4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 274: growth record

Another dream...?

In front of Lin, there is a vast wasteland. There is nothing here, nothing can be felt. [23[w]x

This seems to be different from what I used to see.

Just now, Lin used the newly created brain to release a strong signal to the underground 'immune system receiver'. Although it had a great impact on it, the ground was also shaking, but it didn’t last for a while. Something else happened.

So, Lin let the brain touching the receiver enter a state of 'dream connection' to see if I can find anything.

Now, Lin’s eyes are connected to the world after the dream, it seems to be a very different place...

Before, Lin saw the history of the world and its creatures, Atlan, and now sees a wasteland.

Why is it a wasteland?

And there is no air here. If you look up, you can see the stars in the sky.

It feels like a world without air, but there is no cold here. Maybe there is no relevant ‘content’ in this dream, just showing the scenery.

What is this scenery?

I can't detect the answer right now, but...Lin thinks what should happen here, just like looking at Atlan's history.

It's actually a record of the creature's changes to his body, but it's already ‘adult’ when looking at the record, and it may not be the case when it’s ‘puppy’.


Just as Lynn thought so, there was a strange change in the sky, only to see from the stars. A glowing object fell from the sky. With the sound of the bang, he squatted on the ground.

Although I can't feel the air here. But there is no small voice.

Lynn noticed that the thing that came down was a ... spherical object.

The surface of the object is covered with cracks, as if it was caused by an impact, but the hole it hits is not big, and Lin believes that it may not fall high.

Now, it has more and more cracks, and as the cracks increase, its shell slams open. A soft object climbed out from inside.

It looks like a slime, it is all ice blue color, about three meters in diameter, it crawls like a muddy mud on the ground, slowly crawling out of the pothole it fell ......

Lin also followed, and Lin found that her appearance was like a pompom, the brain that Lynn used to connect into, but this Slime-like creature did not notice Lin.

Lin feels that this should not be a dream, but a record of historical events similar to the previous one. So the things inside will not react to the observer.

So, let’s take a closer look now...

…………like. It is really slow.

After a few days and nights, this creature is still moving slowly. Lin found that this ridiculous world is also staying up late, but the time of staying up late is probably several times that of pompons.

Very slow day and night changes, so Lin uses the pompom time to calculate the changes here.

And this creature has been crawling, it seems to climb a few days and nights without tiredness, although it seems that there is no change, but if you look carefully, you will find subtle changes.

When you are close, you can see that there are some sharp small protrusions on the surface of this ‘Slime’. It was not there before, and Slim’s body size is also larger.

However, it is still too slow to change, and Lin wants to see if there is any way to change the observation time as before.

... In this way, a few days and nights have passed.

Lin found a way to adjust the progress of this record, as long as I imagined it, it seems very simple, but here is not the same as the previous record.

Before I had the history of Atlan, I wanted to see which time point I thought. The world will change directly to that time. It seems that I can't jump too far, but I can only adjust the changes of the world to speed up.

But it doesn't matter, Lin can see more changes...

After that long, the slime has not climbed because it has come to a place - the pool.

Although I don't know if this is a 'water' pool, or something else, it looks quite transparent. It is about twice the size of Slime, and Slime soon moved to the center and did not move.

Then, Lin adjusted the progress again...

In the rapid changes, this slime slowly expanded, and its size expanded to the size of the entire pool around a day and night, almost completely covering the pool.

At the same time, it also has more spikes on the body, these spikes look a bit like ... the spikes of the needle-punching plants.

After staying in the pool for a while, it left the dry pool and climbed in the other direction.

Lin is following it and watching the situation adjust the progress.

On the way of observation, Lin found a lot of things. This is indeed a dream to record its growth process, because Lin’s pompom is unable to leave the range within 100 meters of the slime, so Lin can’t go. Look at this other place in the wasteland.

Only when Slime moves can you go to other places to observe.

This slime... is constantly growing, it absorbs all the liquid it encounters, and during dozens of days and nights, Lynn sees that it has encountered several puddles, every time in the puddle It will stay there until it absorbs the water inside.

And its body will also increase the size of the puddle.

At the same time, it also absorbs solid matter, and it leaves a lot of cracks underneath as it crawls.

According to observations, Lin found that the ground is not purely rock-like structure, and there are some softer components. After the slime climbs, it will absorb those parts.

This makes Slim's body continually expand, and Lin feels that it may continue to expand until some time...

Lynn found it swelled and stopped.

Now that hundreds of pompons have passed, the slime has expanded to a diameter of nearly 20 meters, but the thickness is only about one meter.

Lin suddenly found that it was not moved to find things to absorb, but did not move in place.

Its soft body began to slowly harden, and the spikes on the body were also changing at the same time. Lin felt that it might be transformed in the body, but unfortunately it was impossible to observe the internal environment carefully.

When it is completely hardened, the color on it becomes golden, and under the white light, it is very shining.

However, the spikes on it are more like the brown of trees.

After completely hardening, Lynn found that there was no change in this creature, and it kept the shape until Lin adjusted the progress to three years of pompom time...

This hardened object has finally begun to change, but it is not a change in itself...

The tip of the spiked tree with the color of the tree opened a small hole, and Lin found some wonderful small creatures drilled from the hole.

These small creatures look like a bug with six limbs, a few millimeters in length, and an olive shape, albeit very small, but a lot.

They are drilled in large quantities from the tip of the spike and then gather on the golden 'ground' below.

They... started to do something weird. The worms began to dig on the golden shell. They dug a lot of golden powder and piled them into small mounds.

These bugs have been doing this for a number of days and nights. They mainly excavated at the hardened golden slime center and piled up the dug powder into mounds.

During ten days and nights, they had accumulated a large number of mounds. The height of each mound was almost the same, about a centimeter, and there were hundreds. Then Lynn noticed that the insects began to bury some in the mound. what.

They stuffed some tiny particles into the mound, and almost every mound was stuffed with them.

Because they can't be observed in detail, they don't know what they are buried.

However, Lynn feels that they may be burying seeds and the like.

At the same time, these worms began large-scale excavation in the center of the Golden Slim. They gathered together in large numbers and dug a pit with a diameter of 30 cm.

Although they carried out various excavations on the Golden Slim, this Slime did not react at all.

But it is not a slime now, just a golden hardened object.

In this way, dozens of days and nights have passed...

Lin found that the pits they dug were slowly filled with water, or some kind of liquid that might be water.

The worms also gather in large numbers at the water's edge, they gather to drink water there, and eating them is the golden powder they dig.

However, Lin did not see that they would multiply, they began to drill a lot from the spikes, and after reaching a certain level, they never increased.

They usually rest except eating and drinking water, and they never leave this golden object to the wasteland outside, and they no longer dig, because the process is too slow, Lin speeds up...

After dozens of days and nights, the piled up hills have finally changed.

Sure enough, as Lin thought, the surface of these hillocks began to grow.

What grows is not a plant, but a...ball.

These **** are five millimeters in diameter and they slowly squeeze the surface of the hills and slowly float into the air.

At the same time as these strange spheres appear, in the small holes of the spiked tips, something is drilled out. This time it is another creature that, together with the bugs, further on the surface of the golden slime body. Spread out. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ Heavenly ghosts ~ God's reward under the sun ~

Thank you ~ Wang Ahua ~ the monthly ticket~

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