4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 197: Trace of transmission

"After the first transfer, the transmitter will leave some traces in the area. This can also be called a 'transfer trace', which is also a residual energy."

" Moreover, each object produces different transmission traces, just like different types of creatures will leave different footprints when walking. Different shapes and sizes of warships will leave different transmission traces after transmission, as long as they are detected. Traces, you can find out what kind of warships have been transmitted in this place..."

"But this is just one of the ways they discovered the invasion. According to my speculation, 'black metal' has long been mixed into this group of hairless creatures, but their whereabouts are exposed, may be brain parasitic The objects are discovered, or for other reasons, causing them to attack the hairless creatures only by direct intrusion, while the hairless creatures first detect the transmission of black metal, so they will prepare in advance and build a shelter... ”

"The most important part is the kind of detection device. As long as this is made, you can know where the black metal has been transmitted. It is very clear that it is clear from where they come from."

In the research institute of Yunhai, the instructor is sending the information he has made to Lin. It has recently created a 'brain wave input device', which is made according to the imaging device of the virtual people, but with the hand The mode of operation has been changed to operate with brain waves. This image device has a 'brain wave sensor' that can react to various brain waves received.

Therefore, the teacher can input a large amount of information on it as long as he can use his brain.

Let it be studied. Very interesting look.

Lin looked at the information, and the situation should be like this. The hairless creature may have discovered the brain parasitic black metal. Then the way to mix into the group, black metal will use the direct attack method.

However, how does a hairless creature make a detector? How do they know to make it? When was it made, and everything didn’t understand.

At that time, all kinds of techniques were much worse than the virtual people, but some were better than the virtual people, such as the ‘astronomy’ part.

Their understanding of the void. It seems to be much higher than the virtual people, they know more about the operation of the galaxies that calculate the void.

but. They did not mention how the detectors were invented, but it didn't matter because they mentioned how the detectors were made.

Lin looked at the ‘drawings’ of the detectors in the data. This thing looked like a large imaginary telescope made by the virtual people. It is a huge cylindrical object, which may be several tens of meters in size...

At first, they used this kind of thing to detect that black metal was transported into a large number of warships from the nearby void, but those warships did not attack immediately, so they had the opportunity to prepare.

According to the data, they seem to be able to detect black metal transmission from a great distance.

Because the transmission is an instant, and the concealment of black metal is difficult to find through direct observation, but the main detection of traces, you can know how many ships have been transmitted.

And they also know that they are not. So I started to build a shelter...

So, Lin made this kind of thing and could find the place along the black metal 'footprint'.

but. This kind of thing does not seem to be made of conventional materials. There is a special material mentioned here as the main part of the detector...

Other parts are basically metal and mechanical structures. These things are fairly well made, but this main part seems to use a strange thing...

From the picture, it looks like a huge crystal, and this kind of thing will react to the transmission traces.

Where can I get this kind of thing? It is said above that they were dug up from the nearby 'satellite'.

But now there is no satellite in this world. There is nothing around, it is a very lonely world...

but. Maybe you can use another method.

Because the world suddenly appears in this place, suddenly able to be so far away from all stars, there is only one possibility, that is... it is transmitted.

Send the whole roller? This kind of thing is not completely impossible. In fact, the 'month' should be a world transmitted between two galaxies.

And this snow and ice roller, it is also about the size of the moon...

But the most important thing is that Lin has always wanted to figure out a question, is whether these tumblings are empty buses... After they have grown up, maybe every empty bus will become a tumbling person when they grow up, though They don't look as "spiritual" as they used to be, but they may still be alive.

This is what Lynn has always wanted to study, but now I still deal with the current problem.

If the tumbling person is transferred from elsewhere to this location and becomes a wandering world, then the galaxies it has been waiting for can be found by transmitting.

Now, the huge pompoms are still parked at the surface, and Lin let it slowly rise to the sky and fly to the transmission point in the void.

As the flight grew higher, Lin looked at the ice world below. This place actually has a lot of mysteries.

Because, after it is transmitted, it will be greatly affected by the gravitational influence of the original stars and satellites.

However, the residents of the refuge actually could not feel anything, as if there were no such things as massive earthquakes...

Very strange.

But if it is alive, it's not surprising, because there is always a way for a creature to stabilize its body.

Thinking, Lin let the Void Bus Cubs in the virtual people send a conveyor to the pompon.

So now, let this pompon pass to the nearest transfer point.

Maybe, you can reach the galaxy that lived before the hairless creature...

Speaking of it, you shouldn’t always call them hairless creatures, then it’s called...

It seems to have come to a strange place.

When Lin thought about it, the surrounding scenery also appeared. This is the scenery after the transfer. However, Lynn only passed the cub to the nearest transfer point. I don't know if this is the place where the tumbling person passed.

In front of Lynn’s eyes, there was a dazzling giant ball of light.

A star? The distance from the pompom is far away, but its light is already very bright...

And nearby... there seems to be no tumbling.

Maybe not here... Wait, what is that? (To be continued)

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