4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 199: familiar place


Go back to the familiar place.

Here is a huge space, and Lin is now in this space, looking at the surrounding environment.

Although the environment is not familiar, the feeling here is very familiar...

Here is the dream world of black metal. Why come here again?

It seems to have something to do with the square in the museum.

In fact, the first time I saw that square... Lin felt it was like a black metal dream box.

It’s invisible to see the environment here, but when connected into a dream, there will be a feeling of entering a very huge world, which is unique to the black metal dream...

This kind of dream box is not black metal. Although black metal will make a similar one, in fact, before the black metal meets them, these squares appear in the void.

And this group of hairless creatures 'Atlan' may have acquired a piece by chance.

Maybe they were discovered by black metal because they got this kind of thing?

But why is this thing still preserved? Why haven't you been taken away by black metal? Speaking of it, this space station has not been traced by attacks.

Why do the creatures living here abandon the space station?

A lot of questions, but let's go find the creator first. Now that I have come in this dream... Lin wants to see how it is now.

However, there is still a question, is... What is it here?

This space is a white space, the ground is like a snowy feeling, and the sky is nothing that there is nothing... it feels like the surface of the wandering ice and tumbling.

But it is not cold here. It seems to belong to the range of normal temperature.

I don't know if it is in the area managed by the brains... Or in other places?

If you do this, you don’t know where to go. But before that...

Lin first woke up from the dream.

Because this time connecting to the dream is a small pioneer... Lin thinks it will be more convenient when the things that fly will be linked in. Therefore, Lin wants to put in a small pompom to connect, as for this little pioneer, continue to check the surrounding environment here.

There seems to be a lot of things in this museum.

... In this way, it has been a while.

Lin has almost watched the things in the entire museum. The things placed here are quite mixed, and there are many 'ancient' items. These items are estimated to be brought from the world in which they lived.

Then there are the items in the void, some rare and strange objects found in the void, and the fossils, models and...

Those creatures in the fossil... Lin almost never seen it.

But some species are very similar to the evolutionary creatures of Maoyu, and they always feel that they have some connections.

Most of those models are models of ‘famous buildings, which have never been seen before, but Lynn has seen some buildings like pyramids.

There is no record of their history here, so the little pioneers left the museum and moved to other rooms.

And a small pompom that comes in from the outside. Also connected to the box, Lin began to explore in the dream.

but. Lynn is not just connected to a pompom.

Lin has connected a total of ten pompons. After entering the dream, they quickly flew in different directions and explored multiple places.

In this case, it should be easy to find the export of this ice and snow world.

In the process of searching... Lin is also imagining that if this can be connected to a large number of arms, it may be possible to connect an army.

As long as the nerve line touches the square, it can be connected into the dream. Although the area of ​​the square is limited, Lin only needs to do a lot of small nerve lines, and then each one is connected to a battleship of several hundred meters long. Bringing a large army into the world...

Brain Spirit's defense against the dream world is very weak. If you enter an army, it is very simple to destroy the whole dream...

It should be said that destroying the brains in dreams is simple.

And this dream has more secrets, so the creator wants to get it.

But now, let's connect some pompoms first to observe the situation.

It seems that that is the export...

A flying pompom found the end of the world of ice and snow, and there was a huge wall in front of it that looked exactly like ice.

The world likes to use this invisible wall as a space between the area and the area.

Lin suddenly thought that if a large number of troops were introduced, it might be difficult to open such a wall in a normal attack.

This type of wall usually has some way to open, but it only opens a small mouth, and it is possible that a giant object cannot pass. In this case, only a small army can be found.

And on this wall, what way will it open?

The pompoms flew under the wall and looked carefully. There are no signs of entrance, but there are cracks in some places. These cracks are very straight and very suspicious at first glance.

So, the pompom flew to the cracks and pulled the cracks hard with the fluff.

'boom! ’

Suddenly, the sound of the opening of the wall sounded, and the crack slowly expanded into a circular exit with a diameter of more than three meters...

The pompom flew into the exit. After a tens of meters long snow tunnel, the pompom saw a mark...

Accurately speaking, it is a signboard, and it is back to the side, and when you look around the signboard, you can see that ‘this place is not developed, it is in the blockade stage, it is forbidden to enter’...

Is it also the blocked area?

If you fly forward, you will be able to see the familiar scenes, a darkness, and a radiant avenue in the dark, leading to the wall of ice.

There are still many small martyrdoms on this avenue. It should have reached the territory of the brain, and this snow and ice area is also blocked. But there seems to be no such strictness of the blockade that the creator entered before.

There is only one sign here, not even sealed.

Maybe because there is no dangerous relationship, and look at the above, maybe the brain is ready to develop this place...

I don't know if it is close to the creator's area, maybe it should...

There are also a lot of road signs here.

There are many road signs at the entrance to the ramp around the illuminated avenue. These signs are written in black metal language. Lin found that there is a martyr that reads ‘to the next blockade.’ (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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