4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 202: Western continent

"Here... where should I go?"

A creature called a scholar is in a green world...

This is a jungle, towering trees shelter the sun in the sky, and scholars can only see the weird trees in the field of vision and the strange sounds echoing in the jungle.

Scholars and brain-creating geniuses were thrown into the continent, and then they left, and the purpose of these creatures was completely unpredictable.

Then, the brain-killing monster also ran away. It said that it would give scholars a return, but it never responded.

Scholars did not wait for it on the beach, but they entered the jungle.

This jungle, it has been heard.

In fact, this continent, scholars also know... This is the 'Western continent', also known as the dinosaur continent.

What scholars have studied in the past is the news about this continent. It is also the most interested in this continent.

Because this is where the creator once lived, and this continent has become like this after many revival by the creators.

It is also the birthplace of Xiaolong, Jade Dragon and Bailulong.

Scholars have always wanted to look at this place, but... it should be a time to prepare for it, instead of being suddenly thrown here...

Now, the scholar still holds its imaging device in his hand, which is its only equipment.

It can only believe in this thing, and it can make it dangerous.

This forest is said to be the place where ‘Lin’ once lived. There should be a base here, if it is found, it will be safe.

but. Scholars don't know where the base is. So I had to take a step and take a step.

but. It’s hungry now, or it’s better to eat something first...

Thinking, the scholar looked at the plants next to it. There are some plants that remember the name and remember which ones to eat.

Scholars soon saw a tree with a golden fruit that was edible for the virtual people.

However, there is only one fruit left now. It seems that this tree is very popular,

The scholar climbed the tree that was not tall, and took off the last fruit, but when the scholar climbed down the tree and prepared to eat it...

"Oh..." With a strange cry, three creatures appeared in front of them...

"This is one of...a kind of mahogany?" The scholar looked at the three furry creatures, which were only 30 centimeters long, and the length of the fluff was almost obscured by the whole body, only the eyes were exposed.

They used this exposed eyes to stare at the scholars, but also looked at the fruits of the scholars...

Scholars are nervous because sometimes the creatures that look small and weak are actually very ferocious. But... After a few tens of seconds, these gems are still staring at it. There is no way to plunder.

However, scholars have produced a strange feeling...

A feeling that I really want to give fruit to them.

As long as they look at Mao Yu's eyes, scholars have a very ‘sympathetic’ mood, and they can't help but give them fruit.

"Right, this kind of jade is..."

The scholar suddenly remembered that it had read the information of this jade.

This kind of jade is called ‘the savourer's jade,’ and their appearance has been evolving to a small and soft appearance. Although they act quickly, they rarely find food on their own.

Their food is all ‘seeking’.

This kind of jade will give off a special pheromone that will evoke the ‘sympathy’ emotions of other creatures, or the kind of emotions that are similar to the care of future generations.

Most of them are social groups and solitary creatures.

Because of this emotional influence, they will give food to Maoyu, and even if they don't give it, they will allow Maoyu to eat together.

These feathers have also achieved their goal, they only need to consume food at a small price.

Scholars have found that although they know the purpose of Maoyu, they are hard to bear this emotion. Because the individual creatures are rich in emotions, the pheromone of Maoyu will be more effective.

"Oh..." Finally, scholars couldn't help but hand the fruit to them.

After Maoyu got the fruit, she ran away with the fruit in an instant, and the influence of pheromone disappeared quickly. A very regretful emotion came into the mind of scholars.

"The creatures here are really...special."

Scholars who have no way have to continue to move forward... And in the next jungle journey, it has seen a lot of things, too many wonderful things on this continent.

It is like a huge zombie evolution, as well as bizarre plants, and carnivores that want to rush out to kill it.

However, the scholar's device has a squeak of recording the dragon, which seems to be quite effective in scaring the small carnivorous creatures.


Under the roar of a dragon, a group of siege scholars called ‘Jade Jade’ all fled.

Some of Maoyu evolved into harmless species, while others were powerful carnivorous creatures. The scholars breathed a sigh of relief as they watched the creatures fleeing into the jungle.

