4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 146: Expand again

"You... what to do? No!"

Like the ever-changing battlefield, creatures called scholars are also in an ever-changing place...

The place was sunny and the scholars returned to the sea with their wish.

However, it is not free.

The tough seaweed wraps tightly around it, and a large group of ancient dragonflies drag it in one direction and swim in one direction.

These ancient cockroaches constantly change colors and patterns, and scholars see jade, coral, certain fish, and shells from these patterns.

But the most common among these patterns is the sun.

Scholars have read the information. There are some kinds of ancient monks that are like ancient civilizations, worshipping all kinds of gods.

Most of them worship are some giants in the sea, huge sea monsters or something, but there are also ancient things that worship the things that are dangerous to them...the sun.

This ancient scorpion is such a group of sun worshippers. Although they stay in the sun for hundreds of seconds, they will smash and die, but they still like the glittering things in this sky...

Because, they also understand that the sun brings them countless planktons that can be used as food.

Therefore, the ancient monks will regularly give the sun a 'sacrificial' to show their worship of the sun.

This sacrifice is the hexapod - scholar.

"Wait a minute! Hey!" The scholar was dragged to the direction of an island on the water, and it kept yelling and trying to catch the attention of the surrounding. In the constant screaming, the scholar smashed a lot of water, and the ancient scorpion completely ignored it.


The ancient Shu dragged the scholar to a small island. The scholar finally had a chance to breathe a few breaths, and at the same time, it also looked at the surrounding environment.

Here is a desert island with a diameter of more than ten meters. There is nothing but a bunch of bones around.

The ancient cockroach dragged it onto the bone pile and tied it to it with seaweed.

Then, these ancient plaques circled around the scholars, and they used their tentacles to prop up the body. And slowly shake it up.

"Is this a dance of sacrifice..."

With the shaking of the body, the colors of the ancient monks are constantly changing. Every ancient cockroach is matched, and the colors on them are swaying like waves, dancing with the swing of their bodies.

Scholars have heard of it before and have always wanted to take a look. But it does not want to see this dance in the case of being a sacrifice.

"Oh..." There was a sound coming from the distant sky.

There seems to be some kind of giant wing flapping, the scholar can't see it in this position, but it can be heard.

When the huge object approached, the surrounding ancient scorpions jumped into the water, leaving the scholars themselves on the island.

"Hey! Wait a minute!" It doesn't have any other way than screaming...

'Boom! With the crashing sound of the crash, this huge creature landed in front of scholars, with huge wings. And it has a huge body, like a scholar, belongs to the 'six limbs creature', and because it will release the flame. It was regarded as the "ambassador of the sun" by the ancients.

Their sacrifices are dedicated to this ‘the messenger of the sun’.

And this messenger does not know what the ancient cults worship. It only knows that when the ancient pipa danced on the island, it meant that there was food, so it flew over.

"This is the legend..." The first time a scholar saw this creature, it was inevitably a little excited, but most of the excitement was in the fear.


at the same time. On the other side.

Here is the sea, the endless debris floating on the swaying waves. A pom-pom floats over the sea and looks at the various conditions at sea.

Behind the pompoms, you can see a huge island, which is the base of Lin... the island that used to be a prison.

Now it is completely surrounded.

‘嗡...’ With the roar of the waves, huge enemy forces appeared in front of the velvet ball.

They are the ships that Lynn had faced before, but the number is even larger. Just like a fleet, these ships are swaying on the sea.

And between these ships, there are some huge squares floating.

These squares are about 50 meters in size, like the floating debris in the sea, which sways in the water, but they all have the same goal... the island of the prison.

It seems... Black metal already knows, Lin’s base is in this position.

They should be known through a wide range of searches, but how they confirm that Lynn is gathered in this place is still unsolved.

Just after you have defeated them, let’s untie it...

In the prison... Lynn has already let the troops start to act, and there is no need for the troops here to play criminals and guards, but all of them are converted into combatable units...

Lin’s situation here seems to be known to the generals, but it seems that there is no way to come.

"Here is... what happened?"

The general looked at the situation in front of him in the command room, and on the map in front of him, there was a large piece of red that kept moving.

"General, there are a lot of troops on the coast." The operator said: "They seem to be going to the prison island... that ‘endless cage.’”

"Why go to the prison island? Do they want to release the criminals there?" The general said: "In short, we should deploy troops there..."

"But the generals, so we have to disperse the troops, and there have been many situations here."

With the voice of the operator, the image was converted to the ruins of Galle.

The image in front of it is dark, but now it is white.

However, in the dark areas, only the ruins of Galle City, the entire city, is covered by black clouds.

Although it was dark, it was barely visible to see the things inside. Countless black-horned dragons appeared on the ground, and there were huge squares crawling between them. This scene was exactly the same as the city of black metal was destroyed.

The general looked at the scene: "Don't they... hide in the ground before?"

The situation here is the same as what the general said. As the sky darkens, a large number of black metal troops are also drilled from the ground.

It seems that they had hid under the ground and escaped the explosion. These troops appeared at this time, which made it difficult for the generals to separate the current troops.

"They have already started to act, general!"

The army suddenly began to move in one direction.

They are not as scattered as they used to be, but they are all moving in one direction, as if they are targeting a certain target.

“Would you like to attack? General?” the operator said: “Now the missiles of various countries are still in this area.” (To be continued)

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