4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 236: Deep under salt

"This is... the taste of meat..."

This is a dark cave.

Although the time should have reached the day, this place has continued to be dark, and only the light of the image device in the hand can barely illuminate the surrounding environment.

Scholars have experienced two days and nights in this dark environment.

It found water here and found food. In front of the scholar, there was a small pit that looked like a dry pool filled with a strange plant.

The scholar had chased the salt jade to this place. Although he lost the salt jade, it found that the plant was edible, and it tasted like meat.

Therefore, scholars have already met their own hunger, but it soon encountered new problems... energy problems.

Its imaging device is almost out of power, and scholars rely almost entirely on this thing, whether it is scaring away predators, or finding water, or "nothing wrong" to find food and lighting, etc. must be by the device carry out……

Without it, scholars feel that they can't stay up all night.

Therefore, it has to find a way to get out of here, only to touch the light, to supplement it with energy.

Thinking, the scholar stood up, although it felt a little tired, but now is not the time to sleep.

It has to find a way out faster...

... One step, two steps, the scholar walked in the cave tunnel filled with soft white sand. It remembered that there had been a lot of cave openings leading to the ground before, but now it has no way to go there.

Because it was lost when chasing salt jade. It has no idea where it is now. Although the image has the function of recording a map. But because of the relationship between energy, scholars have not how to open this function.

So, it doesn't know how to go now...

"here is……"

When I thought about it, the scholars found that they had come to a wonderful place. The ground here was covered with sharp stalagmites. These stalagmites were generally one meter high, and some stalagmites still had something like meat.

"Good incense..."

At the same time, scholars smelled the fragrance. It approached a stalagmite with a piece of meat on the tip of the stalagmite. The piece of meat was dry, but it had a faint scent.

Let the scholars really want to... take a bite and try.

However, it does not casually eat such strange things. How does this kind of thing come from? It is still unclear. It may be that some creatures do not have traps. In this non-random world, everything appears. Not surprisingly.

Scholars continue to walk deep into the cave. There are more and more stalagmites here, and one out of every ten stalagmites is inserted with meat.

The taste of these pieces of meat tempts scholars. But scholars have resisted the thoughts they want to eat. These stalagmites seem too suspicious. Although they look like stones, scholars think they are like creatures waiting for hunting.

Scholars have thought that the ethnic group has not eaten real meat for a long time. The ‘meat’ that is eaten now is basically algae synthesis, so the temptation of meat to it is not so great...


When I was thinking about it, the scholar found that he accidentally kicked a stalagmite. This stalagmite instantly spread into three petals like a flower. Each flap was covered with serrations and bit the scholar's leg.

The scholar slammed **** the ‘stalwarth’ that bit his leg. It suddenly made a strange scream, loosened the scholar’s ​​leg and then shrank it to the ground.

"That's right..."

The scholar quickly stepped back and examined the wound on his leg.

These things are quite dangerous...but their hunting methods seem to be aimed at small creatures, so it is not able to swallow the scholars in one bite, just biting the legs.

Looked at the injury on the lower leg, confirming that there is no big problem, this is one of the benefits of the bone creature, the general attack is not easy to hurt them.

Scholars immediately stepped forward and moved away. They carefully avoided the stalagmites. Scholars found that as long as they were slightly close, the stalagmites would react and they would vibrate slightly, seemingly ready to attack...

Finally, after a while, the scholar left the stalagmite area, in front of which was a downward slope.

"When you have been away for so long, have you gone deeper and deeper..."

Looking at the **** in front, the scholar hesitated to go down. If you go back, you have to go through the stalagmites that are full of flesh...

No way... Thinking, the scholar walked over the slope.

"Ah!" At the moment when he stepped on the slope, the scholar suddenly felt his foot slip and his whole body rolled down!

In the rapid rolling, the scholar tried to hold the ground to stop his body, but it found that all the sand was very smooth under the body, and there was no way to stop the body.

‘Hey! ’

Until the scholar hit a thing, its shape stopped.

