4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 220: Energy and treatment


As a creature who likes to use machinery, they not only consume food, but also consume a lot of energy to maintain the machinery and buildings they build.

Where did the energy get? It seems to be taken from something special that emits energy that is used by the crystallizer.

However, what kind of energy is this energy?

"It's such a thing." Now, the spy is watching a crystal squirrel stuffing a small thing into the opening on the ground.

After it was stuffed in, the opening automatically merged in an instant, and the ground also had a slight sense of vibration. It was transferring energy to the buildings on both sides of the wall.

Unlike buildings, the energy used by crystal larps is common, that is, like a virtual people, a huge energy plant supplies energy to all buildings.

The energy plant is built on the ground beneath the feet of the Lin spies. It is a hugely complex structure that transfers energy to all buildings.

Because this floor is used as an energy plant, any building is built on it.

However, there is no way to continuously send energy. The crystallizer needs to replenish it frequently. Usually, the time for replenishment is not fixed. The crystallizer will plug it whenever it finds energy.

What is stuffed into is a square-shaped object, where energy is said to be stored, and most of the crystallizers carry this square to collect energy when they are looking for food.

And most importantly, when they are not collected, these energies are enough for them to be used for a long time. exactly. It is enough that they use these metal clusters to turn around their stars three times.

Although I don't know how fast the turn is. But obviously it can be used for quite a long time.

Lin feels that these things can not only be used by the crystals, but also for Lin. Lin has always wanted to find some new energy sources. At present, Lin still uses the original energy, that is, relying on combustion and the like as the source of jet power.

Although there is nothing wrong with this way of using energy, Lin believes that he wants to find a long-lasting energy use that takes up a small position. And mainly there is a need for an energy source that does not explode.

Most energy plants will explode when they are hit, so it feels more troublesome.

At present, Lin found several options, some of which have higher energy efficiency, but they are even more dangerous when they explode...

The virtual people have something called a 'fusion reactor', which is usually used on warships. It is different from what was discovered in the meteorite area in the past. It can be said that it is a more powerful type. Lin thinks that if they invented this earlier, the ocean It will not be polluted. Because this kind of energy can generally generate electricity without pollution.

Because of the late invention, the ocean of the virtual people has been polluted. Therefore, the virtual people agreed that it is not necessary to use more people and resources to remove the underwater power plants, so their oceans have always maintained that way.

However, even if they are demolished, they can't remove the pollution in the ocean. The virtual people understand this, so they still use the previous power station.

But in general, it is because the construction of the previous power station is too much. The dismantling does not know how much virtual currency it will cost, so no country is willing to pay the fee.

Lin feels that if it is a general, it is definitely willing to go out. After all, after transforming into a pollution-free power station, even if the current pollution will not be removed, there will be more opportunities for recovery... but the general may not care about this. Things.

Unlike the 'fission' version that was previously found in the meteorite area, Lynn feels that this 'fusion' has value. However, Lin has not used it at present, mainly because after transmission, Lin feels that the energy used for navigation does not matter. It is.

But after seeing this kind of energy of the crystal owl, Lin feels that it can still update the use of energy. If it is hit, it will not explode immediately, so it can be easily repaired no matter what damage.

Therefore, Lynn intends to study whether the energy is used or not.

"You are here!" When thinking about it, a spoiler came in front of the spy.

Giggle, it just told me that other crystallizers have things about spies. Just like before, it just tells one, this thing will soon spread in the group of crystals.

In general, the crystal bristles coming from that place are a wonderful thing for the crystal bristles here, but the giggles don't seem to be happy.

It looks very nervous now, it ran up quickly and said to the spy with a shock: "You are sick!"

"What?" The spy sent a doubtful response.

"This is the result of the test just now." Giggle said: "You must receive treatment right away!"

The result of the test... Is that test just now?

The spies carried out some 'detections' in the giggling room before coming here to see the energy loading of these gems.

