4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 352: Devil's action

"We have to build more troops!"

"Oh oh oh oh!"

Here is a bright red world, countless creatures are gathering together, they are constantly creating the behemoth in front of them - also a bright red battleship.

This group of demons accepted a new mission not long ago, they have to create more battleships to deal with new battles.

A large number of demons are constantly moving across the vast land. They carry a variety of materials and assemble those materials together to form new warships.

At the same time, they have also set up large ‘factories’ for the production of materials. Unlike ordinary factories, these factories are themselves living demons, which automatically dig the ground and extract the materials from the formation for construction.

Battleships require special materials. Fortunately, this red world has enough materials to enable them to construct new warships, new weapons...

There are new demons.

"Now a new breed is being made, Devil."

In a building in the bright red world that looks like a castle, with a huge blade behind it, the creature called the demon is standing in the hall of the castle, with a transparent, six-meter jar in front of it. .

The jar is filled with liquid, and in the liquid, something like a piece of meat floats.

"When will this new breed be made?"

Looking at the meat in the jar, the devil asked a demon around him.

"It may take a long time, because it is still in the stage." The devil replied to the devil: "We don't have enough information, but the devil... you can find new information yourself."

"Is it..." The devil said: "There are many kinds of demons now. Isn't their information enough?"

"They are also creating new kinds of demons. Devils, but they can only be called 'mixed species'. If you want a new kind, you must collect them in a new way."

"In this case..." The devil hesitated and said: "Then I will look for it, new information, but where should I look for it?"

"We have set up the door, the devil."


"Is this my door?"

The devil has now come outside the castle. There is a huge door in front of it, this door is up to ten meters, looks like stone, and the door is full of bright red.

Looking at the door, the devil stepped into the gate, and its body slowly disappeared under the red light...

Where will the devil... go?

In fact... it is still unclear.

Lin has not set up a destination for this door, so she will temporarily enter a state of sleep after entering, and then open the door after finding a destination.

Then. Where should the destination be found? The original intention of this door is to let the ‘Devil King’ find new information.

Because for now, the devil looks very special. However, their specific nuclear information is mainly from some creatures on the pompons. If Lin wants to get new information, he has to find new kinds of creatures.

In other words, the ‘Devil’ should be returned to the pompom to find.

However, Lin also wants to go to some new places to find...

Which place can be considered a new place? There is nothing new about it at the moment, although this is not very important, because Lin mainly wants the demons to build more troops.

After all, the battle with the black metal may be carried out at any time, but in fact, no matter whether the exhibition is not unfolded, and seeing that they have so many troops, the troops on their own side must also be strengthened.

Although Lin wanted to throw the weapons directly, Lin felt that more troops were needed for cover, and there were strong troops to cover them. It was even easier to use ‘weapons’.

At the same time, we must continue to pollute in the dream...

Lin is concerned about the black metal army in the void, they don't seem to have any movements, just keep producing a lot of squares.

Although they seem to do nothing on the surface, they are quite busy in dreams. A lot of brain spirits are constantly besieging the creators' ice fields, and they are also dealing with fear.

Thinking, Lin entered the dream.

It can now be seen that the pollution around the land of fear has now been removed by the brain, and they have opened a new door in the wall of fear and closed all the things inside.

Of course, they won't be so easy to shut down things in the land of fear. There are many ways to get out of it, but the place to come out needs to be chosen first.

In the dream, Lin's several pompoms are now flying around, and Lynne needs to find a place that is suitable for spreading fear but will not be discovered.

As long as Lin successfully succeeded in polluting a place with a diameter of 100 kilometers, it would be fine.

Generally speaking, the land of fear cannot continue to spread. After Lin takes out a small stone, the object in the fear environment generated by it cannot be used as a propagator. It must be something that is taken from the land of fear or the ability of the creature. spread.

But... It seems that after successfully massaging large areas, the objects in these newly created fear environments can continue to spread the fear environment.

