4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 139: Is this negotiation?


The imaginary people in the command room were all in the same place. ?

Because what they appear in front of them is a three-dimensional image that looks exactly like them.

The stereo image came in from the open floor-to-ceiling window and moved slowly in the lobby of the command room.

"General! Hurry up and leave here!" The surrounding virtual people immediately took out the weapons and aimed at the three-dimensional image of the box outside the window, while several virtual people kept the generals back.

"You..." and the general, but did not want to back, but stood in front of the image.

"You release this image..." The general said: "I want to communicate with us?"

"General! It's dangerous! They will kill people with images!" The imaginary people around them were very anxious, but the generals ignored their nervousness and stood in front of the image.

"They want to kill us, just blow it up here, no need to do it." The general pointed at the video and said: "Are you planning to communicate?"

"...Yes." In the image, the language of the virtual people was issued.

At the moment when it made a sound, the surrounding virtual people suddenly showed amazed expression.

Because this is the first time that black metal is willing to communicate directly with the unbelievers of the virtual people. Before the virtual people tried it, they did not have any plans for communication...

This kind of nothing is said, the enemy forces that rushed up to the mad attack are the most terrible.

But now, even if they want to communicate, what they seem to say makes the virtual people feel an inexplicable fear...

"You... have an exchange with it." The image raised a hand and pointed to the general, saying to him in a fluent and unfeeling virtual language: "Do you know how much?"

“It?” the general said: “What are you talking about?”

"It helps you in battle. You are likely to win. Isn't it?" The hand of the image waved. A stereoscopic image of a furry object appeared around it.

“Is this a new creature that was often reported in the news?” said a virtual person next to him: “What does it matter?”

"You, communicate with it." The image said to the general: "If you want to be free from destruction, stop communicating with it and tell us all the information you have collected about it."

"You can choose to promise here, or... death." At the moment the image was finished, the square outside the window behind it suddenly lit up.

"Be careful! General!" Several imaginary people immediately stopped in front of the general.

"You have not yet destroyed." The image said: "If you promise, you will always collect information for us in the future... then you can save it from destruction."

"After the promise. What is the difference between those and the believers?" The general pushed the open occupants and said: "We will not promise you any slavery to us. Even if you kill me now, there will be more people to fight. You, our tens of billions of people around the world, will fully resist your aggression!"

The image said: "Yes, very small numbers, you still have a chance to decide for five hundred seconds."

The general’s angry emotions kept rising, and he hurriedly asked, “Why are you doing this? Why should you invade us?”

The image continues: "Why? You can think for yourself, you still have four hundred and thirty seconds."

"Why. I want your answer!" The general yelled: "We have nothing here! The resources here are running out! Why are you coming! What do you want? What are you going to kill? So many people? Why?"

"Resources are indeed a reason that primitive creatures would think of." The image said: "There are still three hundred and seventy seconds."

"Then why are you?" the general called out. "Look at the scene of destruction outside. Do you have to do this?"

"Yes, then it doesn't make much sense." The image seems to have become a bit of interest, and began to say more words: "We never thought about coming out, we want you to...kill yourself, until It appeared, and we thought it was necessary to fight."

The general asked: "You mean... you invaded because of that hair group?"

“Yes.” The image said: “There are still three hundred seconds.”

General's way: "Why don't you attack it directly, why should you attack us?"

"The hexapod, our goal is not it, but it was discovered when we invaded you." The image said: "You can also fight directly with us because of it, otherwise you will die in an endless civil war."

"You started to want us to fight in the civil war?" The general said: "What good is it for you? Why are you doing this? So hard to find us, infiltrating us for hundreds of years, is it for us to fight?"

The general clenched his fist and almost squeezed out the blood, with an almost uncontrollable anger. It said: "Are you simply to kill us...and come here?"

"Do you think so? The hexagram's 'general'." The voice of the image seems to have a little emotion: "Before discussing our reasons, let's look at yourself, we know you, the six-legged."

“You have slaughtered countless species, and many of the species have been slaughtered for the following reasons: play, fun, competition, and... ugly.” The image says: “You also slaughtered species similar to yours, and now they are still printed. Behind your currency, your cubs are educated to describe that they are the species that help you, but no one knows the truth."

"What is the truth?" The general suddenly took a look, and the virtual people present were similar expressions.

Two false soldiers said quietly to each other: "Do you know this?" "I don't know! I never saw it when I was at school, but I like history most!"

"It seems that you don't know, the general of the six-legged." The video said: "The historical facts that have appeared have been forgotten, but I believe that you will not forget that you still have two hundred seconds to decide whether you are dead or alive. This fact."

"You still haven't told me..." The general said: "Your reason, tell me the reason, I will tell you my decision, what are you coming here for? Are you going to kill us for fun?"

"It's a stupid question, the six-legged person." The image said: "If you receive a signal in the void one day, that signal confirms to you that there is a creature like you in the void, and you have the ability to get there. Location, what do you do? Ignore it?"


When the general did not finish, he was interrupted by the image: "Of course not, no matter how many billions you spend, as long as the consumption has little effect, you will want to see what you are doing and what will be affected. It is after seeing it. The decision will be made."

"There is no curiosity... there is no future."

The general asked: "You mean, because you received our information, so curious to see?"

“No.” The image said: “You won’t know, unless you see us as God, you still have a hundred and thirty seconds to make a decision.”

“No!” the general yelled: “I...will never worship the monster!”

"But this monster was released by your ancestors." When the video said this, the general suddenly showed a surprised expression, and the image continued: "Don't be too self-blaming, the six-legged general, your world." Like a piece of meat in the jungle, it may be swallowed, or it may be rotted or physics... just a matter of chance, what your ancestors did, only slightly increased the chance of being swallowed up. Just a little bit."

"You... there are still a hundred seconds."

After it was finished, the surrounding virtual people did not speak, including the generals were also silent.

However, there are occasional whispers of imaginary people, but they seem to care more about the creature on the back of the virtual currency.

"You, decide what to do?" Looking at their silence, the image made another voice: "This is your last."

"We decided to... do this!"

The general suddenly put his arm in the air, and suddenly there was a bang from the window, and the whole floating square shook abruptly.

"Awful, didn't you hurt?" The imaginary and generals who were present were watching the squares still floating outside and felt a little shocked. The general said quickly: "Hurry up and play again..."

The shape of the image also flashed a few times because the square was hit, but it did not disappear.

"You have made normal judgments that belong to you." The image said: "But it is not the right judgment."


At this moment, the square emits a strong light...

This ray of light drowned the entire command room, and all the imaginary people were ashes at this moment, and the huge squares disappeared after the launch.

But among them, there are still some virtual people still alive.

The top floor of the building of the command room has been completely cut off, and on the next floor, the general and several virtual people are there.

It seems that they fell off before the explosion, but there was a furry object in front of the general...

"Ha... It seems... we didn't choose the wrong ally." The generals who were all wounded looked at the stuffed things in front of them and said, "Or, we didn't choose to be livestock."

"Don't be afraid of death." Pompon said: "It's not the characteristics that the generals should have."

"Maybe it is." The general said: "But I am like this... my ancestors... so too."

"Yes? It's not important anymore. Next, be prepared to kill them." After the pompoms finished, they flew away from this place...

Then what should I do next?

Although they say they are defeating, Lin feels that there needs to be some 'steps'. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ Liu Yan ~ rewards ~

Thank you ~ heart value ~ttazn~ monthly ticket~

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