4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 238: New step

What will happen next?

This question is quite interesting...

A little look at the situation in the distance, Lin did not expect that kind of thing will happen, the virtual people will be parasitized by fungi, and it seems like nothing...

This seems worthy of study. Although the virtual people are multi-cellular creatures, they are also considered as alien creatures. They can be mixed with the fungi of Chibbuga. This feeling is like a miracle.

Just like this thing, this thing... is also a wonderful creature.

The ‘civilization platform’, the creator and Lynn call it it.

Lin recently brought the platform of civilization back to the transmission point of the virtual people, and then handed it over to the warships in the transmission point for research. The 'civilization platform' is not actually a metal creature.

This creature looks like a metal heart, but in fact the metal heart is just a shell, and the inside is filled with liquid.

These liquids... can act independently from the metal casing. They are somewhat like amoeba, which can change their shape. Generally speaking, it is suitable for the low temperature of the void, but the elevated temperature does not seem to deteriorate.

What is special is that it has the ability to decompose surrounding objects and recombine them. Some are similar to coral polyps, but they decompose quickly. As for the energy needed for their own growth, they are also obtained from the decomposed objects.

Generally speaking, it can decompose most of the metal in the metal pile, but there are also some objects that cannot be decomposed, but the scope is already very broad.

Lin feels that the 'civilization platform' is like a coral-like creature, and the corals keep making shells until they form huge coral islands for various creatures. The civilized platform is the 'coral' in the void.

This creature does not look like it was made. But it is not certain. Unless the manufacturer is found.

Where is the manufacturer... where?

It seems that the black metal does not know, the creator said so.

At present, Lin intends to let the civilized platform continue to grow. In theory, as long as it gives enough material, it will continue to grow. I don’t know how long it will grow, it is worth looking forward to...

At the time of this, Lin also encountered some problems on the other side.

because. The huge pompom to explore the gas tumbling has been torn.

When approaching the gas tumbling, the pompom felt a strong gravitational pull and was then pulled into the tumbling, almost instantly, and the huge pompom was torn into pieces.

Sure enough, those gas tumbling people are quite dangerous, or is this particularly dangerous?

When the pompoms go in, you can feel the powerful airflow inside, and you can't move freely inside. The pompoms feel like they are pulled by huge forces.

Although the pompon is not strong, it is calculated according to calculations. Now most of the warships entering this gas tumbling will be shredded very quickly, even if they don't break, they can't move at all.

It seems. It is necessary to construct a new type of warship before it is possible to enter such a place...

Although it is called a gas tumbling person, it should not be purely gaseous. Lin believes that there must be a core inside, like land, but the atmosphere is quite thick, so it looks like gas on the outside.

And these gases have always maintained a strong storm state, blocking anything that wants to go in.

Fortunately, before the pompom enters the gas tumbling, all the important things carried by it are transmitted back to the transmission point of the virtual people and handed over to other warships.

Moreover, the place where Lin wants to go is not a gas tumbling, but a star.

The stellar is like a huge fireball. There must be something interesting in it. If you can get in, you will definitely find it, but if you want to go in, you must find the right material.

... However, it seems that it is not the time to do these things, because Lin believes that black metal can not enter that kind of place.

There are still some things to confirm.

Thinking, Lin sent some information to the general.

“Stop exploring?” The general in the transfer area quickly received this message.

“Why stop exploring?”

The general had been watching the virtual people’s exploration of the metal group, and now suddenly let it stop. It seems to be very doubtful...

However, the question that it sent out did not receive Lin, and Lin soon entered the dream again.

Things in the dream should have almost been completed, and should move to the next stage...

After entering the dream, Lin found that the pompom is already in a different place from the last time. This position... Where is it?

The pompoms are in front of a vast ice sheet, and on the ice sheet, there are a lot of creatures in motion.

It seems that the creators have brought them to the right place. This piece of ice sheet should be a blockade area, not a brain spirit place, they can live here.

However, they seem to face some problems.