Previously, the test Lin under the wall of fear was found that after a certain amount of pollution, the fear environment will continue to spread, and Lin does not need to constantly place new objects to spread...

Now, you only need to find a place that is big enough and not easily found by the brain. Maybe that place is suitable.

Thinking, the pompoms will fly to that place.

As long as there is enough panic in the dream, the real attack will begin.

Thinking, Lin woke up from her dreams...

this is……

It seems... I found something.

When Lynn woke up from her dreams, Lynn suddenly received information from a pompon.

Generally speaking, when Lin is in a dream, the arms will also be active. They will build new warships themselves. Conduct new explorations. And this pompon seems to have found a place for the 'Devil' to find new information, because it has a lot of specialities...

Lynn is now back in the distant world of ice and snow... the world of Atlan.

This lonely tumbling is still dark, the surface civilization is covered with snow and ice, and the Atlan, which lives in the underground refuge, has been seriously degraded, and the only Atlan, which has intelligence, wakes up from the ice. But they have no hope for their own population. They think they are going to be extinct, so they told Lin about everything.

But in fact, there is still a lot of hope in their world.

Although it has nothing to do with the Atlante race itself... but under their refuge, there is a wonderful group of creatures.

Now, Lin's pompom has reached the bottom of a shelter, which is another refuge.

The refuge that Lin had seen before was known as the 'No. 13 Refuge', which is where the group of Atlan, who suffered from fungal degradation, was living.

And on the ice and snow tumbling in Atlan. There are many shelters around the world to accommodate Atlan after the black metal invasion.

They are generally built underground. Some have been destroyed and some have been retained.

Lin has dug a place called 'Refugee 109', and although it seems that the number is very far, it is near the 13th.

Now, the pompom is in the underground of this 109 refuge.

This place looks even worse than it used to be. It floats in the corridors of the refuge, and the pompons can see the wreckage around them.

There are a lot of bodies here, but they are different from what I saw on the 13th. The bodies in this shelter are only bones, and their meat is not preserved.

The main thing is because of the temperature here.

Lin can feel that the temperature here is quite warm, although it has not reached the temperature to dissolve the ice, but it is close... In a tumbling without a star, this is quite high temperature.

Probably because the location of the shelter is just some of the higher temperatures in the ground, Lin has not carefully studied the temperature.

However, because of the high temperature here, there are some creatures living here.

These creatures are like cell creatures on the pompons... On the bones, Lynn can find some.

The pompom flies near a bone, stretches out the fluff, and finds some ... fungi on it.

The fungi still retain vitality, they rely on the decomposition of nutrients in the bones to live, while being able to withstand the low temperatures here.

Of course, it's not surprising that it's just some fungi. After all, this is the refuge of Atlan... But there are also some large creatures here, maybe the bones here are caused by them.

'Boom! ’

The pompom heard the sound, just in the dark corridor ahead.

This creature... is coming to this side.

‘咚...’ Its footsteps are getting closer and closer, and according to the sound, Lin thinks this is a creature of about 100 kilograms, and its shape is somewhat like... turtle?

‘咚咚咚——’ This creature suddenly changed direction and ran quickly.

The pompom felt that it was running farther and farther, and immediately accelerated the speed and flew over to catch up with this creature.

It wraps around in the channel, the speed seems to be quite fast, the pompoms follow it closely...

'boom! ’

Suddenly, there was a noise in front of it, as if this creature had hit something, but the pace of its running did not stop.

this is……

After passing a corner, Lin found a dazzling light in front, and in the light, a vast space appeared in front of Lin.

Here... actually there is such a place?

Looking at the scenery in front, Lin has made a decision...

Let the devil's door be built here, let the ‘Devil King’ come here for adventure... (To be continued, please search for Astronomical, the novel is better and faster!

Ps: Thank you ~ three skin boy 0258 ~ white paper heart ~ reward ~

Thank you ~ the winter of the flight ~ the monthly ticket of the thousand miles of wine ~


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