4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 151: The dawn of victory

A gas that makes the creature feel uncomfortable.

But if it is the scorching smoke from the scorching enemy, it will be very comfortable.

At least, this is true for the virtual people.

'boom--! ! ! ’

The huge aircraft passed the sky and cast countless bombs on the enemy. The guns on the chariots and the weapons in the hands of the soldiers have been roaring wildly. Every soldier has exhausted his strength and battled for the arrival of the third day. .

Finally, they found that the seemingly endless black army in front of them began to collapse, and the huge black horned dragons fell in front of them one by one, and the huge squares were also destroyed by the impact of the missile.

These imaginary people can finally make a long-lost cheer.

"We have defeated the alien monster!"

At the same time as this cheering sounds, on the island of prison... Lynn is also watching the arrival of the day...

It seems that victory has been made.

The huge Leviathan floated in the air, beneath the island's land, covered with debris and debris, almost all of the debris left by sailboats, or huge squares.

Leviathan did not cope with this battle alone. The former shark forces and the repaired Blazers all participated, but indeed... After Leviathan came, the difficulty of the battle became much simpler.

Lin had already prepared for the destruction here, because at that time it was not certain that Leviathan could come here.

However, it seems that it does not have to be destroyed now.

After defeating this unit. Lin has already deployed a huge amount of pompoms to explore the surrounding ocean, but no black metal reinforcements have been found.

They may not plan to attack, or they may suspend the attack. Because I don't want to find the delivery location for the pompoms.

So what should I do now? Winning the pursuit? Or... go to the general ‘talk’?

In fact, what the general is thinking, Lin is very clear...


"We have won! Oh, oh!" In the distant command room, all the imaginary people are cheering constantly. The battleship 'The Sky City Plug' that the general took is not directly involved in the battle, but they have already seen To the dawn of victory...

The army of the black horned dragon has begun to retreat under the siege of the United Army. All the troops were beaten back into the ruins of the city of Galle, and the joint team from many countries attacked from all aspects of the ruins. The black horned dragon army was pressed into the ruins.

Although the war is still continuing, the virtual people have occupied all the advantages.

The black metal troops are almost all black-horned dragons and iron bats. Although there are squares, the number is not too large. Under the bombardment of the virtual air force, the black horned dragon suffered heavy casualties.

In order to prevent any unexpected situation after entering the ruins, the general ordered the army to stop moving forward, and purely changed into the air force plus missile bombing, completely solved this group of targets.

Now, the situation is very good, some imaginary people have even begun to celebrate on the battlefield, and this celebration atmosphere has also spread into the command room.

"General, we have forced their troops back into the ruins. Presumably they will be completely destroyed soon."

"Yes... I saw it." The general is the only virtual person who has no triumph. In fact, the number of times he pays attention to the ruins has not paid much attention to the situation at sea.

The image on the sea is still blurry.

but. The red dots on the map disappeared.

"What happened at sea..." The generals always wanted to know this question: "The enemy forces at sea have been eliminated. Is it really..."

“Now, the image of that place is still not recoverable?” the general asked the operator on the side.

"Yes..." the operator said: "A lot of remote controls have been deployed, but the images have not been delivered back. Now the site has been dispatched. You must wait for its intelligence."

"In short, the situation there seems to have stopped. It seems that there is something fighting the alien monsters there." The operator said: "Is it the previous drill bits? General? What is it?"

In this war, many imaginary people have seen the drill bit, but they all think that it is a weapon of another country, or a reinforcement of the military, and rarely thinks in a strange direction.

But once the war is over, many people will notice this problem. The drill bit does not actually belong to any country...

Only the generals knew the truth, but the general did not answer, but said: "When the information from the scene is sent back, let me say."

After that... I have had a few days and nights.

“Is this...the local scene?”

The general looked at some pictures in his hand, on top of it, with floating wrecks of water, and a deserted island...

"The prison has been destroyed, the general." The imaginary who sent the picture said: "There is nothing there."

"Yes..." General said: "Well, I know, you continue to detect and see, like the tunnel in the tunnel, wearing the latest development of armor, can prevent the risk of collapse. ”


"What should I do..." After the imaginary people left, the general lowered his head and meditated...

……the other side.

Above the ruins, the pompons flew slowly, and the ground was covered with countless wrecks, black metal, imaginary people, and many chariots filled with spears and arrows.

And those huge squares, as well as the crashed aircraft.

The imaginary people have no time to clean up these wrecks, making them a rather spectacular sight, and they are slowly braving the smoke until now...

"Oh oh! Drag it over!"

Going forward, you can see the army of the imaginary people. A large group of imaginary civilians are using a metal-made net to live in a huge black-horned dragon. More than a dozen virtual people and a mech are working hard. Dragging it.

The war is almost over. Now it looks like this, and the virtual people even have the opportunity to catch some prisoners.

"Hey!" The black-horned dragon below suddenly screamed, and it instantly broke free of the net and rushed out to hit the virtual people who were dragging it.

With their screams, pompons flew over their heads.

Obviously, it is much harder to catch a living than to kill a living.

Here, you can almost see the black wall in the distance.

The black metal forces have retreated to the center of the ruins, which protect their last troops, surrounded by the virtual people who are besieging.

In order to prevent the strange fog, these imaginary people are equipped with sealed armor, and most of them are air forces. They fly around in the air, ready to bomb the black metal city below...

They almost drive the black metal out of their world, and the virtual people think so...

But is it really true? (To be continued)

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