4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 112: Historical testimony

"No! Who are you? What are you? You...ah!"

A imaginary screamed and fell in front of the pom-pom, and there was a wound on his neck that kept pouring blood.

It solved one more, but... it seems to be a little different from before.

After it fell, the world around it did not solidify, and everything around it was still active.

It seems that this is the situation in which two virtual people appeared in an era. The creators said that one era will enter two virtual people.

But everything here is based on the first entered virtual people, but even if the first one dies, things here will not change until all the virtual people here are killed...

This place feels a little troublesome.

Thinking, the pompom flew out and flew over the sky.

The era that Lynn entered was not the same as before. This is an era that is closer to the present... It seems that there are very few people who choose this era.

They are all very fond of returning to ancient times, especially when they use weapons such as swords to fight, and then use various methods to dominate the king.

In addition to the high-level identity of the 'nobility' and 'king', there are many people who like to choose civilians, or weaker identities, and then climb up step by step to become kings, and more are hobbies. One's own strength, especially the power of muscles, achieves everything, not relying on troops or something.

It is estimated that they can be greatly satisfied in this process.

Therefore, few are willing to choose modern because in modern times. No matter how strong a citizen is. It must rely on other people. It also has no way to rely solely on ** strong victories...

Now, Lynn is entering a war in modern times.

'boom! The sound of the gunfire roared under the pompom. As you can see from the sky, a large number of soldiers are following the chariot action...

Although this era is very close to the current virtual people, it is still a lot worse. The chariots they use are all kinds of weapons that are very early.

On top of this battlefield, you can see plants all over the wilderness, as well as animals that run under the plants and are scared by gunfire. It can be said that this is a biologically rich world.

And this war. It is called the 'last battle of the virtual people'.

The imaginary people were originally a militant race. They kept on launching wars. Generally, they would create a world war for hundreds of years, but all wars used this war as a rest.

After this war, the virtual people have never had any more wars, and peace has been going on for hundreds of years.

Although there are frequent conflicts between countries, there are no incidents that lead to wars. Although there are still some small wars, they are basically not noticed...

Lin is really interested in seeing what caused the virtual people to stop the war.

but. The performance of the times here is not necessarily true. But there are still some places to dig.

"Starting an attack on them!" The large group of imaginary people underneath shouted and rushed to the enemy camp.

And they faced a fortress that stood on the ground. The fortress had a large number of cannons and launched a crazy shot of the infantry approaching below.

Countless imaginary people fell in the rain-like barrage, and more imaginary people rushed up. They used simple sandbags and teammates' bodies as protection to resist the attack and advance little by little.

Are these individual creatures so crazy because of faith? Or something else?

The pompom flew through the air and flew into the fort from the sky without being detected...

"Ammunition is not enough!" "Come to me!" "They are going to rush!" "No! We are going to finish..."

Outside, it seems that the fort's cannon was being slaughtered, but in the fort, it was filled with a tense atmosphere. All the imaginary people here were running in panic, carrying ammunition and necessary items, and repairing those cannons. .

The guns of this era seem to have many problems, they are easy to get stuck, they are easy to overheat, or they suddenly damage something. All kinds of problems make the virtual people here very busy.

While they are busy, the enemy is approaching them little by little. Although they are dominant, the number of enemy forces is large, and their bullets will be blocked by the enemy's corpse sooner or later.

In fact, the imaginary people in the fortress were forced to a dead end.

"It's a bomb! Be careful!" Suddenly a screaming shot at the window made a scream, only a ball flew in from the outside.

"Don't be afraid of this kind of thing!" When the surrounding imaginary people were horrified to avoid it, one hand grabbed the bomb and threw it out of the window.

"You should have read the manual." The imaginary person who threw the bomb said: "This kind of 'Blood bomb' is about ten seconds after the flight, from the height of the fortress and the position thrown in. It’s been a full five seconds from the explosion, and you can take it and throw it back.”

It turned out that the imaginary people had created such useless bombs before.

However, Lin is more concerned about the virtual people who throw bombs.

"Yes... General melon!" "General, is your injury good?" The soldiers around them cheered when they saw it, and their emotions became a lot more excited.

This imaginary people should be the ancestors of the generals now, and their names have been passed down.

It is said that in this period, the victory of the war is this imaginary people called ‘咕瓜’, and the peace in the latter world has a great relationship with it...

"no problem."

The general looked like a battle, a lot of bullet marks on his body, and a bullet on his head, which almost shot through his brain.

"The next step is to direct the battlefield. Everyone, when we have not given up, although the situation is sinister, we still have hope! We will win!"

"Oh oh oh oh!"

At this moment, the imaginary people here cheered up, and they had full morale and began to engage the enemy.

At this time, Lynn noticed a soldier in combat, it looks exactly the same as the soldiers around, but it carries a timer that is now common.

It seems that it is it.

When the general just spoke, it also appeared to be particularly excited. The virtual people who may enter this era are not trying to be kings like others. They may simply want to participate in this history, so they chose to follow the general. The identity of the soldier came in.

The other one that Lin had killed before, may be purely coming in.

Lynn also wants to look at this history, but...

Still kill it. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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