4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 224: Lost team

"General, this is the result of the current exploration."

In the transmission zone of the virtual people, huge warships are on standby in the air.

The general looked at the huge image in front of him, where there was a huge void of garbage dumps, and countless metal clusters were slowly floating.

Under this big picture, there are also a lot of small pictures, and some small things are displayed on each small picture...

Like oddly shaped metal parts, square floating objects, and a huge metal mass...

These things prove that the general's eyes are not just ordinary garbage dumps, there are many strange things inside.

"It’s time to gather." The general said to the operator on the side: "Let those who come back to explore."

"Yes, all the teams are heading to the meeting place..." The operator said: "But there is a problem... It seems that the captain can't contact."

"The captain..." The general looked at a huge metal group in the picture: "It has been going to explore that place for a long time. Is there any secret there?"

"Yes, now other aircraft are ready to go there and see."

In the void, among the numerous floating metal clusters, nine virtual aircrafts named ‘Monster Hunter Type 10’ slowly gathered together.

Not long ago, they were scattered by the captain's command to explore =, after some exploration, they gathered again because of the general's new orders, ready to analyze and confirm the information obtained.

However, they found that the captain could not be contacted, in the absence of a solution. They can only go to the position of the captain's aircraft.

And now the captain. Where is it...?


"Hey. Who is going where?"

"I don't know... we shouldn't continue to explore..."

"But we don't even know how to go out now... How did we get here?"

The light on the armor illuminates the dark space around, and the five virtual people are now in the depths of the metal group.

There are only broken metal blocks around it, as well as floating liquid substances.

The most important thing is that there are no accesses around these imaginary people, all of which are walls made of dense metal, and these imaginary people are like amnesia. I can't think of how to get to this place.

However, they still have the only channel in front of them.

There is a wall in front of the imaginary people that is not composed of a lot of broken metal, but a complete metal wall. This wall makes the virtual people feel strange, but also sees the hope of leaving.

Because, on the wall, there is a circular door with a diameter of two meters, which seems to be open.

"It looks strange here... Captain, but it seems to be the only way."

The imaginary people climbed to the front of the gate because there was no gravity. The way forward is not to go but to climb.

"Yeah..." As the captain who formed this exploration, and liked to explore it, he began to regret this decision. But it has no choice now.

"Then open this up...but how do you open it?"

The door does not seem to have any way to open it. There is no handle, no password to open anything, and there is no open method that everyone knows.

But if you stay here, the oxygen will slowly drain out... they must hurry to find the way back.

It turns out that... these imaginary people are scattered in many places, and the captain is here.

Now, Lin is watching the situation of the virtual people here.

However, Lin did not specifically look at them, but the tunnel that had previously found the body of the virtual people had come to this place.

This place seems to be the edge of the blockade, and a thick metal wall separates the air inside and the airless space outside.

The crystal larva enters the back of the wall through a multi-layered small door on the wall. These small doors are usually transparent. Now, Lin's spy is looking at the outside virtual people behind a small door on the wall.

It seems that even a creature as large as a virtual person has a special entrance, but does not know how to open it.

But the strange thing is, why are they coming here? Is it ‘eating’ like it was before? However, since it has been experienced once, the captain should be prepared for it.

The imaginary people who come in and explore are not only them, but also the imaginary people are in other places. Lin feels that they should be observed...because the creatures that operate the armor may be found.

Lin did not find the creatures that operated the armor before, but Lin saw some traces left by it.

After the spy got into the hand guard, he didn’t see anything. After Lin planned to open the hand and drill it, he found a hole in the back of the hand guard.

The creature seems to have escaped from the hole. According to the shape of the hole, it seems to be dissolved, but it is impossible to judge what creature...

Therefore, Lin wants to take a look here, will the creatures come here to attack these virtual people so that they can fully understand them...

But the virtual people here seem to have encountered difficulties and they cannot enter this place.

"Try it this way!"

A imaginary man slammed the door on the wall. Under the impact, the door still did not move at all.

