4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 177: Internal structure

‘Hey! ’

Barbs, spikes, ropes.

These things are tools for landing pirates on the sea, and are also weapons for attack.

For a warship sailing in the void, it is also a tool for landing on the other side of the ship.

A barbed rope tied the square of a speeding flight.

The square didn't give up. It swayed hard and seemed to want to break free of the rope, but in the next second, more ropes hooked it.

Here is in the void, the war is over, and now, it is time to catch the deserters.

After Lynn successfully detected the hidden spears, the black metal army quickly collapsed in the fire. The troops were completely dispersed and they flew into the nearby void.

They seem to want to escape like this...

Lin didn't just watch them escape, but dispersed the troops to pursue them. After a few nights and nights, Lin destroyed their warships and found their place to launch spears.

The spears of the spears have the same hidden power as the spears, but it is not difficult to find.

And those warships, in the process of running away, there is no counterattack, they spread at full speed, it seems that even they do not know where their destination is...

Lynn feels a bit strange, but it also means that the black metal has given up the war.

In this war, black metal was almost completely destroyed, and Lin also lost dozens of warships. Including those big pompoms, but the overall is basically no problem.

It can be said that it is almost a complete victory, and Lin is already building more warships.

Actually. These warships were originally in a process of constant increase. Lin recently wanted to get the ability of a warship to be automatically generated. Just like a creature, let a group of cells automatically absorb the outside material and grow rapidly, and slowly become a battleship.

However, it is still the first to solve the black metal.

Lin destroyed some of the warships, and the rest... Lin wanted to try it out. Just like this one.

The square is a hundred meters long, but above it is a battleship of 500 meters. This is Lin's battleship, and under the battleship, countless ropes with barbs clenched the squares tightly and slowly stopped it with power.

These ropes are quite strong. Even the big things can't break them, and the speed of the blocks has become slow, and a large number of bee-type arms climb down the ropes and reach the surface of the block.

Although he didn't fight back when he fled, when Lin's battleship approached it, it still fought back, and Lynn intercepted all its attacks. Now the square seems to have run out of energy.

But it should not be completely exhausted, at least it may still have the energy of self-explosion. So you need to be careful.

In general, black metal squares will decompose some important internal structures when they are captured, making it impossible for the other party to study. But is this giant box the same?

Lin's troops have begun to dig up on the squares, and these bee-type arms will make openings on their backs by light cutting.

Lynn wants to know the techniques related to these blocks.

What is currently known is that it is quite complex, looks like a polymer of a large number of mechanical parts, and does not know where they operate.

But there must be places like engines. There is also the structure of the weapon.

If you figure it out, you can understand the black metal weapons...

There is no counterattack in the box. There was no self-destruction. After the bee-type arms cut some holes that could be drilled in the back, Lin let another worm-type unit drill into the inside of the box.

This big box is different from the small squares attacked on land. The small square can find the weapon launching hole in the outer layer, but the big one can't find it. Lin feels that it is a built-in weapon structure, which is turned out when it is launched. And with the flash, the other party can not see.

But now it is discovered that there is no place to hide the weapons here. It feels like this box is not equipped with any weapons at all.

Therefore, Lin just dug a hole and drilled in.

Inside... it’s exactly the same as Lin’s thought.

There are complex metals everywhere, but they look strange, and circular objects seem to be mostly.

However, this square is obviously completely different from a warship that Lin had let the pompom invade. The structure inside the warship is complicated, but it has a very empty space filled with scanned spheres.

The space inside this box is intensive, but there is no scanning ball...

However, this box obviously has not begun to dissolve itself, and Lin wants to reach the depths to see if he can find any useful objects.

Thinking, these worms are getting deeper and deeper into the inside of the box. In the first worm, I suddenly found a strange thing... What is this?

In front of the worm is a cylindrical object with a liquid-like substance inside.

It feels like the liquid inside... seems dangerous.

Even though I thought so, Lin asked the worm to start drilling holes in the cylinder and tried to get it to go in and see.

These worms are the shape of small pioneers, they can be drilled in most metals, and the cylinder is cracked by the worm's extremely fast rotation.

'Boom! And while this worm was in action, Lynn found something strange.

This was discovered by another worm.

The worm has reached the inside of the square, about 50 meters deep, and in this position, it found a layer of ... skin in a large number of mechanical parts.

This layer of skin feels like the internal organs of a certain creature, and it is still beating slowly.

This layer of structure... Jean Lin remembered the Void Bus.

That transmitter seems to be the same, do you have a transmitter in these boxes? But it seems to be a lot bigger, I feel that there are several times that size...

Moreover, there are some strange places, Lin asked the worm to check it a bit, and found that the structure is somewhat different from those of the transmitter. After the worm has drilled in, it can also see the structure inside.

But it is indeed alive, it is beating slowly... and it looks like the organ of the Void Bus, and it also has the function of breaking down food, the black metal is giving it energy, but it obviously has no brain The structure of the class.

By the way, Lin thinks of a possibility, this thing may be used to collect the transmitted energy? (To be continued)

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