4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 207: Release and hunt

'boom! ’

Under the roar of the explosion, the ball of fluff flew rapidly in the corridor of the prison.

Behind the pompoms is a large group of jailers who fly at a speed similar to pompons and are chasing after them.

'boom! Another explosion exploded behind the pompoms. Under the impact, the pompoms flew out and slammed into the wall.

From the beginning, Lynn discovered that these things not only capture the target in a way like a parcel.

They also shoot some glowing **** that can cause huge explosions.

When the pompoms flew out of the control room, they encountered this large group of jailers who had been chasing the pompons until now... the pompoms seemed to have been caught by them.

"...It's hard to confirm." "No area found." "Where is it?"

The pompoms are now under the wall, surrounded by a large group of jailers, but they do not immediately grasp the pompoms, but communicate with each other in the language of the brain.

‘Only wandering in prison, no intelligence, no thought creatures’, the creators describe them like this.

But Lynn believes that they are much smarter than the creators described. They have ideas, communicate, and cooperate.

Although...has not been as smart as the general brain.

They may think that the pompoms escaped from a cell, but they are not. They hesitate because they don't know where the pompom is, so it is not easy to catch the pompom.

However, Lin's pompoms have no way to escape, and the impact of the explosion seems to have damaged somewhere inside.

in this world. Can't feel the cells. Any creatures that come in are a whole. This whole will die when it suffers too much damage, and it can't be repaired by controlling cells.

"Unable to confirm." "Kill it." "You can only do that."

After discussing for a while, these jailers decided how to treat this pom-pom.

"No... you are killed, you are."

And when they decided, the pompons responded to them in the language of the brain.

"What?" The jailers apparently stunned a little, and the wall behind the pompoms suddenly sounded ‘咔...’ and slowly rose.

"Hey!" After the raised wall, a huge creature rushed out. A group of prisoners under the wall were suddenly knocked out by it. They were pressed against the wall behind them and instantly became a broken light group.

The jailer seems to have no way to respond to this sneak attack.

Lin looked at the back of the creature that rushed out. This creature seems to be a relatively rare multicellular creature. The name of this creature is... ‘Mammy’.

This creature seems to come from the world of Atlan. Lynn saw their information in the Atlan space station. When they left the original world, they took away some of the creatures that they have cultivated so far, even Brought to the skating of the snow and ice.

And this head seems to be captured by black metal. Put it in prison.

Although the creature with long curved teeth does not look as strong as non-multicellular creatures, it seems simple to hit the jailer.

In fact, Lin was before the prison. I'm not sure if it will hit, but Lynn also notices that the creatures trapped in these cells will inexplicably have a strong hatred towards the jailer who wanders around the hall all day, so the possibility of attack immediately Very high.

However, this wounded pompom seems to have no way to recover immediately. It can only look at the huge mammoth and leave this place and go to other prison corridors.


When the mammoth just turned into another passage, Lynn heard the screams from it and heard the sound of its huge body falling to the ground.

"Move." "Move in that direction." "There was a problem in that place."

Through the image of the surveillance area, Lin saw the situation there.

The huge mammoth fell to the ground, and its head seemed to be blown up by the blood, and in the body, a large number of jailers kept flying in one direction, and in the process of flying, still Keep talking.

But they are not flying in the direction of the injured pompom, but flying in the other direction.

Is it their goal to have two other pompons?

Lin's other two pompons are also in action. A pompon is still watching the movement of the prison in the surveillance area. This place can not only see the images everywhere, but also hear the sound from the images.

"It's there." "It must be stopped." "The order must be maintained."

The jailers kept talking. They looked like they were communicating, and they were talking to themselves, but they acted quite quickly, and they all rushed to the surveillance area.

Before Lin remembers, they will not do this. When these jailers are chasing the 'Jailbreaker', they will soon give up after they can’t find it. They will not chase after the chase, and they will not unite like this. action.

Can you say... brain spirit strengthens them?

Because the creators and pompons have made a lot of things in their dreams, the brain strengthens these jailers and makes them more efficient and united in order to avoid any further mistakes.

Although I don't know how they are strengthened, it is.

In this case, it is a little better.

The injured pompom is currently in place, and the pompom that was originally in communication with Atlane quickly flew to the nearest control room.

In the surveillance area, the pompoms still watched the jailers rushing over, because there were almost no jailers near this place, they took a while to arrive.

Lynn noticed a group of nearest jailers...

‘Hey! The pompoms in the control room immediately opened all the cells in the corridors on both sides.

'boom! 'Except for a few creatures that didn't come out, these creatures, like Lin thought, slammed into the jailer. The prisoners flying in the corridor were suddenly hit by the creatures that rushed out on both sides, because most of them are 'stones'. Quality creatures, they are crushed in an instant.

In the back of some jailers who were not crushed, they immediately rushed to wrap the creatures that escaped.

But at this moment, Lin let the pompoms open more cells and put all the creatures nearby.

After being released, the pompoms flew out of the control room and flew to the control room of another area.

Now, Lin intends to start releasing all the creatures here and let them go outside the prison. After the influx of the black metal dream, Lin will start the next step. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!

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