4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 286: Decomposition process


It seems that it is delicious.

In front of Lynn’s eyes, there is something that is constantly eating up food...

This thing can be said to be the 'food organ' of the stellar bus. Like other systems, it is located in a deep and deep place. It looks like a large worm, which is constantly chewing on the object in front of it - - The more stone. %

The worms of several tens of meters long have been smashed by the blunt teeth of the mouth, and then swallowed into the abdomen. This behavior has been going on for a long time.

Lynn isn't sure how long it will take to finish, but it won't stop until it's finished.

But is this enough to eat?

Not long ago, Lin let the split half of the pompoms bring a piece of stone back to the star bus, then took it to the depths of the ground and fed it to the stellar bus.

When the Star Bus chewed the stone, Lynn's mini-arms were mixed and chewed with it, and the small arms were swallowed up with debris to watch the star bus's decomposition process.

Lynn wants to confirm how it breaks down this wonderful substance, and then how it is transformed. To figure out the process, perhaps it is no longer necessary.

While looking at it, Lin also thought about the previous things. Before Lin asked the splitting into half of the pompoms to be sent here, but the process... not so smooth.

The location that was sent back should have been on the surface of the ice-roller, but it was sent to a place far from the tumbling, and... it was sent back with something weird.

A... empty shell of a void bus.

In fact, there is only a small piece, and a small crust block with a size of several tens of meters appears next to the pom-pom when the pompon is sent here. I don't know how this thing came over.

The cubs of the Void Bus also said it was unclear. In fact, it does not feel the carapace at all.

There are indeed a lot of problems with the unknown area. I don't know what will happen next time I send it again. So, I want to test it a few times, so I have to continue to build more troops to send it there.

Although there are no more conveyors, Lin can find materials there, and there are many suitable materials in the ‘empty bus cemetery’.


Just as Lin thought about it, the worm in front of him had already eaten the stone, after eating the stone. It is still looking around, as if expecting to eat more.

And Lin is watching the changes in it...

A large number of arms were swallowed along the worm's 'esophagus', feeling like the ordinary biological digestion process, they were squeezed into a deeper place in the ground, and they were continuously squeezed during the process of squeezing. The pressure makes the pieces of these stone become smaller, more like... gravel.

The gravel that these stone became turned into was sent to a place where it was piled up.

It seems to be a temporary storage space, and Lin's detection uses the micro-arms 'penetrator' to move over a large pile of debris. Observe the surrounding environment.

Lin feels like it is on a huge desert, where a lot of debris is piled up. If you follow the normal biological digestion step, it may now secrete a solution to dissolve the debris.

But...it doesn't seem like this. Actually it's not like internal organs, but like a rock cave. The cave doesn't seem to secrete any dissolved solution at all, because there is no strange smell here.

But at the top of the cave, there are a lot of strange tiny needles that look so dense, just like the surface of a thorn.

Just as Lin thought about it, the fine needles at the top of the cave suddenly moved. They stretched out from the top of the cave. After the spikes touched a stone crumb, they immediately shrank back.

At the same time, the debris was also stuck by it.

So, is it using this method... ‘digest’?

Lin saw a lot of acupuncture sticking down the top of the cave. They glued a small amount of stone debris and then retracted it, shrunk into a small hole in the top of the hole, and then extended it to continue sticking.

Lin found that they have a strong resolving power, if they stick to something else... like ordinary stone crumbs mixed in the eating process, there are other sundries, and Lin's arms... These spikes will be thrown away immediately. Re-stick once.

They picked out the debris of the stone from this huge amount of debris. In the case of a large number of spikes constantly moving, Lin saw that the debris piled up here has become less and less, and soon, it belongs to the stone. The debris was almost completely glued, leaving the debris of the land and some impure stone.

Even if it is a stone, they are not all sticking together. These acupunctures seem to pick out the purer pieces of debris. The pure ones look more shiny. The impure ones are obviously mixed with other rock components.