Giggle originally wanted to tell Lin about all the crystal larvae here, but before that, it thought that there should be some 'physical examinations' to check whether the body is normal.

Lin felt that it was not necessary, but it seems that the test is a very important thing for the crystallizer, so Lin gave it a little test.

Lynn feels that this kind of test may reveal the true identity of the spy, but it seems that something unexpected happened.

"Hurry up, or it will be quite dangerous!" Glancing constantly using high-frequency vibrations to express its tension and excitement, it climbed up and pulled the spy of Lin to forcefully: "Must go to the 'hospital'!"

... In this case, let's go and see, Lin suddenly wants to see what their 'hospital' looks like.

Thinking, Lin followed the giggling wall.

Because it is in the void, as long as the target is forced to jump, it will soon fly to where you want to go, such as a huge building on the wall...


The building is a huge building about 30 centimeters in diameter. It looks like a blooming ‘big king flower’, and of course it is made of mechanical metal.

In the structure of the building like a petal, many crystallizers are driving the machinery they drive on.

When the clucking and Lin's spies fell in front of the building, they immediately ran and pulled the levers in front of the building. The crystal larks immediately left their machinery and the whole building began to deform quickly.

The original structure of the petals is all together, from the shape of the blooming to the appearance of the flower bud.

“This is a repair shop.” The giggles explained to Lin: “But when there is a need, it will become a hospital.”

After that, the giggles and spies entered this place like a flower bud.

There is nothing in it, except for a lot of box-shaped things.

"Your illness is 'the unprotected thing'." Giggle said to Lin: "So it must be added, otherwise it will be exposed to the environment and it will be easily swallowed by those things."

"What you said is..." The spy hadn't had time to ask it. He ran away quickly, and it ran to the corner of the hall, where there was also a lever.

It pulled it hard, and Lin found that the top of the hall had a lot of mechanical arms protruding. These robotic arms quickly stretched out and caught the body of the spy.

"Don't move, you need to put them one by one." Gig quickly ran to the spy's side and said to the spy: "There is still a lot of reserves here, so don't worry."

After it was finished, Lin found that there were many smaller robotic arms that were holding a small black sphere that placed the small sphere on every part of the spy body. The placed spheres will quickly spread out and slowly disappear.

Is this the case...

Thinking, Lin adjusted the eyes of the spy and adjusted it to a 'micro mode' so that she could see very small things.

Lynn found that each of the spheres put in is a group of activities. After the objects are placed, they will quickly spread out and spread to various places on the spy's outer shell.

So, the s disease that the spy got is the disease.

These tiny active objects have been seen before, and they are many of the black metal crystal larvae, a tiny, metal-like creature.

They are also many types, and the more common ones are sea urchins.

It may have been detected before, and it was found that there was no such thing in the spy, so it thought that the spy was sick, so he was nervously brought to the hospital with a spy.

If you say this... There are also immune creatures on the crystal larvae here. They may be preventing other microbes from invading the crystal larvae.

Moreover, they also store a lot of these creatures, so in the absence of these, a crystallizer can do a 'treatment supplement' here.

This kind of creature does not seem to distinguish the difference between spies and general crystal larvae. They quickly stayed in the spies and did nothing strange.

Lynn feels that this creature seems to have no small value, not only the black metal crystal scorpion, but also the large warships of black metal are covered with these tiny defenders to prevent micro-level attacks.

Lin believes that Lynn’s warships can also take advantage of them. These things are quite useful...

............ soon after.

"It's gone now." After seeing the re-test after the 'treatment', the clench finally got relieved of the spy.

Lin found that they don't detect the body, only the outside of the body. It may be for the crystallizer to see the condition in the body.

"You can now go to the place you said before." Giggle said to Lin: "The place has a lot of energy, and there are many... dangerous." (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated.) fast!

Ps: Thanks ~advancer18~ radish head No. 1 ~ Tibetans in the book ~ Stardust Dust ~ Old fish with a moon ~


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