Scholars have encountered a lot of creatures here, because the video device has been on, and the power is not enough now. It needs to be recharged.

But now, unless it climbs to the top of the tree, it is not visible to the sun. This jungle is almost completely obscured by the shade of trees, and at the bottom is a dark night.

"That is..." The scholar suddenly had a bright light in front of him. It found that the jungle had come to an end, and it immediately ran to the place where the light came in!

Is the front plain? Or is it a wasteland? Scholars run faster and faster, and the sun in front is getting brighter...

"Ah-!" And when the scholar ran through the two trees that finally blocked the sun, it found a huge rift in front of it, and it almost fell into it...

"Right, here..."

Looking at the rift in front of the eyes, scholars think of the information it sees. If you want to enter the dinosaur continent, you will have to go through a rift that is ten kilometers wide. The dark rift does not see the bottom, but scholars feel screaming. The cold wind came from below ^

‘Hey! With a scream, a pterosaur flew out of the bottom of the valley, and it swept through the eyes of the scholar, rushing straight into the sky.

There is this creature here...

The scholar looked at the pterosaur in the sky and looked at the canyon in front. This is an obstacle that it could not cross, but the scholar did not think of going there, but it really wanted to see the creator of the creator, and the jade dragon. , Bai Qianlong's previous city.

Wait, what is that...

Scholars suddenly saw that there were a lot of houses on the canyon cliff on the right side of it.

These houses are all made of bones.

"These... are gnomes?"

Scholars know that there is also a kind of dwarf in this place, but they are different from the ‘go friendly’ gnomes in Xiaolong, the group of gnomes here are very...crazy.

Scholars feel that the farther they are from, the better.

"Wow!" But as the scholar turned and was about to leave, there were two gnomes in front of it.

“Oh oh?” The gnome squinted and looked at it with curiosity.

Scholars, with some horror, looked at the things in a gnome.

That thing looks like a pipe, but it is actually...**.

Scholars have read the information. After the gnomes here discovered the explosives by chance, they liked this kind of thing. They have now learned to collect explosives from natural materials.

"Wow!" Suddenly, a gnome screamed and a large number of gnomes appeared in the surrounding trees.

They look at scholars with curiosity. These gnomes like things that they haven't seen before, especially creatures. They like to do all sorts of things about creatures to test it.

For example, feeding the other side with excrement, tying it up with an explosion, or throwing it off a cliff is possible...

And they seem to want to do these things for scholars. The scholar is behind the rift, and it has almost no way to retreat...

‘嗡——’ Suddenly, a strange voice was introduced into the minds of scholars.

This sound also affected the gnomes, they all looked very painful, and they all returned to the grass.

In the face of scholars, there is a creature that is very familiar to him...

"You are missing." This creature is the brain-building monster.

"But I found you here." The brain-raising sent a message to the scholar: "You have survived because of me."

"..." The scholar looked at the brains and did not speak.

Although it is said that the brains have saved it, scholars do not know what the brains are thinking.

"There is still a lost treasure on this land." The brain-stricken monster said: "If you go looking for me with me, there will be interesting things."

“Going to find?” The scholar wondered: “Where to go?”

"Go to the place we used to live in, it is very far away."

Although the brain-creating seems to be asking, but this time it did not send out the brainwave that attracted scholars. It seems that it is entirely decided by the scholars to go.

"No," the scholar said. "It's too dangerous. I have to be fully prepared to continue traveling."

"Is it?" After the brain messenger sent the message, it turned and ran away.

"What the creature is thinking about..." The scholars felt very strange when they looked at the brain-building monsters that ran into the jungle.

However, scholars do not want to take care of it, because now the most important thing is to find the base here, otherwise it may be difficult ... to live.

The scholar recalled the place that had just passed. It found that there were several places that might be more promising. It immediately returned to the jungle...

However, is it not looking for it?

This kind of thing depends only on the scholar's own efforts, because Lin did not look at it.

Lin is in another place... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ little small shrimp ~ lmxy ~ monthly ticket ~

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