Then, Lynn saw some huge tentacles on both sides of the wall, piled up the remaining 'waste', and then returned the originally swallowed esophagus, and finally returned the worm's mouth. And spit it out.

Lin calculated what it spit out. It seems that only about 30% of the stone is pure, and the rest of it is not...

It seems that this creature's ability to decompose is not very strong, which is a bit strange.

No matter how many, Lin has some arms attached to the pure stone, and with the acupuncture into the next place, Lin wants to see how it breaks down.

The crumbs that have been glued are sent into small passages, which, like the esophagus, send food to the inside with creep.

During the transportation process, these debris are slowly decomposed.

Lynn found that there are many smaller tentacles on the walls of this tiny pipe. They are almost the same thickness as normal blood cells, but they are quite hard and can penetrate into the debris of these stones and make them more small.

Moreover, as they pierce the stone, there is another softer tentacle that stretches over and absorbs the smaller pieces.

In this step, Lin's arms sticking to the debris were isolated.

These fluffs completely remove any objects that stick to the debris, and even the virus-like things can't be absorbed. They use a special culling method that only absorbs the debris of the stone.

However, there is still a way for Lyn to mix in, that is... disguise.

When it was glued with a needle, Lin let some of the branches disguised as stone-like debris. They were not distinguished, but they were glued together... and when they were transported in the pipeline, Lin also let They split into smaller parts, completely mimicking other stone fragments, and are absorbed by soft tentacles.

After Lin’s step, Lin finally saw the process of its decomposition. After being absorbed, they were further decomposed by the cell-like things in the fluff. It seems to be very similar to ordinary creatures. In short, it is getting smaller and smaller. But... Lin found that the small parts that were made were not shipped to other places.

They end up as part of the cells in the soft tentacle, are stored in the cells, and are not supplied as nutrients to other parts of the body.

This is very strange, because the eating area is hundreds of kilometers away from the cranial nerves to be repaired by the Star Bus, and the debris remains here.

It feels like a creature is eating, but the food it eats is only used as a nutrient for the intestines, but not for other parts of the body.

However, something wonderful happened.

On the other side, Lin also observed the nerve lines of the stellar bus. These originally broken parts actually began to grow slowly.

After completely absorbing the stone, the broken part begins to grow at an extremely fast rate. If at a slight angle, it can be seen that some of the cell-like structures above are constantly splitting.

But...the stone is not shipped here as a nutrient, but it will start to recover?

Then, if it is said, it does not need to absorb the stone, but what role does the stone play? If this is the case, this process is difficult to study...

However, in this case, it should not be difficult to cure it.

Because only a piece of stone was absorbed, the damage in all places began to recover. Lin was originally calculated according to the weight, and the stone was not enough to repair all the damage.

Because the stellar bus has a lot of damage points, and the whole adds up quite... heavy.

However, if there is such a method, it may only need a small amount of stone to recover.

Next, Lin continues to observe the changes here. Indeed, as long as the stone is absorbed on the other side of the distance, this side will begin to recover, and a stone will restore all the nerve lines by about 30 centimeters.

This is a lot, because these nerve lines are all added up... there may be tens of thousands of tons of weight, and that stone is only a few dozen tons.

Lin found a lot of nerve lines in the underground of the stellar bus. Because it is such a giant creature, its structure is quite large... The stone does not provide nutrients for the nerve line, but has some other wonderful effects. In short, it can stimulate it to recover quickly...

As it stands now, the stone found in the unknown area is fully enough to restore the star bus.

Then... just ship more stones!


In this way, a period of time has passed.

Lin sent a lot of the stone back, and the nerves of the stellar bus recovered very smoothly. Now, it has reached the point where it can almost heal.

And its thoughts have reached the point of almost waking up.

What Lin wants to know now is... what will it do after it wakes up? (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ the winter of the flight ~ Lost and sinking ~dhxcz~ lost in the wind of the city ~ monthly ticket ~

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