4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 141: Behavioral question

It was a cold morning, the cold air, filled with thoughts. ?

Here, it can't see the sun, but its intuition tells it that the morning has arrived.

"where is this place?

A creature named a scholar holds up the body and looks at the surrounding environment...

Beside it, it is full of a plant that emits fluorescence.

These plants are gray or purple, they are like a tentacle-like body with large leaves, and the leaves are lavender, and slowly twisting the body, this scene Going up is very fascinating to scholars.

No, these are not plants, and scholars think of the information they have seen.

“These creatures are called 'sea air chambers' because they grow under the seabed and collect the air in the water, then store them and create caves with air in the rocks, so this name is there...” Scholars Focusing on the fluorescent biosphere: "It turned out to be like this. It is wonderful to see them at such a close distance, but why they make caves with air is still a mystery. Now it is just enough to study..."

"Wait..." When he spoke, the scholar suddenly said: "Here... is it the bottom of the sea?"

......... at the same time, on the other side.

"The random blame is gone, and it feels rather deserted." In the institute above the clouds, a rounded creature squats in front of the device that displays the image.

It enters a variety of information into the device, including some recent research information.

After entering the information, it climbed up to its own alloy spider. Then I walked to the front of the institute.

The world of clouds and sea. Still calm. Floating atmospheric creatures can be seen everywhere, as well as some terrestrial creatures that are not compatible with the sea of ​​clouds...

White dragon.

A small number of white dragons survived in the previous conditions, they began to build a cloud house on the sea of ​​clouds, living the primitive life of hunting atmospheric creatures.

Although original, it is very peaceful.

There are also some white dragons who have been given the 'higher education' by the spiral creators. They don't want to live this kind of life, but go to the mountains to mine ore, trying to build a huge spaceship or build a former city...

Will they succeed? It seems that some shiny creatures have come here recently.

Although most of these white dragons followed the instructor. But the Master is no longer in charge of them, so it doesn't matter what they do.

However, when Maya left, the strange blame disappeared, and Bai Xiaolong was working hard...

The thoughts of the Master seem to be a little biased towards the outside world... Will there be more interesting things in the distant world?

With this in mind, the instructor returned to the research room...

Maybe, you should go out for a trip, but where should you go? Would you like to find out which random blame? But it may have died, so even.

Looking at the scenery outside. The instructor thought of more scenery and thought about the previous things.

it seems. I have never left this continent.

However, the current research seems to be very interesting... so, let's not leave.


"The creatures may not be able to make more individuals themselves, but the idea is not in line because they have a huge amount, so they may just be testing the process of how to turn other creatures into the same kind..."

On the far side, Lynn looked at the research of the Master and it seems that there has been some progress recently.

It believes that these brains are likely to be testing their own reasons for birth.

They don't know how they were born, so how do you test yourself in other creatures? This idea seems very interesting, but...

...this guess is not very likely.

However, the research of the Master is not limited to this part. It describes the detailed process of the activity and growth of the thorn in the brain of the young.

The patriarch is also very hopeful that he can bring this baby to study and research, so that he can know more details.

But it seems that not only the teacher wants to get this baby, but even the black metal seems to want to get it.

"You don't have to hide, you don't need to hide, we know you are there."

Here is the battlefield where the imaginary forces cleaned the wreckage of the battlefield. They moved the huge cubes and crystal larvae back and tried to study the secrets of these glittering monsters.

Although Lin felt that they couldn't study anything, whether it was a box or a crystal larva, the moment they were hit hard, the key parts of them were like weapon systems, and the power source would disappear.

I don't know what's going on... Lin feels that they all have a 'autolysis system' inside, which will start when they are hit hard and will break down the joints inside them.

And those substances that are dissolved will disappear in a short period of time, so that even if they are taken apart, nothing can be seen.

Or, they sent these key parts away, leaving an empty shell there, and Lin felt that... there should be some possibilities.

As for the black-horned dragon, there is no need to hide it. Just as the virtual people can't make the usual multi-cellular creatures, they are even less likely to make such metal creatures.

