4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 266: Void giant

In the ethereal void, there is such a legend. [23[w]x

A large, ancient creature that lives under the brilliance of a star, which follows the star slowly and maintains its own life.

However, it does not only have its own life, but also its numerous... life.

On it, there is a huge land, a vast ocean, and endless creatures that live on it. They live in this huge creature. This creature is their world. They lived on it for a long time... long time.

This life has continued until something happens.

This huge creature, in the process of orbiting the stars, is unknowingly closer and closer to the star, and the high temperature environment destroys most of the creatures.

Later, the distance between the giant creature and the star returned to normal, but there was only a small amount of life left on it.

However, the life of this creature still has hope of recovery, but they have been in a state of 'depression' for a long period of time.

This huge creature, which may be hopeful, hopes that life on oneself will recover. This hope seems to be a signal that has been sent out.

And some creature, just got this signal... This creature is called ‘Atlan’.

They had just experienced a war before. After the war, they destroyed their enemy forces, but they had to abandon the original world and fly to the void to wander.

After receiving this signal, they decided to drive the space station to that world.

Soon, Atlan found the world.

They found out. The world is in a phase of slow recovery. Atlan believes. Although the world is now in a harsh environment, it is very suitable for them to live.

After various explorations, Atlan decided to live in this world. They left the space station, landed on a certain continent, and then used the materials in the space station to start building their kingdom here.

Their development... is quite rapid.

Because the world has many materials such as minerals, Atlan uses them to quickly build a large number of buildings belonging to their own cities. Transportation and so on.

Moreover, because it is not a narrow space in the space station, Atlan does not limit their own fertility, and their number has begun to grow wildly.

As the number grows, more cities are needed, and their cities are getting bigger and bigger. In order to meet the needs of the residents in the city, they have also built many farms, farms and so on.

Atlan is aquaculture, basically the creatures that were originally carried in the space station.

But they did not completely lock these creatures. Some cultured organisms have fled their farms and spread rapidly in this world.

therefore. The environment around the city of Atlanta also began to change rapidly, and they quickly covered green plants and covered the creatures brought by Atlan from the space station.

Atlan found that the creatures he brought were oppressing the original creatures of the world, because there were not many species left in the world, and they were relatively backward in competition.

However, Atlan can't stop the spread of the biological population that it brings, so the world is quickly occupied by them, and only a few of the original species in the world are still maintained.

Although they are not many in kind, they are quite numerous. There is a special kind of creature in it. They have their own 'tribes' and their own stories and history.

At the same time, Atlan began to explore all corners of the world, and Atlan discovered this particular creature during the process of exploration.

Atlan called this creature a 'pseudo-weird' because it seems terrible, but it is actually very weak.

Atlan met them and remembered the old things.

Atlan used to educate the virtual people, teach them to understand their own language, and understand their own skills. Because of this, Atlan was destroyed by the virtual people.

As a result, Atlan will no longer have the idea of ​​educating any creature, but will have pure hostility towards them.

Using the technical advantages, Atlan swept the creatures, and the creatures finally disappeared. There is a saying in Atlan that they have not been extinct, but have escaped into the depths of the ground.

This statement was originally thought to be a 'joke,' and no Atlana cares.

However, something happened later.

Atlan has built a huge city in the world, along with complex underground tunnels, such as pipes for drainage, underground shops, residences, and so on.

Atlan is very good at using space. They don't just like to build buildings and roads layer by layer. They also like to go deep into the ground.

However, there seems to be a lot of problems in the underground.

From a certain time, the news of the disappearance of the residents was heard one after another in the underground, and there were many strange things. Many residents said that they saw strange creatures.

The legend about ‘pseudo-blame’ has once again risen, and many Atlantean residents believe that pseudo-weirds attack them underground. This series of events is caused by them.

Atlan, also sent troops to search underground, but because the underground space is too complicated, it is difficult to find any special clues.

However, Atlan did not give up, because the news of the disappearance is increasing, so many residents are afraid to live underground, and Atlan has sent more troops to the underground to find.

In the end, they found some special...eccentric underground passages.

These passages are connected to the underground streets built by Atlan itself, but the construction team thinks they have not seen these passages when they first digging.

As a result, Atlan formed a special expedition team to enter these passages, and they thought that the pseudo-blame might live in it.

These underground troops found a lot of strange things.

In the depths of the earth, they encounter many creatures that they have never seen before. The underground exploration team constantly sends news of their exploration around the clock, and every time they send news to the entire country of Atlan. feeling suprised.

However, although they have discovered many creatures, and even some creatures that are believed to have disappeared on the ground, there is no news about pseudo-weirds.

However, just after the troops went in and explored, they slowly lost the news of the disappearance of the residents, and they quickly returned to the underground streets.

At the same time, Atlan also began to develop those underground passages, because the underground expedition team found rare mineral resources below, so many 'companies' tried to go underground to mine, in order to prevent the danger from happening again, in the underground The doors are equipped with protective doors and monitoring equipment. When they are safe, they slowly move deeper into the ground...

Atlan slowly transforms the underground environment, and the problem they bring is... to make the strange creatures in the underground become scarcer.

However, when Atlan developed the underground, they suddenly encountered a problem.

The climate outside... has begun to change.

Atlan suddenly discovered that the climate on the ground began to get worse, and the air did not know when it began to have a strange gas.

This gas can be said to be a 'chronic' poison, which slowly pollutes the city of Atlan, causing the things they make to start to rot, and also affect Atlan's own body.

Although it takes effect slowly, it is difficult to remove.

In order to deal with this gas, Atlan tried all the methods and finally found that some kinds of plants could deal with these gases.

Later, Atlan began planting these plants in large quantities.

This plant is not a species, but has many species. They are all the original plant species of the world. Although they are rare on the ground, they grew rapidly under the cultivation of Atlan and purified the air. The poison gas.

However, the ability of these plants to absorb toxic gases is not very strong, so the plants planted in Atlan cover almost all of their cities. They build special plant-specific bridges around the buildings, allowing a large number of plants to grow on them.

It has turned the entire city into a green, and also attracted many animals to live in it.

When the whole city turned green, Atlan thought it was not a long-term solution, they should investigate the source of the gas.

Many researchers believe that they believe that poison gas is pouring from the ground, so they continue to send more exploration teams to the ground to find the source of poison gas.

Atlan has built some minerals in the ground, but there are still many places in the underground that they have not explored. They think there is somewhere in the ground that can reach the bottom of the gas.

This may find the source of the gas.

However, these expeditions to the depths... quickly lost contact with the ground.

No matter what method can be used to contact, and more search teams are missing, and later, Atlan has no more troops to enter the underground, but intends to completely seal the passage to the underground.

But at this time, the original expedition team suddenly appeared.

This expedition team originally had a hundred players, but now there are only ten.

Moreover, they brought some news that shocked Atlan... that is...

This world is alive.

They say that they have communicated with the world, they have learned a lot about the situation, and they know what the world thinks about them.

In general, Atlan is not "welcome" here. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thank you ~ China's proud soul ~ 1000~~!

Thanks for the reward of ~Jian Yujun~

Thanks ~ dark moon eclipse ~ suphul ~ landscape ten colors ~ monthly ticket ~

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