4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 168: Flaming land


Explosion, flash... Constantly resounding in the bright red world.

"Resolve them!"

Countless creatures raise their weapons, or simply use their physical abilities to rush to the battlefield.

They are facing opponents from the sky.

Those huge squares.

Ten blocks of up to 100 meters and a length of 100 meters rushed into the red world.

But when they first entered the world, they found themselves surrounded by the group...

"Burn it into powder!"

A huge block of people roared, and there were countless red creatures flying around it.

These creatures are called 'flying devils' and are a flying creature in the devil. They are shaped like Moss' wings, but one of their arms is specialized into the shape of the barrel and can be placed from it. A dissolved bomb is emitted.

Because of the specialization, these dissolved liquid bombs have an effect even on the outer shell of the black metal.

On the huge cubes, the explosions of these bombs continually flashed, and countless flying devils were surrounded by bees, and they kept shooting bullets of dissolved bombs.

'boom! Under continuous bombardment, the outer shell of the black metal block has begun to slowly change color, and there is a trace of corrosion...

"It works! Then attack!"

A large number of flying devils concentrated on the area where the square was the most injured, and frantically fired its scars.

'Snapped! ’

However, when they are concentrated, the squares also shine brightly. A huge light beam emerges from the surface of the square. Flooded these flying demons.

"Ah-!!" A large number of flying magic moments disappeared into the brilliant glory. The speed of the light group did not weaken. It rushed down from the sky and rushed to the red earth.

On the ground, countless creatures are looking at the sky, most of them are small, but among them, there are also some huge things that are staring at the light drops falling in the sky.

‘嘭——! ! ! ’

A fierce explosion hit the light group in an instant. Make it dissipate before it can affect the ground creatures...

Roaring Devil, this kind of thing can't be said to be pure creatures. They stand between the demon groups on the ground. They are like creatures like tyrannosaurus. However, they usually have a length of more than 30 meters and look like metal. of.

In fact, they are mostly metal, and their capabilities are very obvious.

The roaring devils on the ground looked at the square that was surrounded by the flying devil in the sky.

‘Hey! ! ! ‘In this moment. All the roaring devils made a roaring sound.

The flames of the blast erupted from their air and rushed to the square where they had been attacked by many flying demons...

'boom! 'With the sound of the explosion. The whole box trembled fiercely, and with the smoke from the body, it fell from the air to the ground.

"Successfully solved it!"

At the moment when it crashed into the ground, all the demons cheered.

But they quickly looked at the other goal... This is just the first square, and under the stars, there are more squares.

'boom! ’

Another flashing light group emerged from the sky, and it was directly blown into the demon army. When countless companions flew, they also rushed toward the target.

The squares in the air, after a crash, have eight pieces, almost all of which are surrounded by the demon's air force.

These air forces also include the huge warships made by the devil. These things that were originally used as buildings can fly into the air at any time. They are equipped with various forms of weapons, but most of them are...

A demon battleship of more than 50 meters radiates a large number of meteorites on the side, which are successively hit on the outer shell of the square.

'boom! In a continuous explosion, a flash of light appeared on the surface of the square. The flashes were concentrated in one position, and a huge light group flew out of the surface of the square, directly hitting the demon's battleship.

Like the melting of ice and snow, the demon's battleship quickly disintegrated under the glare, and it turned into two segments falling from the sky.

But at the same time, other demons around the ship are also close to this square.

These demonic warships have a cylindrical shape, they are aligned with the square, and in its head, huge **** suddenly fly out.

‘Hey! The ball hits the square and sputters a large amount of liquid from it, which instantly fills the entire block and quickly erodes its outer shell, and some penetrates into the inside of the square.

'boom! ’

At the same time, a dazzling flash of light flashed on the ground, and a huge beam of light hit the square at this moment. The square that was hit was shaken a few times and fell from the air.

"Another glorious battle!" Looking at the falling square, the demons cheered again, and the thing they just shot down the square had already aimed at other squares.

