4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 276: Complete story

where is this place?

There is such a creature in the void. ====

It has a body shape of more than ten kilometers in diameter, but its ‘consciousness’ is like a newborn baby.

At the time of its birth, it exists in the void that countless creatures desire to reach.

The brilliance of the stars shrouded it, and there was a huge ball of light in front of it, which was always shining with dazzling light.

Here is the world of it.

However, it is not eager to be here, it is... very confused, it does not know why it appears, does not know what it should do, but it quickly discovers what it has to do.

That is... life.

There are already a lot of 'companions' who are helping to take care of it in terms of life.

It has a lot of eyes on its own body. Through these eyes, it can observe the companions on the body. These tiny companions can do a lot of things for them. They can absorb light energy, carry energy and keep its body running normally.

However, it does not understand these things that his companions do, and it does not know what the activities of the creatures in it mean.

However, it believes that it should protect these creatures and maintain their lives.

However, it has another idea that conflicts with the idea of ​​protecting those creatures.

It is going to travel.

The idea suddenly appeared in its thoughts, and then it has been lingering... Why do you want to travel? Its idea quickly got the answer.

In order to grow.

Although I can maintain my life here, I can't continue to grow. It needs to find food that can increase my body shape... very quickly. It decided to implement this idea.

but. How should I travel? How should I move?

It is when there is this idea. It can already feel how it moves, it can be ejected from a certain position in the body to move in this void.

It tried to do some movements, but it found that it seemed to change its biological state as it moves, flying to distant stars, and these creatures become inactive. And enter a state called sleep.

And flying to the huge ball of light, these creatures will become inactive.

It hesitated and seemed to be caught in a dilemma.

But at this time, it discovered a new ability, it has some wonderful ways of travel, this way of travel, can let it instantly reach another place.

Why does it have this ability? It didn't think about it, it only knew... With this ability it could grow up quickly.

Using this ability, it went somewhere else.

These places are almost the same as where they are. It is a world that revolves around a huge ball of light.

What is special is that things that rotate around the ball of light are different every time. They are sometimes a lot of gravel, sometimes a huge sphere, and sometimes a huge sphere.

Every trip, I encounter different things, and it is very novel to this phenomenon.

And it has begun to take advantage of these things, it will find those tiny debris, eat them and let them grow up.

Until you eat most of what you can eat, it will try to leave the place and continue to grow in another place.

However, it is not intended to go anywhere, anytime, anywhere. After going to a place, it takes a long time to continue to use that wonderful travel ability.

If you go to a place with less resources, it can only wait for the next trip without being able to grow.

Therefore, the process of its growth is very long and there are many dangers.

But it is still growing.

As it grows up, the creatures on it grow rapidly, from the initial miniature form, to a variety of things, and they are slowly transforming the environment.

In the end, it has grown quite large, and it has found that the ** that it is growing is getting smaller and smaller, and later it settled near a light ball.

And as it grew to its most 'fullness', it found itself in new danger.

It seems to be 'pointed on' to something.

This kind of thing initially wandered around in the void around it, and although they were hard to see directly, it was already detectable.

These things slowly become more and more 'daring' and begin to get closer and closer to it, and once they attacked it.

The way these things are attacked is to throw some kind of creature into it.

This creature is very small, and it was originally like this.

But they will continue to grow at a mad rate, while consuming all the aborigines that they originally lived in. They even stretched the giant tentacles underground, trying to destroy it, the world itself.

These creatures are not pure creatures, but a monster that tries to destroy the world. This group of monsters has been continually tearing everything they encounter.

That feeling makes it painful, and it can't effectively deal with these monsters.

However, it still has some ways to deal with this monster...

It changed its original 'route', which was originally a certain distance from the huge light ball, which is very suitable for the growth of its body.

However, in order to deal with this monster, it is slightly closer to the light ball.

It can feel that the temperature of the body is constantly rising, and the monsters invading it are also seriously damaged.

Although the monsters are powerful, they can't adapt to the great changes in the environment, and they quickly die out.

But instead, the original creature disappeared in a drastically changing environment, and its originally rich environment became a ridiculous world.

And it has made a lot of efforts to restore the environment, and it tries to restore it to its former state.

However, at the time of recovery, it encountered a new aggression. This aggression... is somewhat different from the last time.

This group of creatures invading it, calling themselves ‘Atlan’, Atlan seems to come from a distant place and then tries to live here.

As the world itself, it temporarily accepted Atlan and observed Atlan's living conditions. It found that Atlan seemed to be an acceptable creature, and although there were many problems, it could be improved.

So, with the method of changing Atlan, it began a lot of 'education' for Atlan, which used various methods to make Atlan more suitable for the world.

However, Atlan also has a very strong curiosity. At the same time as adapting to this world, Atlan is also constantly exploring deep. Finally, some Atlan has successfully reached the deepest part of the underground and has it. Direct contact.

It tells a lot about this Atlanan and has also taught some of this Atlan.

This Atlan returned to its group and explained these things to the same kind.

These Atlan began to become more and more suitable for the world, but something strange happened...

Another weird creature invaded the Atlantian community.

This weird thing is a purely energy creature. In fact, in the long life of the past, it has seen this creature, which is currently trying to get Atlan into the civil war.

It didn't want Atlan to have a civil war, so it managed to find and communicate with these energy creatures.

When it asked about the reasons for the energy biological aggression, the energy creatures replied: "To understand them."

"Even if it is a weak creature, there are merits, and civil war is the best way to show their full strength, so they must cause their civil war."

After the energy creature finished, he promised to let Atlan leave after the self-destruction in the civil war, and would not hurt the world a little.

It... originally believed in energy biology.

The energy creatures began to influence Atlan, and the parasitic Atlan created a variety of weapons under the influence of the war, which caused wars around the world.

The damage caused by the war makes it intolerable.

In the end, it decided to expel these energetic creatures, it told Atlan more things, and helped Atlan to make something to deal with energy creatures, and finally the invasion of this group of energy creatures that used parasites to create civil wars. Failed.

However, the energy creature did not give up, but launched a direct attack.

During the attack, Atlan was destroyed. Although many Atlans were hiding underground, their land-based cities have disappeared... Moreover, this group of energy creatures also dispatched special troops to the underground. The place to attack its core directly.

However, it is not completely unresisting. It destroys some of the energetic creatures, but this group of energetic creatures did some weird things on it when it was completely destroyed.

After that, it found that he was afraid of the light that was originally warm, and that it could not stay in front of the light for a long time. Although it did not cause any harm to it, it would still be repugnant.

After this, the energy creature continued to send troops, causing no small damage to it, but it still tried to completely destroy the energy creatures and drive them away.

When the energy creature was driven out, it also fled the place because it couldn't stand it... It went to another area, which had no warmth at all, and was a purely cold void.

After going to this area, it felt very tired, perhaps because of the damage suffered by the body. It found that it became more and more 'sleepy'... It slowly entered the deep sleep and did not wake up again.

Its story... that's it. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thank you ~ warm nuclear winter ~ rewards ~

Thanks ~ the monthly ticket of the wind and the war ghost ~

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