"This is..." The scholar touched the faint head of the roll. After standing up, he found himself with a lot of white stones in front of him.

The scholar grabbed a stone and when it squeezed it slightly, the stone was pinched.

"It turns out that... there should have been a big, but very brittle stone. I bumped it and smashed it?"

The scholar patted the dust on his body and stood up. It looked around and it was a white cave, but this time it didn't seem to be illuminated by the imaging device.

In front of the scholars, countless fluorescent objects are covered with its horizons. On the walls of the caves, there are a lot of fungi. These fungi have various shapes and exudes brilliant light.

Looking at the radiance of them, the scholar slowly walked over, and under the illumination of the fungus, it took out the imaging device.

There is no way for the fungal fluorescence to charge the device, but scholars still want to experiment, so they come to the biggest side of the 'bacteria wall'.

It is full of huge amounts of fungi, different in shape and variety, with a variety of colors over the walls of the entire cave.

In this wonderful situation, scholars have taken out the imaging device to charge the fungus for charging. Generally speaking, most of the light can be charged, but it must be strong enough.

While charging, scholars are also observing these creatures, and it suddenly discovers a wonderful scene.

"This hyphae... is moving?"

The tiny hyphae on the wall, the scholars found that they squirmed little by little, entwined, and felt like a lot of tiny worms.

"Is this... impossible..."

Scholars have read the data of plague fungi, and some of the things in the data are very similar to the situation here... The scholars could not help but back a few steps in the moment of thinking about this, but it quickly calmed down.

Because scholars think of another kind of biological information, that kind of creature is also a fungus, although it will creep, but it is not so dangerous, but this kind of creeping fungus can't grow by itself, they need specific creatures to grow them, then Is...


There was a voice behind the scholar, and the scholar quickly looked back. It saw a small creature.

The creature is ten centimeters long and looks like a beetle, but the strange thing is that they have only four limbs and may be the limbs with the least limbs.

Moreover, the outer shell of the body emits star-like fluorescence, which looks almost exactly the same as the light of the fungus.

Just as scholars have seen this creature, this creature has also noticed scholars, and under its strange cry, there are more beetles around.

"This is... Chibucha!" Scholars have read the data of these creatures.

These creatures were originally discovered in the northern continent, but there are similar subspecies in other islands, and one subspecies has had a symbiotic relationship with plague fungi.

But after the plague fungus disappeared, they were still completely free of fungi. They planted another fungus and reached a new symbiotic relationship with the fungus, and then lived somewhere.

In the end, where the students lived, the scholars did not see the relevant information, but as they are now, they obviously live in this place, and the size is also changed compared with the scholars in the materials.

However, only one type of arthropod has so few limbs, so scholars can be sure of their identity.

Chibha worms have now gathered more and more, they seem to be very strangely gathered in this place for scholars, and scholars know that they should be wise creatures, and should be able to communicate.

But how should we communicate?


Suddenly, a Chibha worm made a strange sound, which seemed to be caused by the friction between the sheath wings behind them. When the first insect made a sound, other insects followed a similar sound.


The strange sound echoed throughout the cave, making it difficult for scholars to feel uncomfortable.

"This is!" The scholar suddenly felt something behind it. Turning around, he found that the fungus wall behind him was also covered with a lot of odd cloths.

They made a sound while slowly enshrining the scholars...


"Where is this?"

When I opened my eyes again, the scholar found himself in a strange place.

It is still dark around, apparently still in the cave environment, but there is a faint glow that illuminates the surroundings, making it clear.

"I remember that……"

The scholar remembered that it was surrounded by a large number of strange cloths, and then did not know how to faint, and then...

"What is this?"

The scholar suddenly noticed that the surrounding light seemed to be sent out from his own body. The scholar quickly raised his hand and saw that his hand was like a strange cloth, and it radiated a star-like light... (To be continued...)

Ps: Thanks ~ tea and rice knight~ shadows miserable maple ~ rich good ~ 颐 港 港 ~ ~ monthly ticket ~


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