proud soul ~ he or not ~ the monthly ticket ~

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