These towers on the ground can be said to be the main weapon of the demon, and they can even attack targets in the void.

'boom! ‘Light column, flash again.

But this time it did not hit the target, but it collided with the light group in the sky, causing a violent explosion.

In fact, these towers are not easy to hit the target, the block will release the attack of the light tower defense tower, or avoid in advance, they are very clear about the threat of the tower...

However, if the cubes are sprayed with a large amount of dissolved solution, their speed and reactivity will be much lower, so that they can be easily hit.

In the air, there is already another square surrounded by a large number of demons.

These devils ride small discs about ten meters in diameter, and the claws on their feet are fixed in the grooves on the disc, which makes them easy to operate the disc.

And they themselves use a weapon called ‘Devil's Physalis Cannon’ to attack.

The various names of the devil are basically derived from the imagination of Moss in the dream.

"Ah, ah! In the name of the devil!"

Thousands of discs rushed to the square in the sky, but in the near moment. They are enveloped by a meteor-like light.

Numerous small light clusters are sprayed from the square. As a group of stars fell into the demonic group. Every demon that comes into contact with the light group will instantly collapse.

"They will only get this trick! Go forward!"

However, the devil did not retreat, even if the companion disappeared around them, they still drove the disc to the fastest speed, a group of demons had already flown out in the gap of the light group, and once approached, they madly shot the square.

Most of the squirt guns are spherically dissolved. They sprinkled on the shell of the cube in pieces, and when the demons were burned out by the light, the side of the cube was covered with dissolved liquid...


At the same time, the light column on the ground lights up again, and this square is submerged in the glory...

"They have already felt our strength!"

When the block fell from the sky with a scorching smoke, a loud voice rang in the whole world...

"But it is not enough, my soldiers, destroy them completely!"

"It's the devil!" "The devil is here!"

In the sky, the largest red warship appeared in the flying demon group, which was once the battleship of the brave devil.

But the shape of this battleship. It was the devil of the first generation... a huge bright red sphere.

"Battle! Fight! Charge!" Under its appearance, all the demons became very excited. Under the cheers, the demons attacked the other squares.

Although, the offense has been going on for a long time...

The remaining six blocks have already begun to come together.

They were originally scattered, and in addition to being prepared for the beams of light from the towers on the ground, they did not care about any other attacks. They might think that the devil could not harm them except the tower.

However, they have found that they are wrong, these demon attacks can definitely harm them, and when they react, they will continue to use the light group to attack, preventing any demons from approaching themselves.

Moreover, they began to gather together and seemed to want to fight back.

However, their gathering also allows all the weapons of the demon to aim at them.

"Shooting! They all come together!"

Looking at the concentration of the six squares in the air, all the weapons in the hands of the devil, or the battleships, as well as the roaring devils and towers on the ground, began to attack the air.


The squares in the sky were drowned in the sparks of the moment.

"They... ran!"

However, the fire of the explosion did not completely cover the squares. These squares flew out in the explosion, but they did not attack, but rushed to the sky at a very fast speed and flew into the stars...

The speed of the demon can't keep up with these squares, only the light column of the tower still keeps attacking the target.

'Snapped! A light beam crossed the sky, but did not hit any target. Before it fired, the square disappeared into the starry sky.

'Snapped! At the same time, several squares around it disappeared into the air, and all the squares were gone at this moment.

"They ran away!" "They felt fear!"

The demon in the red world looked at the stars in the sky and made a fierce cheer.

However, the square that disappeared in the sky above the demon world now appears again within the transmission point of the virtual people.

Going back to the box, there are only five pieces... Lin completely sees this scene.

It seems that the reason for the failure of black metal is mainly because of the small target, their warships are not very powerful, in fact, there is only one offensive method.

However, among the demons' army, not all of them are devils. There are some Lin's arms mixed in, and victory is completely unexpected.

So what should I do next? (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ Liu Yan ~ rewards ~

Thanks ~ tiny mark ~awm fly ~ chivalrous man also ~ credit first ~ smart piglet ~ monthly ticket ~

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