However, the virtual people may not feel it, but Lin can clearly hear a sound here...

After the virtual people hit the door, something in the door started to work, feeling like the sound of mechanical operation.

"What to do? Captain, only 10% of the spare oxygen is left!"

Looking at the mouth shape in the helmets of the imaginary people, Lin knows what they are saying.

"In this case, I only have to try this." The captain said, taking out something from the storage slot in the armor's leg. It went under the door and put it on the door: "Stay farther, The power of this explosion is still very..."


The captain had not finished, the round door suddenly turned around and slowly rose up...

"The door is open... ah ah!"

The imaginary people looked at the open door in surprise, but as they were surprised, a strong airflow sprang from it, and all the imaginary people present were blowing and slamming into the wall behind them. .

"Ah! There is air inside!" "Hurry up! Come in!"

Lin looked at the screaming face of these virtual people's armor, feeling that there was no sound and it seemed quite interesting...

The imaginary people forcefully grabbed the metal on the ground and supported the gushing airflow to climb forward little by little.

I don't know if the air in the blockade will continue to leak, and there will be no air inside. If that is the case, many of the creatures inside will not be able to live.

Lynn found that many of the creatures in the blockade depend on the air inside, just as common multicellular organisms rely on oxygen.

However, several of the current virtual people have already climbed into the blockade area, relying on the powerful power of armor, they entered the circular door with the storm coming out...

"Go! Go!"

After entering the gate, the imaginary people grabbed the wall or the ground and crawled inside. The captain was the first to enter, and the three virtual people behind him quickly climbed in, but the last virtual person remained.

When it climbed into the door... oh! The rounded door instantly fell, and the body of this imaginary man was tightly clamped under the door!


Lin's spy climbed through the small tunnel to the back of the wall, and could see what happened to these imaginary people. The imaginary being caught is now screaming with tears.

Although Lynn couldn't hear it, the expression on it could be easily understood, and the armor on it was cracked in the strength of the door.

"Come on! Save me! Save..."

The captain and other imaginary people still clung to the wall to prevent themselves from being blown away. The imaginary people could only cry out in powerlessness, but this continued and soon after a few seconds, the gate had fallen, and it was inside. The air also stopped moving outward...

The imaginary people who are caught, the body has been divided into two, half in the inside, half in the outside.

"..." Looking at this situation, the captain and several other virtual people stayed there for a while, until after more than ten seconds, the captain said: "Go."

Several imaginary people walked silently into the passage, while Lin’s spy remained in the same place, watching the imaginary people who were sandwiched in two.

The blood ejected from the section has been rapidly solidified due to the low temperature. A large number of blood crystal fragments float in the surrounding air, and the light on the armor has not been damaged, continuously illuminating the surrounding environment.

Lynn has been staring at it, trying to see if there are any creatures that appear and control their armor.

Lin did not see any creatures appearing.

But... although I didn’t see the creature, the armor of this imaginary man moved up...

Its guards moved their fingers, and the joints at the back were also disconnected, and they were separated from the hands of the virtual people.

At the same time, the helmets, breastplates, and other parts of the virtual people are also untied, just like a reverse wearing process, all of which are separated from the body of the virtual people.

This seems to be a...very weird situation.

However, only the guards with ‘limbs’ can climb, while the other armor are always in the original position, they just loosen.

The two guards climbed into the dark passage and quickly disappeared.

However, after a few tens of seconds, the handgrip climbed back again, and it also carries a lot of ‘likes’, a large group of virtual guards!

In fact, it’s just a dozen, but it should be a hand of a few imaginary people. They climbed onto the half-body’s virtual people, and the guards actually cooperated with each other to pull out their helmets and armor. And then drag them back into the depths of the channel.

Lin’s spy also followed, and Lin wanted to see what was happening here. It seems that there is no biological control of these things at all. (To be continued...)

Ps: Thanks ~ Book Friends 20141106~ rewards~

Thanks ~ King Kong Lux 4th ~ small little shrimp ~ 200530481273 ~ cool Lolo ~ moon ticket ~ r1292


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