"Fast! Shoot!"

Along with the whistling sound of tearing the air, several missiles that spurted the fire flew toward the huge target...

'boom! ’

Under the bombardment, the huge object is still moving forward, and its square body also lights up countless spots.

‘Hey! As a meteor shower, countless spots of light flew out, covering this **** sky.


What follows is the screams of the imaginary people.

The aircraft in the air, when it is slightly rubbed by the light, will fall from the air with coke smoke, and the virtual people on the ground will also be destroyed in this spot.

It cleaned the base of the entire imaginary people, and as the general and the commander of this place, he could only see everything in his own light as a powder.

"Do not……"

But it also survived in this danger as a minority of unscrupulous people who were not clicked by light...but it has no ability to stop the other side from moving forward...

At the moment the 50-meter giant block appeared, it destroyed all the imaginary forces around it, and it is now heading to the base that has been blown into debris.

In the base full of scorching smoke, the general stood there, seemingly in a daze, watching the huge square coming towards this side.

"General! Hurry up and escape!" Until a voice awakened the general.

"Let's go first." The general picked up a carried missile launcher that was falling around him and aimed at the huge square: "I want to fight here... the last moment."

"No! General!" The virtual man said: "You can't die here. We still need your command!"

"There are still some escape boats that have not been destroyed. Let's escape! General!"

"..." Under the words of this imaginary, the general threw away the transmitter in his hand. With this virtual people, I fled to the nearby escape boats that have not been destroyed...

"Strange, they don't attack us?"

While escaping, the imaginary and generals discovered that a large group of black horned dragons had surged outside the already shattered walls, but they did not catch up, but gathered under the giant squares and slowly moved. With.

"They have not taken us as a threat." The general opened the door to the escape boat. Sit in and say: "But they will regret it... I will make them regret it!"

'boom! ‘With the sound of the engine. The escape boat rushed into the sky at an extremely fast speed.

The sky has long been occupied by another metal creature, the iron bat, but they are like a black-horned dragon, not chasing the general's escape boat. Just squatting in the air.

Therefore, the general can see the following situation.

At the edge of the city below, it is already a scene of destruction. Countless black-horned dragons walked into the city following the steps of huge blocks. With their movement, the surrounding buildings collapsed one after another.

The huge body of the cube only needs to be slammed a few times. The buildings that are several times higher than the square will be shaken, and then the sound of the boom will fall to the ground and smash.

"These things are smashing our city..." The general suddenly turned the head of the lifeboat. Going in the direction of the ruins.

"General?" The virtual people sitting on it were shocked: "Where are you going?"

The general did not answer, it flew over the ruins and looked down on the sky. You can see that the ruins are covered with countless black-horned dragons, and among these black-horned dragons, there is a huge square every tens of meters.

These cubes vary in size, the smallest is about ten meters, and the biggest...

"Is it so big?" The general yanked the lifeboat up and it almost hit a square that suddenly appeared in front of him. This square is 100 meters in size. It just appeared in front of the general in a clear space.

"Their army..." The imaginary people beside the general. I can't calm down when I see this situation: "What do we have to do... How do we face these things?"

"There must be a way..." The general turned the head of the lifeboat and flew away.


Soon after, the general returned to the base command room on a lifeboat.

This place has not been attacked yet, but the imaginary people here have already been busy, and after seeing the generals return, they suddenly cheered excitedly.

They were all dead as generals, but now they all think that the generals can come back is a miracle, a miracle worth celebrating.

"I didn't die, but now the situation is not much better than the death." The general did not have any celebration emotions. When he returned to the command room, he immediately asked the surrounding virtual people: "Is communication restored?"

"Occasionally, the general will be restored." An operating virtual person answered the general's words: "Sometimes it will recover, and then it will be interrupted very quickly. We have been trying to strengthen the signal."

"From these intermittent signals, we also know a few things..." It continued: "The troops around... seem to have been completely destroyed, generals, we..."

"We can no longer stay here." The general then said: "The enemy has invaded the surrounding cities on a large scale, and we must leave quickly and build up counterattack forces."

Generals; "We will not fail... There are tens of billions of inhabitants behind us."

"Yes!" "With the leadership of the general, we will win!" "We will always follow you!"

It seems that the general has brought a high morale to the imaginary people here...

Although the things they did next were not very morale, the generals and the imaginary people present quickly caught up with the aircraft in the base and left the place too close to the enemy.


"The other party has launched a thorough invasion."

This is the capital of the country and the location of the new command post of the general.

After the distance was far enough, the communication here was completely usable, so the general quickly called the ambassadors of other countries to hold an operational meeting.

"Those alien creatures took the ruins of Galle as the central location and attacked them." In front of the ambassadors, the generals explained the current situation before standing in front of a three-dimensional image...

What is shown in the image is the battlefield situation. The general said to the above image: "They first bombed the surrounding cities, and then spread them with a large number of troops to invade."

"There are so many troops around, but are they all gone?" said a virtual person on the scene: "The use of missiles will be intercepted. We don't even know how to intercept them... What should we do?"

"And, why are they suddenly so many, there has been no movement until now." Another virtual person said: "Are they always prepared before?"

“And why are they invading us? I remember who suggested us to negotiate with them...”

"It is no longer meaningful to discuss this now." The general said: "You, they crushed the surrounding cities in an instant. We should not have any luck. Now I have sent the information on the enemy troops I have obtained so far. Now we should analyze the data and quickly form a counterattack force again."


The imaginary people quickly took over the information of the generals and began to think about countermeasures together.

However, Lynn feels that they may not be as united as before. Maybe there are some countries, or forces or something... they will turn to the black metal side.

The more powerful the enemy shows, the more traitors will be.

To avoid these situations, it is the general's business. Although it had impulsively wanted to commit suicide, it is still dealing with the problem very calmly.

However, the most difficult thing to deal with is still these things.

On the battlefield, Lynn's eyes watched everything on the ground.

Here you can see the dense army, which is spread all over the ruins and slowly expands to the outside.

At present, Lin only saw three combat troops. In addition to the iron bats and the black horned dragons, the new ones are those squares.

But there are also some non-combat units between them, the cones that the crystallizers operate.

They are squatting here, and, Lynn finds that they are doing something weird, these cones are putting together a lot of pieces.

The small pieces that look like black, I don’t know when it started, the whole ruins are scattered everywhere, and now, the cone of the crystallized piles up these pieces...

Lin found that some of the piled pieces will slowly fit together to form a tower-like object that will slowly grow bigger...

Because they are inaccessible, it is not clear what has changed in them, but what they know is that they may be building buildings.

These pieces should be the new building materials that are passed on, and the crystals only need to pile them together, and they will slowly set themselves up.

But unlike before, black metal did not stay here waiting for the building to be built. They are still continually attacking the surrounding cities. Even if there are nothing in those buildings, they must also knock down and destroy the building.

According to this process, they should slowly fill the mother ball of the virtual people and transform the city of the virtual people into their own city.

It seems that they have indeed begun to fully invade... because of the synthesis of the ten metals...

If you know that this will attract them to a total aggression, Lynn will have better preparations, but it should not be too late.

To this end, Lin also needs to accelerate the production of troops.

In this world, give them a complete defeat.

‘Hey! When Lin was thinking, the vision on the battlefield disappeared...

It seems that the pompon has been discovered... (to be continued)

Ps: Thanks ~ past tense, ~ 588~

Thanks to ~Yanyan~'s reward~

Thanks ~ vaguely farewell ~smclhzd2~ next to a monthly ticket ~wsxr~~

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