4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 195: Ocean journey

"They always want my treasure, they have to dig me up, they keep asking me, just for the treasure."

"Do you know it? Treasure!!!"


The wind of the ocean, with the smell of salt and sorrow, accompanied the words about the treasure into the scholar's thoughts.

The scholar's current position, at the top of a huge island pyramid, is now free, even though it has encountered a group of seemingly terrible creatures.

But they did not grasp it, nor imprisoned it. Instead, they gave scholars a lot of food and brought scholars to the top of the pyramid to visit.

There is a big platform on top of this pyramid, and scholars are at the center of the platform.

In front of the scholars piled up a pile of fish, which is the food that the creatures give it, and those creatures are not far from it...

"Those are... stand up?"

With curious eyes, the scholars looked at the creatures standing on the edge of the pyramid platform. It was said that this creature once fought in the clouds and was assimilated by the Inca.

After that battle, an individual who was still free survived and re-established a new population...

Scholars have seen the data of these creatures, so they are very curious about them. Lie is a creature that is separated from the divisional species, and they live a very 'personalistic life' after being separated, but they are connected to each other. It can be said that they are located between the division of labor and personality.

These creatures have ways to mutate themselves, create individuals with new abilities, and build huge pyramids.

The way to change the shackles is to... find the ‘treasure’.

"That should be something that stores a lot of genetic information." Scholars understand this, and those things are generally ‘thinking’ all things...

The brains are the same as the ones. It is a creature that has left the previous population. But they are not as loyal as Li. It still has the idea of ​​fighting for the main brain of the population.

They are generally hostile to Li, and there is a head behind the scholar.

"Quickly let me go, unlock me, I will take you off this place, or you will be bitten by them."

This brain-creating continually sends messages to scholars. This information has an eccentric temptation for scholars. Even if these words are considered to be false, scholars have a feeling that they can't help but do it.

"This creature seems to know how to stimulate other creatures... No. It seems more terrible..." The scholar continually stepped back a few steps, trying to move away from the brain, but the brains made more Strong signal...

"Come on, don't you know if you are behind a cliff? If you continue to retreat, you will fall!"

This signal is not like being received from the outside. It is just like his own thoughts. The scholar quickly turned his head and looked at the ground behind him. He found a sigh of relief after he found nothing...

Scholar, a lieutenant next to it noticed it and turned and walked over.

"Rute dig!" Li Yan walked to the side of the scholar and lifted his forelegs and said to him: "Wow, scream?"

"What do you say..." The scholar could not understand the language of Li. But this Lie seems to be greeting him...

"Hey!" Lie suddenly screamed, and then the surrounding squats suddenly came up.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

Scholars who don’t know what happened are suddenly surrounded by a large number of people. These shackles grabbed it and glued its hands and feet with a mucus.

"What is going on? What are you going to do?" The scholar is full of doubts, although it knows that the other party does not understand, but it still wants to question.

"I told you before, they have to bite you."

The information that makes the brains makes the scholars become more nervous, although Lizzie does not look like he wants to eat it.

Originally, the scholars were still friendly, and now they have glued the scholars together. Then they flew with scholars and brains. These scorpions will fly, and there is a film between the limbs. When you wave together, you can use it as a wing...

The scholars were pulled up by a large number of shackles. It found that the ground was getting farther and farther away from itself, and it was getting closer and closer to the sky...

"Where are they going to take me..."

Scholars don't understand the idea of ​​these creatures at all. The only thing that can be confirmed is that it is not so easy to put it down...

They have been flying with scholars for a long time, and scholars have therefore made a wonderful journey...

Li Yi left the original island, flying with the scholars and brain-making monsters. Every time they went to an island, they stopped to rest, replenish food, and then continued to fly.

Scholars have eaten a lot of fish during this period. Although they have not cooked it, scholars are surprised that they have not eaten any problems.

Scholars and the brain-creating people have experienced this sea journey in the process of being kidnapped by the shackles until a place...

A continent.

"It hurts!" The scholar was thrown from the sky to the beach, and then these shackles unraveled the mucus that had already hardened and stuck to the body, and then flew into the sky.

Soon, they flew out of the eyes of scholars.

"What the **** is going on here? Why should I bring me here? Where is it here...?"

Although he has been with Li Zhe for a while, scholars have no idea what purpose Li Li has...

Looking around, it is a sandy beach on the coast, and on the beach is a dense jungle, with occasional strange noises in the jungle.

However, what most scholars care about is the brain-making monster, which, like scholars, was thrown on the beach.

But it has not been unlocked.

"Come on, let me go, let me go." The brains are like not tired, and they keep sending messages to scholars...

"What do you plan to do after you let go?" The scholar went to the brain to ask about it. Scholars found that as long as they expressed strong feelings when they spoke, they could basically understand what it said.

"That kind of thing, of course, will be considered after it is released." The brain-stricken sent a message: "But you will survive."

"..." The scholar hesitated, and then picked up a stone from the sand next to it and slammed it into the hardened mucus on the brain.

After a few strokes by the scholar, the mucus on the brain is cracked.

"Very good, you did it." The brain-screaming said: "I will reward you." After that, the brain-building monster ran into the jungle above the beach and disappeared. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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