4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 240: Fear spread

"Here is... our space station!"

The ground here is made of steel, and the walls on both sides are full of advertising plates. In front of the passage, there is a mechanical Atlan, which is in various poses. Its silver body shines under the light. This machine constantly sells the products it represents to the creatures passing by.

But it is a pity that no creatures pass by it, it is just selling against the air.

This place is the Atlan Space Station... it is still active.

Lin came to this place with this Atlante from Brain Spirit Prison, and it seems to be extremely excited about everything here.

“Did our space station not be abandoned? How did you find it here?”

In excitement, it kept asking Lin, but it did not get an answer.

It is not a space station here, just a dream, a dream made of pompoms.

This place is a blockade where the brain is not controlled, so the creator can control this place, but what really controls this place is... the square in the Atlan Space Station.

The space in this blockade area is formed by the square. If Lin connects to the dream through the square, it will reach the ice sheet.

Recently, Lynn discovered ways to modify some of the content in the dream through the cubes. These dream squares are actually a very complicated thing, which has very complicated mechanical parts, and Lin found a special part inside. As long as you have some influence on this part, you can transform the content of the dream.

The key way to influence is to add ideas to it.

Lynn found that connecting the squares at different locations in the box is not the same. Most of the area on the square is nothing special when it comes into contact with and connected to a dream, but there are some places that are abnormal.

Lin found that when the nerve line is inserted into a corner of the box, it is different. If there is a strong idea when connecting in, then you will see the world of the idea when you enter. .

To be precise, if Lin's pom-poms are connected to the Atlan Space Station. You will see the Atlan Space Station when you connect to the dream.

In fact, the original ice sheet was turned into a space station.

However, there is only a small place to become a space station. In the dream, it is probably about 100 meters in diameter. After leaving this area, I still see the ice sheet.

After the pompoms wake up, the small piece of the ice sheet that has become a space station will disappear. But if the pompom has been in a dream, it will continue.

Of course, you can create more than just a space station. Just think about what you want before you connect to your dreams.

Lin found that she could even create things like 'connecting doors'.

As long as Lin comes up with a door that connects into the world of fear before entering the dream, then it can be seen when coming in, and it can really connect into the world of fear.

But there are limits to this, and Lynn has tried a lot of other things. For example, when you enter, thinking about bringing a star in, or something wonderful, seems impossible.

Lynn found that things that I have not seen seem to be unable to follow the imagination. And the things that I imagined can't be used. Like weapons or weapons, only those doors can be used, but it doesn't matter. Lin's original is the way to easily reach the world of fear.

Now, Lin has made such a door.

"You first enter that place."

Pompom and Atlan creatures have reached the end of the passage. At the end of the passage, there is a big door...

From the crack in the door. It can be seen that the other side of the door is completely dark, not like the various lights of the channel on the side of the passage.

"This should be the way to the ... living area. I have read the information on the space station." Atlan Bio said to Lin: "But why do you feel like you don't want to go in..."

"No, why am I here? Why is there a complete space station here? What do you want me to do?" This Atlante suddenly felt very confused. It looked at the front door and could not help but back.

It seems that the influence of brain waves has slowly disappeared.

This Atlan was influenced by the creator's brainwaves, causing it to become somewhat...the feeling of 'staying'. It didn't have much doubt about the surrounding environment. Now it seems that it is slowly starting to wonder why there is space here. .

"I... Why come here? You talk, are you bringing me? Right... I remembered, I followed a large group of strange creatures to this place before, I used to be Then in the prison..."

"Go in." The pompom flew behind Atlan and slammed it hard.

"Oh? Ah!"

In a scream, Atlan rolled into the front door...


“Here is... hotel?”

Atlan slowly opened his eyes and found himself in a place that looked good.

There is a furry carpet, a warm-looking bed, a large installation for video, and a variety of new living facilities that feel like a very luxurious place.

“Why is it so strange here?”

Although it looks good here, Atlan feels very strange. It stands up and goes out to the door.

"Weird... can't open..."

It tried to open the door, but found that the door could not move at all...

"What the **** is going on here!"

Although it is very strange for Atlan, it is a normal step for Lin. Now that Atlan has been brought to the world of fear, the pompom is behind its door.

Behind the door is the corridor. The hallway and the room are completely different. The old carpet is rotten, and the walls are covered with cracks and red marks. The lights in the corridor are also flashing.

Is this the world of Atlan's fear? The feeling is very similar to that of the imaginary people, and even if Atlan is kept there for so long, it seems that he has not forgotten the fear, and remembers what he used before, like a hotel.

Now it can stay safely in that room, but it can't come out. At present, Lynn finds that there are special places in the world of fear, called the 'safe area', which allows the creature to live safely.

Although this area is usually not large, it is at least much better than the prison that Atlan had been waiting for.

And then... you should do the next step.

Lynn occasionally returns to the dream of the brain, and does some research on the things in the dream. After discovering that she can create a door to the fear side in the ice field, Lin also came here to study it.

Lynn discovered a special way to increase the size of this fearful world, and this place will change.

The main way to make it change is to let the things inside leave this place, very simple.

As they move, the scope of the fearful world will spread, and even spread to the area occupied by the brain, and in the end, the dream of the whole brain can be turned into a world of fear.

Therefore, Lin will choose Atlan.

At the space station in Atlan, Lynn saw a lot of information about them. They are like virtual people, and they like to stimulate themselves with things they fear.

Therefore, they have a lot of things about fear, like movies, like movies. Although there are not many things left in the space station, Lin still sees a lot of information...

Lynn found that Atlan's fears were more aggressive and aggressive, and the creators' fears were of little use, and the horrors of the imaginary people seemed to be mostly ordinary creatures that looked terrible. What Tran is afraid of is something more weird.

In the front corridor, Lynne has seen the first creature born of fear.

No, it can't be said to be a creature.

This thing has a sack on the head and a red dress on it. It looks like a large Atlan, which is three meters high, and it has a jagged weapon in its hand.

It moved step by step in the hallway, and at this time, it saw Lin's pompom.

"Hey!" It suddenly made a cry, waving a weapon and slashing it to the pompom.

However, the pompom flew above and escaped before it was cut.

Sure enough, this kind of aggressive thing is very suitable for aggression in other places, so Atlan is more suitable for the virtual people, and the most important thing is that this Atlan has been used to staying in one place, can Let it stay out of the safe zone.

If you let the virtual people come, the virtual people may think of running, and if they accidentally die, they will be in trouble.

So, let's take a look at other fear creatures now. Lin wants to confirm that this Atlanic fear does not match the information that Lynn sees in the space station.

This creature with strange weapons is very consistent. It now slashes the pompoms, and the pompons escape again, flew out along the passage, and after a few laps, they collapsed. The creature with strange weapons found the exit of the hotel.

Flying out of the exit, Lin flew up into the sky, looking down, you can see that the hotel is set up on a high mountain, surrounded by a foggy plain.

A silver tumbling hangs in the sky, and through its light, Lin can see the mist below filled with all sorts of weird things.

It seems that, similar to what I saw in the information, Lin had some concerns before, and that Atlan had been shut down for so long and there was no usual fear.

Then let these fearful creatures invade the world of brains, and then slowly infect the entire world of dreams... (to be continued)

Ps: Thank you ~ tea rice breakfast knight ~ Wang Ahua ~ monthly ticket ~


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