4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 3 Chapter 44: Go to history


The brain worm rolled over to the last picture it painted and said the word.

Move? Does it mean to move there? But Lin has never seen a similar plant.

Wait, it seems to be in the upper reaches of the river...

Thinking, Lin showed the scene with the pigment cells of the display. In front of the brainworm, the display changed color. The image of the picture was the way the gallops ran along the river, and the river went straight up. Every creature, every scene, until the last side of the wall like a giant wood blocked the way, and then the gallops were eaten.

"Hey!" When the brain worm saw the giant wood, he cried excitedly and kept rolling back and forth on the tenth painting. It seems that the giant wood that the galler saw in the upper stream is the painting of the brainworm. Things.

There may be some secrets there, maybe there are its ethnic groups? Lyne really wants to look there, but before that, Lynne needs to reach perfect communication with it.

Thinking, Lin asked the displayer to show two creatures on his body. The heads of the two creatures simultaneously produced a large variety of objects, and then they gave them to each other. Finally, these two The creatures stood together and looked away. A giant tree appeared in the distance, and they walked in the direction of the giant wood.

The two creatures were brainworms, and the other was Lynn's Leviathan, who hoped that the brainworm and its ability to exchange information perfectly before going there.

"Question, don't understand." When the brain worm looked at the change of the picture, there was an incomprehensible emotion. And made a cry of doubt, but this only lasted for a while. It immediately became an understanding.

The learning ability of the brain worm seems to be very strong, but Lin thinks that its brain should have other uses, it may not be played, and its mood changes quickly, often in anxiety, and then in the next moment. It’s a pleasure, and all of its actions make Lin feel very interesting.

Image communication is a very convenient way to communicate. Lin believes that this kind of communication is much better than voice communication, but because brain worms can't draw images quickly, they still have to use sound communication.

By learning from each other's images, Lin and the brain worm quickly added a huge amount of vocabulary. No matter how abstract the matter is, the brain can understand it through the image. This time it once again embodies the huge advantage of its head.

After practicing for about seven days and nights, Lynn can basically achieve a perfect exchange of information with the brainworm. Although the pronunciation is still similar to the previous one, the number of the thesaurus is much richer than before.

It was a moment of gloom, Leviathan stood before the river, and the brain worms lie on Leviathan's carapace.

The other side of the river. The moss slowly spreads over and over, and they are growing at a faster rate, and the twisted tree seeds that are planted are beginning to sprout. Soon, the flash woodland will recover again!

"The nest. The homeland, the upper stream of the river. The land where my ethnic groups live, vibrate, destroy, perish, the extinction of the ethnic group..."

The brain worms are on Leviathan, telling its story. In fact, from the paintings, the group of brain worms may have encountered a similar disaster that Lin encountered on the seabed. The earth shook and cracked. Open, devastating is quite huge, but Lynn can now fly, so no longer afraid of the disaster on the surface.

"Chibucha, the driver of the crystal lizard, the occupants of the crystallization, they found me, imprisoned me, fed me, I saw them with a creature that represents death and danger, fungus."

When the brain worms say this, there is an excitement. It seems to like to talk non-stop, and sometimes its tone will change according to the mood changes, but this change is relatively small, mostly a tone.

The brain worm is still talking about it: "Fungi, plants are afraid, they destroy trees, wood cracks, collapses, flames, spreads..."

"Stop continuing to communicate, now ready to go, target the home tree."

Leviathan shook the sound sac and made a sound to interrupt the brain worm. After all, it was all told by Lin.

The brain worm refers to the giant wood in the painting as the 'home tree'. In fact, it is the combination of the words home and trees. According to the brain worm, there may be other ethnic groups living there.

The brain worm said: "Know, shut up."

Then, Leviathan began to move forward. Although it could not run as fast as a gallop, and there was no way to fly in the jungle, it was very safe. Leviathan had few opponents in this jungle.

As for the other units, Lin let them stay in the base, in order to deal with Aztec, if the Aztec was once rushed to the desert because of the group of brainworms, now they know the head If the genus of the worm has been destroyed, it is likely to attack at any time.

Under the surveillance of the pilots, Aztec’s recent actions became strange. They used to take a bus every three days and nights, but recently they suddenly changed. Lin’s flight was followed by the spire. Dozens of large Aztec bugs entered the deep-sand bus, and they opened the hole for seven consecutive days and nights.

Are they going far away?

I don't know yet... but this should not be normal behavior.