While cleaning the battlefield, the generals have already released their news of victory. Of course, for Lin’s participation in the battle, it has made some 'modifications', and now the assistance of various countries will soon come, they will be more powerful. The troops attacked the ruins of the city of Galle.

While watching them prepare, Lin's pompom received a special signal.

This kind of signal covers the sky above the battlefield, but the virtual people generally do not receive it, because this signal is very similar to the signal released by a certain creature.

Thus, a pompon follows this signal and finds the source of the signal.

Here is the ruins of a building that seems to have been hit, and the whole breaks from the middle and smashes, so only the first layer remains on the surface. And the signal is coming from here...

The building of the virtual people. Although very resistant to earthquakes. But not against it.

The pompoms entered from the already rotted gate, and Lin found that the signal came from a passage leading to the basement in front of him.

After flying into the basement, Lin found that it was an empty space, which seemed to be called a parking lot.

"You really came here."

As the pom-poms moved, a voice suddenly rang: "You don't have to hide, a fluffy object... Why is it moving in a world where fluffy creatures have long since passed away?"

While the sound kept ringing, a shimmering image appeared in front of the pom-pom.

This is a three-dimensional image of black metal?

Just like the image that appeared in the command room last time, this image looks like a very old virtual person. This will probably give other virtual people a feeling of ‘prestige’...

However, it is impossible to give the pompom any special feeling.

"Are you going to negotiate with me now?" The pompon showed the figure that had been hidden before, asking for this image.

Lin feels that even those trapped brains are only willing to reveal very little information, and it is impossible to obtain any information in this direct negotiation.

"Negotiation..." The voice of this image is very strange. It seems to be intermittent, and its figure keeps flashing: "Test...Tester...put the test..."

"Test article?" Pompom asked: "Are you talking about this thing?"

Saying, the body of the pompon began to change color, showing a head with a virtual cub around it, and a picture of a thorn in the head...

"Yes, that is the test article... destroy it... destroy it..."

'Snapped! ‘It’s not finished yet. This image disappears.

What is it doing? Why are you ruining?

The pompom flew to the position where the original image was located, and it was found that there was a sharp object on the ground.

This thing seems to be the top of the crystal cone.

Thinking about it. The pom-pom began to excavate around the protruding sharp objects. The ground around it was like sand, very soft, as if it had been dug a hole before, and then filled with sand.

And this cone is hidden in the sand.

When Lin dug it out, she found that there were many cracks on the surface of the cone, which seemed to have been hurt. The image just should be released.

Lin began to see that it was thought that Black Metal was going to negotiate with Lin, but it didn't seem to be the same.

After opening the cone, I found a group of dead crystal larvae inside.

What is going on here?

They seem to be telling what Lin, but the body seems to have been seriously injured, and their cones have also been damaged, so the image just was intermittent, but it started to look good.

They should not be traitors of black metal, will there be traitors in black metal?

Lin believes that black metal should be a strange structure between the individual creatures and the division of labor. The individual brain spirits have their own thinking ability and independent thoughts, but they can also be expressed when they are gathered together in large numbers. A consistent thought.

The crystal larks they control are themselves very **** believers, and they will fight for black metal whenever and wherever possible. It should not be possible to have traitors...

In short, first write down this matter and see what special things will happen later.

Now, let's destroy the black metal here.

Thinking, the pompom flew away from this place.

But... but some microbes are left here to observe.

After the pompom left, Lynn saw some wonderful sights.

In that basement, there are a large number of cones coming out of various places, all gathered in the center of the basement...

A large number of crystal larvae in the cone climbed out and then squatted on the ground.

What are they going to do? (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thank you~ You are teasing me~ 588~

Thanks to the ~ Yan Yan ~ Dark Method ~ rewards ~

Thanks ~ Antarctic Pioneer ~ Masked Gunslinger ~ Wu Yongguang ~ Sakura Snow ~ Extreme North Throne ~ monthly ticket ~

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