Moreover, Lin also encountered some problems... When she came in, Lin found that the pompoms were on the ground, and when Lin wanted to fly, she found strange things...

There seems to be an odd gravity here. The pompom can only float about a meter away from the ground and cannot fly to a higher position.

No matter how much, Lin wants to confirm some things, thinking... the pompom flies in one direction.

Flying across a large number of creatures, Lynn saw a huge ice wall.

This is the wall between the brain-inspired area and the blocked area, and under the wall, Lynn can see many glowing creatures gathering there...

Those are brain spirits.

A large number of brain spirits are at the exit of the wall, and a large number of rock creatures surround them.

The brain spirits seem to be unable to fly here. They are blocked by rock creatures and the road can't leave. The pompons can see through the gap between the creatures that the brain spirit seems to be anxious inside, but the brain spirit is not in a daze. They are constantly hitting the blocked rock creatures there.

It seems that although a group of light is making a powerless impact, after being hit by them, the rock creatures will be burnt.

"You came back so soon? Fluff?"

When Lin looked at it, the creator’s voice came from the side, and the creator’s tentacles climbed to the back of the pompom.

"To confirm the situation here." Pompon said to the creator: "Have you already controlled this place?".

"Yes, fluff, here is a new area, not controlled by the brain." The creator said: "It is not like this place, it will let the people feel the fear, I initially controlled this, so that the entrant can not Flying too high, they can't easily enter here, you have noticed, fluff, you fly less than a meter high."

“Can you arbitrarily modify the ‘rules’ here?” The pompon questioned.

"No, there is a fixed 'rule' here." The creator said: "But I can make my own rules to the greatest extent. I want to arbitrarily modify the rules of the world. It may only be possible to control the core...

"It seems to be very difficult, but, fluff, my first step has been successful," the creator said. "Those brains are always trying to attack there. They use a variety of different methods, but they are impossible to What impact, I have completely controlled this snow and ice, here will be the place where I started, slowly and completely destroy the brain."

"So, what do you want to do here, fluff?"

"Bring some creatures..." Pompon said: "Go to the land of fear."

“Why, fluff?” The creator said: “What are you thinking about?”

"There can be some things to do there." Pompon said: "These creatures, you should have brought them here."

As said, the color of the pompon changes, showing some creatures on the surface.

"They are indeed here, fluffy." The creator said: "But why do you want to take them to the world of fear, there is no meaning there."

"There is still use there." Pompon said: "There are some things that the creature fears are very useful. Just let it enter, you can use the things it fears to do something."

"Well... fluff, you can find it in this position." The creator pointed in one direction: "But that is a very useless, fragile creature, you take it with you, can't guarantee its life, and now The exit has been completely occupied by the brain, I am afraid you can't leave here."

"It doesn't matter, I don't go out from the wall."

Said, the pompom flew in the direction of the creator, after a while... Lin found that the surrounding creatures have become more and more sparse, it seems that most of the creatures are gathered on the wall, maybe the creators only bring More than 50% of the prison creatures came in.

Under the attack of the brain, it is not easy to bring so many creatures.

Soon, Lin saw the creature that Lynn wanted to find...


It also reached this place, in fact it is quite wonderful to get here, because this creature is indeed very fragile compared to other creatures, and there is no fighting ability.

It is estimated that it is mixed among the large creatures. It is now sleeping on the ground. Although it looks like an ice sheet, there is actually no temperature, so there is no feeling of discomfort.

However, Lynn looked at Atlan's information and found out what they feared in their materials. Those things... seemed to be very interesting, and there were some things that Lynn wanted to know.

Things that are unclear in the material should be able to be observed through their fears, but most importantly, Lynn discovers a way to use the world of fear to attack the brains of dreams.

But how should we bring it out now?

Lin thought of a way, thinking, the pompoms flew immediately to catch the creature. (To be continued...)

Ps: Thanks ~ Angels, dolls ~ ~ rewards ~

Thanks ~ Mo faint ~00121ling~ I really want to laugh haha ​​~ Songshan Lake 3 ~ cheese has a powder ~ monthly ticket ~


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