4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 159: encounter

this world……

After a dramatic change, the world has become a weird look. —{2}{3}{w}{x}

Black, like muddy water began to recede a few days before night, but the whole world does not seem to be restored.

The water flooded into the cracks and ground on the ground, and the sky no longer lowered the black rain. It seemed that everything had returned to its original state.

But there are not many creatures in this world.

After the black water receded, you can see the wreckage, the body, and the ruins originally under the black water.

There are some creatures here, it seems that they have built structures like cities, but they are all overwhelmed, and the creatures inside are also dying together.

Black water has not completely disappeared, they are concentrated in the world's largest waters...the ocean.

If you fly in the sky, you can see that the whole ocean is black, but you can't find the creatures when you go in, but the main reason is that it is too difficult to find, not without creatures.

Because the inside is all black, and there is no way to detect it in other ways, the only dependent vision can't find something, then almost nothing can be found...

However, at least in other places, it is clear that the black water has receded, and the land that was originally flooded has also been exposed, but on the land, there are wrecks and ruins everywhere.

Lin found that the creatures here should be creatures like multicellular creatures, so the brains that are used to parasitizing them can also parasitize the virtual people.

However, the biological form here is very strange. There are almost no biological forms commonly found on pompoms or virtual mother balls. Most of them have asymmetric bodies. I don't know how this form is produced.

But now there is no way to study them. They are almost all extinct. There are no plant-like creatures found here, and most creatures have brains, but it seems that there is basically no skeleton structure.

There are also microbes in the world, and during the observation of the pompons and creators, the bodies here are slowly beginning to rot.

In this collapsed world, the only ‘large creature’ that is still alive is... brain spirit.

They have a small distribution range and are actually not distributed at all, but are concentrated on the edge of a continent. They are in a place similar to the plains.

The plain was once submerged by black water. When the black water receded, it revealed a surface resembling a rocky wasteland. The surface was covered with black cracks, and it felt like black water had penetrated into the crack.

The brain spirit, still riding on the original machinery like rotten wood, looks like some inflexible crab creatures, they crawl slowly on the barren land, and their number is quite less.

Lin has seen only a dozen. But how many brains are in each machine is not clear.

And what they do is... dig.

Use a limb that has joints like a crab leg. They are constantly excavating on the ground. There is no dirt on the surface, but it seems to be mixed with black paste.

However, it is equally good to dig.

They piled up a lot of the excavated things, and then picked up something from the inside and piled it up to another place.

Lynn thinks that they should be looking for food.

Brain spirits don't need to eat the food of the usual creatures, but they also need power. The machinery they control requires energy to move, and they themselves need a more special energy to continue to live.

The brain's own energy comes from those stones.

The pompon found that the brain has already dug up many of these stones.

These stones are the 'original stones' that make up the kind of machinery. I have seen the description before, but now I look at them directly, and they feel very strange.

Its appearance is very shiny, some like crystal, and the shape is as varied as ordinary stone, but they are covered with many small spikes. If you look carefully, some spikes still have barbs.

It feels like this is not naturally generated, it is more like a creature.

Lin feels that these things may be the shells left by some extinct creatures, and the brain is very dependent on them.

They use these things to transform them into machines that they can control and live in, or extract the energy they need from them.

What is the energy that can sustain the life of the brain, but it is still completely unclear, but as long as there is such a thing, the brain will not lack food.

The brain is used to make the energy of the machine run very ordinary.

Relying on these stones, the brain begins to recover its own population...

Lin has been observing their lives, and the number of brain spirits seems to be slowly increasing. It is not clear how they are reproduced, but it seems to be related to stone...

However, the increase is very slow.

And the creator seems to be a little impatient in this process...

"They should have met quickly. How did they meet it? Show it quickly!" The creator has always been concerned with how the brains meet the world, the huge dream of Lin and the creator. The world... This place is obviously not made by the brain itself.

Lynn also knew the purpose of the creator from a long time... It wanted the world, so it wanted to reach the 'core' of black metal, crush them, and then replace them to manage the world.

... should be like this.

So it is very concerned about how the brain is getting the world, although Lynn feels that it does not help to win in the core.


Just as the creator said this, the sky was suddenly shrouded in darkness.

A huge object appeared in the brain, the pompon, and the creator's sky.

That is... square?

The huge object that appeared, it was like a meteorite falling straight from the sky, and it fell on a distant surface, causing a loud explosion.

The brain spirits on the ground were all shaken at this moment, and the creators and pompons were not affected.

After the explosion, the huge square was still in the fall position, and the surface did not appear to be particularly hurt.

"That's that, fluff." The creator flew to the square immediately, but Lynn found that the brain spirit on the ground was scared to escape in the other direction.

The pompons looked at them for a while and then flew in the direction of the square.

After approaching the square, Lin found that the creator had drilled into the box. In this world, the pompom and the creator could pass through any object. The creator seemed to want to get in and see what was inside, so... the pompon followed it. Drilled in.

However, nothing can be seen inside. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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