4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 191: Abandoned land


This familiar feeling came instantly after the disc left the residence of the long-haired creature.

Where they live, there is a passage to the depths, the disc comes before the passage, and the passage of the passage is opened by those creatures...

After entering the entrance, the disc first reached a place full of armor.

These armor and heating devices are the same, although the long-haired creature knows how to use it, but does not know how to make it.

In fact, they don't even know how to use them... Lin asked how these creatures usually operate armor. After they said it, Lin found that they had a lot of functions that didn't work.

These results are estimated to be the reason for their long-term consumption of fungi...

After passing through this room, Lin arrived at the road to the deeper.

The long-haired creatures refer to the road after this as the 'discarded land', which is where they once lived, but the latter suffered from abandonment, for reasons... they don't seem to remember.

But Lin believes that it may be that the heating devices are damaged, so they are concentrated in places with heating.

Now, the disc is in an extremely cold space. There is no heating at all, it is exactly the same as the outside...

However, there are mushrooms that emit heat.

The disc flew over a mushroom and there was no doubt that the heating had long been damaged, but these things remained basically intact and should have been internally damaged.

After watching it for a while, the disc turned and flew to the other side.

There is no heating in this place, and of course there is no light. The disc flies slowly in the darkness, and observes the surrounding things with the eyes that are shimmering...

Lynn saw a room next to it.

The disc flew into the room and looked around at everything. The content of this room is very similar to the one above, basically made of stone...

However, there are some metal objects here.

The disc flew into the room and picked up a gadget from the ground. This thing was made of metal. It looked like a mechanical device, but it was broken.

Drop this thing, the disc continues to fly to other places to explore...

Soon, the disc explored the area, which is almost exactly the same place as the long-haired creature above, with storage rooms, halls, and lots of rooms.

But the fungi in the storeroom have been frozen, and there are no creatures in the whole place.

The difference is that in the room here you can see some mechanical objects, these items are small, are damaged, and basically have one in each room.

I don't know what it is used for... I thought, Lin let the disc continue to fly deep.

Because the abandoned land is more than this one... There are more abandoned land, which can lead to a deep place.

The disc found the entrance to the depths of the abandoned land. After entering, Lin found the almost identical room that had passed before.

However, there is no armor in this room. Maybe Lin sees so many armor on it. It is estimated that they have all the armor underneath.

After entering the second layer of abandoned land, Lin saw the same place as before.

There is also a damaged heating unit, and then there are those rooms, and access to all rooms.

However, Lin saw that the second floor of the abandoned land seems to have more mechanical items, not only those seen on the first floor, but also more new types.

Like some metal toys, metal chairs, beds, etc.

Why is the deeper the number of layers, the more metal there is? This feeling is really strange...

However, there is no such thing as the long-haired creatures that attack them.

After strolling through the second floor, the disc continues to fly to the third layer, and the structure of the third layer is basically the same.

Of course, there are more metal items. Lynn sees metal chairs, beds, tables, and even doors that are metal.

Speaking of it, the above several floors have no doors...

After reading this layer, Lin is now basically aware of the overall structure of the entire long-haired creature residence... Simply put, it is a layer-by-layer system.

Each floor is a cave structure with a large number of rooms, storage rooms, fungal planting rooms, and a light and heating unit that is ** and does not affect other layers.

Lin first arrived at the highest level, where there are long hair creatures living, though not many.

From the top, you can go down. The layers below are all abandoned. They have the same residence, but the wonderful thing is that the deeper the metal objects are.

On the contrary, the more the metal objects, the less they are. They eventually even used stones. Although the heating devices are still operating, they do not understand the principle of operation.

This may be the performance of the long-haired biological intelligence reduction phenomenon? They have long-term effects on intelligence because they eat those fungi for a long time.

Something that might have been used will slowly become unused. This fungus does not immediately affect it, but it is caused by the long-term consumption. Lin did not find this fungus at first. effect.

However, this is only speculation, there are many strange places here.

But as Lin sees, the more you go deeper, the more things you can see...

Now the disc has reached the ninth floor of the abandoned land...

Here, it can be said that it is completely different from the cave above. There is actually a mechanical device on the door of the room. It seems to be a device that will open what the door will open...

Moreover, there are vehicles that can travel in the passageway. Things like a car seem to be used to transport food. At the same time, there is a kind of thing called 'automatic farming device' in the room where fungi is planted. The thing is that they have text here.

In fact, the text is also in the upper layers, but the number is small, the feeling statement is incomplete, and here seems to have a complete statement...

Unfortunately, the long-haired creatures living on it seem to have forgotten the text, they can't use words to communicate...

Although Lin is not aware of this text at the moment, at least she can understand what these machines are for.

It can be seen that these creatures originally had similar technology to the virtual people, but they were slowly forgotten.

However, even if the intelligence is getting weaker, they should not abandon these places. The only reason for the abandonment should be... what was attacked.

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