4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 246: Hidden thing

"It's been built, let them clean the dust here."

Here, on a blue tumbling person, the white object named Maya is looking at the image in front of it.

The image shows a small island, the island that Maya landed near the land, which looks like a deserted island.

And a large group of infantry, working on the island, dragged some special things to the island.

Each of these things is more than ten meters high and looks like a conical object, but in reality it is an aircraft.

An aircraft used to purify the dust here.

"Now the dust purification function is turned on." Although Maya can directly direct these units, it also likes to use voice to issue commands during command.

‘Booming-’ Under the voice of Maya, the conical aircraft made a roaring sound, and their bottoms spurted a raging fire and rushed into the sky.

At the same time {None + these aircraft are flying, there are many small holes around the head, these small holes began to absorb a lot of dust around.

These aircraft are used to purify the dust of the sky. As long as they are absorbed to a certain extent, they will fly to the void and throw all the dust into the void.

The dust of this world cannot be handled in the usual way, and only one method of throwing it into the void is the best.

“Now clean the sky.” Maya changed the image and showed the image of the ocean from the image.

In the deep sea, a unit is exploring in the sea. As you can see in the image, the sea floor is covered with a thick layer of dust...

"Then...the ocean."

Look at this ocean. Maya has thought of ways to purify it.

It should be how to collect the dust here. Just throw them all into the void and solve it... Lynn tells it.

Although it may take a long time to collect the dust of a complete tumbling person. But as long as it lasts, sooner or later it will restore light!


"It seems that they are all preparing..."

Looking at their changes slowly, Lynn is thinking about a lot of things.

A lot of things have been discovered recently... for example, in the moon in the void.

It seems that no matter where the month is, it can be counted as a transfer point, and various things can be transmitted through the transfer...

Therefore, Lin will transfer to the brainy Maya, who is lost in the void, and let it settle down there.

and. Through new technology, Maya can transform the environment there, end the pollution on the moon, and restore the environment above, where the creatures can be reborn.

However, the most important thing is that Lin wants to see if the 'month' itself will be born again.

The month should be a void bus, but it is now in a state of similar sleep, but is it in this state? Is it possible to 'wake up'?

Lynn thinks that some creatures on the moon might wake it up if it is a void bus.

Restore the environment there first. What should happen...

However, Lin has other things to pay attention to now.

Thinking about it. Lin returned to the dream, and the scenery in front of Lin’s eyes instantly changed into a vast plain.

The plain is filled with thick fog, strange creatures wandering around, ancient buildings towering over the misty plains, and everything here has a terrifying atmosphere.

For Atlan.

It was originally a luminous avenue that leads to everywhere, but now it has all been 'pollution' into a place of fear.

However, the area of ​​pollution is not large, and the brain does not seem to be aware of it. Although several brains are close to this place, they are all "resolved" by Lin.

Most of the brain spirits are gathered on the creator's ice sheet. They seem to create something strange in the dream. The creator thinks it is a 'siege weapon' or something that is going to break into the creator's ice field. in.

Because their attention is all over there, Lin is here to continue to infect this dream.

Now, probably infected with an area about five kilometers in diameter, but Lin feels that continuing to get it will cause a lot of brains to pay attention.

So, Lin thought of a way to ‘pollution’ a large area at a time.

However, first of all, we must confirm the target of pollution...

So, Lin let a pompom fly into the depths of the dream world. With the vision of the pompom, Lin saw a vast area where there are criss-crossing paths of light everywhere, and the two sides of the road often Some buildings appear

Here is where the brain spirits landed on the outer battleships. The brain-minded warships seem to have an entrance in the dream world, through which the brain spirit can enter the battleship.

In the battleship, there is a special space, similar to a dream, that can live for the brain, but that space is not the same as this dream.

Although the brain can enter the battleship through the entrance, but other creatures can not, so Lin believes that fear pollution may not continue into the space inside the battleship.