Leviathan took the brainworm to go to the home tree for a long time, so Lin wanted to pay attention to the observation of Aztec, but Lin wanted to observe the inside of the deep sand bus, but could not rely on the light. Learn the details.

Most Aztec insects have no eyes, but they are quite sensitive to light, so they can't shine in the bus.

It’s really hard to do.


Thinking, Lin let the pilot in the deep sand bus synthesize a small eyeball in the body, then throw the small eyeball out and stop on the ground for a while.

Lin doesn't know where the eyeballs are, but it doesn't matter, as long as it is not discovered.

Lin’s new way of thinking is “explosive illuminating”. Then, Lin lets the flyer curl into a ball, dissolve and bond a part of the body’s carapace, and the body changes rapidly. This small unit changes quite quickly. After a while, the pilot will be transformed.

The modified pilot flew above the small eyeball, although he could not see it, but Lin could know the position of the eyeball.

Then - hey!

The blaster exploded, and at the moment of the blast, it made a very dazzling light, illuminating the entire area in an instant, and the small eyeball on the ground also saw the surrounding environment structure at this moment.

Here is a cave-like place, the ground, the wall, and so on. Everything should be made up of substances like shells. In addition, the top of the cave is covered with blood vessels, and it is full of everywhere. Various Aztec bugs.

The light of the flying blast of the pilot disappeared only for a moment, but only this moment, Lin saw the structure inside, and at the same time, the Aztec worms suddenly began to stir up because of this flash, they went crazy. Climbing everywhere, it seems to be trying to find out what exactly was shining.

Unfortunately, they can't find anything.

Lin now confirms that the 'Deep Sand Bus' should be a rather huge creature. It is quite spacious in the body. It may be much larger than the giant jellyfish that Lynd has ever seen, and may be bigger than Behemoth.

Lynn is not sure if it is a kind of Aztec, or a creature that has a symbiotic relationship with them.

No matter which aspect, the mystery of this giant creature is more and more, because Lynn has not seen what it eats, nor has it seen it drilled into the sand.

More research is necessary...

Soon, several days and nights have passed, and Leviathan has used the time of the gallops several times before reaching the upper reaches of the river and seeing the position of the giant wood.

"Homeland!" As soon as I saw the giant wood in front of me, the brain worm shouted excitedly. This time, Lin did not receive any attack. Leviathan raised her eye and touched it. This is a huge tree with its trunk. Even around many clouds, Lin couldn't see the top of it, and its width was more than 50 meters wide. Many flying arthropods flew around the surface of this giant tree, they dug on the bark. Caves live, while others use twigs to stick to the bark to build nests.

The flowing water of the river rushes from above, which seems to be no longer called a river, but a 'waterfall'.

How long is this tree so long?

Leviathan walked under the giant tree and looked up at the huge trunk that towered into the clouds, slowly stretching out the wings from the carapace.

There seems to be a special situation in the twisted woods. There is no extension to the ‘home tree’ distance, so there is a circle of open space around the tree at home, where Leviathan can take off.

"Flight! Flight!" The brain worm saw Leviathan open his wings and seemed to be quite excited. It began to scream, but the move made it almost roll and fall.

"Stop shaking and get ready to fly."

Leviathan extended his tentacles to stabilize the brain worm. This creature does not have any limbs that can grasp Leviathan. It is easy to roll down and fall into a meat paste. After confirming the stability, Leviathan fans his wings to rise to the sky. Go, Lin also wants to see what the environment is like.

As the Leviathan rises, the surrounding environment begins to become dwarf. The height of the twisted tree in this area is about 30 meters or so. It is not too high. The twisted tree of the flash woodland can grow up to more than 100 meters. So that a good 'sand-proof wall' can be formed, and the height of the 'home tree' is...

Although it hasn't reached the top yet, according to Lin's calculation, there may be more than two hundred meters.

Leviathan flew down the waterfall and approached a cloud. Lynn wondered how the clouds here would float so low. When Leviathan touched the clouds, they suddenly dispersed, and the 'clouds' became There are countless small creatures full of white fluff, which spin around their bodies and scatter around.

This is quite interesting.

When Lin looked at these little creatures, a waterfall with a hooked tooth suddenly rushed out of the waterfall next to it! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass,

Ps: Thanks ~ Jun does not love Changan ~ Oh, little white ~ 588~!

Thanks ~ soul seeker ~ wdn9494520 ~ oceophylla ~ rewards ~

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