However, as long as the area is contaminated, the brain spirit should not be able to return from the battleship, and they can no longer be connected to the dream...

In this case, Lin felt that it should be a good choice to trap them in the battleship.

The pompons have observed that there are probably hundreds of entrances to the outer warships, that is, those buildings beside the luminous roads. These buildings have various forms, some of which are similar to the virtual people or the buildings of Atlan. Some are like caves, or... nests.

And their internal structure is the same, with a passage to the outer battleship.

Buildings with different shapes may represent different warships, some buildings may lead to block warships, and some may lead to warships of other types.

Looking at these buildings, Lin thought of a possibility.

If a brain spirit enters a warship through the building, then Lin will pollute the area, causing the brain to return to the dream from the warship.

In this case, what will it do?

Lin believes that it will only do one action, that is, operating the battleship to fly to another place that can be connected to a dream, that place may be a place like their base.

In this way, you can find their base in this way.

However, before that, you need to find a battleship of the brain, and that battleship must also be connected to one of the buildings here.

Now, Lin has found a warship, and it was discovered recently.

This warship may be a black metal observation warship. Its current position is...

Lin woke up from her dreams and turned her attention to the mother ball of the virtual people.

Lin originally thought that they would find them in the void, but I did not expect it to be discovered in this place, and it is still the most recent thing.

Among the oceans around the prison island occupied by Lynn, there are many branches of the army wandering. The troops here have always been testing the environment of the ocean to see if they can recover the creatures here, but they can also see a lot. other things.

There are many power stations damaged in the original battle on the seabed. Because there are too many damages, the nearest city has no plans to rebuild, but plans to build a new type of 'convergence power station'.

This is an improvement for the virtual people, but if you swim a little further on the sea floor, you can see a lot of power stations that have not been damaged, and Lin found that there is a power station...not a power station.

Now, there is a pompom near the power station.

It looks like the other virtual power stations, sitting on the edge of a trench, the power station here is old, looks like a large warehouse in the sea, there are some transparent pipes around, these The pipe is connected to a submarine pier next to it.

At the entrance to the dock, there are usually things like submarines, but there are no submarines at the pier, and it doesn't even have an entrance.

No matter whether it is in the construction of the power station or at the dock, there is no entry. It has nothing to call a door.

Although there are structures such as windows, the windows are not transparent, but a layer of reflective material.

The pompoms have already flown to the front of a window in the power station, and the fluff is stretched out and scraped a little debris for inspection.

The composition of this window is made of metal.

Moreover, it is still the kind of metal of black metal...

Obviously, this power station is a black metal thing, probably mixed in during the war, and its purpose here may be to monitor the situation here, or to prepare for it.

So, Lynne is ready to deal with it.


Along with the sound of the sea, a huge thing appeared on the power station.

This is Lin's pioneer. There are still many in this ocean, and this one is about 70 meters long. It should be easy to crush this power station...

'boom--! ! ! ’

The Blazers slammed and the rotating body slammed into the power station. The building of the power station was shattered in an instant. When countless bubbles floated, Lin did not continue to attack, but entered the dream.

If there is any situation in a warship outside, then in the dream can also see the corresponding building emits a continuous flash reaction, telling the dream of the brain in the dream ship is in danger.

At the moment of entering the dream, Lin saw that a virtual building next to the lower track gave a continuous flash of light.

It seems that the building will be connected to that power station.

Moreover, after it flashes, many of the surrounding brains immediately fly into the building, so that they will reach the power station.

In this case, Lynn only needs to pollute the area so that they can't return.

Lin has already prepared the contaminated thing. The stone that the pompom will hold is thrown down from the top. This stone falls on the side of the building...

The land of fear has also spread rapidly in the vicinity. (To be continued...)

Ps: Thanks ~ Qianer and Zerg ~guanjx5~ book locust ~ rewards ~

Thank you ~ room slaves ~ the monthly ticket ~


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